Senetor John Edwards has ben obligated to answer our question on atheist voters after the debates!!

Great News, our YouTube/CNN debates question will be answered by atleast, John Edwards. Hopefully after him being obligated to do this, either CNN or the other candidates will feel the same. Of course, there is a catch. He will only answer the top 2 questions, we are number 2, however people have been trying to vote us down as well as up. Please give us all the support you can. For instance, tell atleast 2 other secular people to vote, and have them do the same. If we stay in 2nd, our question will be answered for sure!
Support our voice in politics by voting for the question "Is America unofficially a Theocracy?" at so it can be asked live at the CNN/YouTube debates!!
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What is the question?
"What about the *non* religious voters?"
Check the original thread asking for us to vote here.
That's right, thanks guys.
Lets all make sure they get the message.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Bump again,
To our Christian counterparts who agree that there is too much mixing of government and religion you can help us bump this up.
Many of us here do not see this question as merely "atheist" but more to the point about "No Religious Test" per OUR constitution.
Many labels of belief and non do see the backslide the Bush administration having caused as being bad for all.
This isnt about making religion illegal, or having people arrested because they believe in Jesus. This is about avoiding the same types of governments we see in the Middle East.
"God" can only unite those within a label. But if America is the land of the free, then the only word we can unify under is "American".
These politicians when ellected must defend the Constitution, even when it favors a minority.
Many of our Christian friends and family members and co-workers we would vote for in a heartbeat. But both liberal and Conservitive Christians wont resipocate to any citizen not holding the label "Christian".
Both Nit Romney(Morman) and our first Muslim Senator have the same thing in common. The same thing JFK himself had to do. All had to fight needless bigotry and fear over something that should have never come into play in the first place according to OUR constitution "no religious test".
Bumping this video up wont make America a facist Stalinist state. It wont make you want to barbaque kittens or drink blood. What it will do is force Washington to deal with something that they never should have stopped defeding in the first place. That is that EVERY person who is born here or legalized has the same rights, including the right to run for office.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at