Interesting email I got.

I was sent this email from one of the atheist groups I am a part of, the posters first langauge is not english, but I think you'll get the gist and find it interesting.
Re: Religionist Propaganda
Noble All,
Humblest Greetings from Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
On Sunday July 15, 2007 while appreciating Noble Horst Klaus's
approaches of becoming polite while discussing with religious
believers and religionists I mentioned about my discussion with Mr.
Muneer Hussain a previous Pakistani Citizen, a muslim friend of my
liberal Sikh friend. The Original letter is pasted below for your
kind information:
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --
Noble Horst,
Greetings from Cambridge MA, USA.
To my mind you are right. We can discuss with the Religionists and
religious believers with humility, politeness and by using all good
words even while they are rude and illbehaving. Just on July 13, 2007
I was invited by a liberal Sikh friend for dinner in his house in
fresh pond area here. He had also invited one of his Muslim friends
named Munir Hussain a previous citizen of Pakistan. The discussion
began with ALLAH and his intelligent creation. My proposition that,
no person or supernatural being like ALLAH, god or jehovah
architected this universe or earth or the animal species made him
angry. With all humility I tried my best to cool down him. But he had
sent message to my Sikh friend that he wants to argue with the swami
who insulted his religion, RASUL- mohammad and even allah. My sikh
friend's son suggested me not to go for discussion with Mr. Munir as
he doesn't bear any sense of reasoning and a highly bigoted
individual can move to any aggressive extent but his father leaves
the decision on my choice whether to discuss with him or not.
Now I stand on a cross road whether to accept his challenge or not.
Now I am in Exile in USA to avoid the bloody aggression of Brahmins
against us in our place Kurukshetra, India and if in the result of
our discussion with Mr. Munir I receive a FATWA from any muslim
Organization then I will have no place to hide from such an attack. I
seek advices from friends and fellow humanists what to do at this
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
In this above letter I asked all friends to advice me if I should
accept Mr. Muneer Husssain's call for further discussion or not at
this situation. I am very glad to say that I received 21 responses
from friends and well wishers till now. Their names are mentioned as
1. Noble Horst Klaus (HAC-LIST)
2. Noble Age Smies (HAC-LIST)
3. Noble Elspeth Dwell (HAC-LIST)
4. Noble Sophie & Boris Shulman (Canadian Atheist)
5. Noble Len Layton (Australia) (Canadian Atheist)
6. Noble Sayed Kashif Safavee
7. Noble Kimba Spencer (Canadian Atheist)
8. Noble Jen Gerrison Stuber (Poetic Advice) (Canadian Atheist)
9. Noble June (Canadia Atheist)
10. Noble Marian Anderson (Canadian Atheist)
11. Noble Bud Skinner (HAC-LIST)
12. Noble L Freels (Canadian Atheists)
13. Noble Ron & Miriam Tomlinson (HAC-LIST)
14. Noble Bill Broderick (Canadian Atheist)
15. Noble Scott (Canadian Atheist)
16. Noble Guitar (Atheist_Only)
17. Noble Nuff (Atheist_Only)
18. Noble Don Dodge (Canadian Atheist)
19. Noble Lyle (ZB)
20. Noble Tony (Canadian Atheist)
21. Noble George Wolf (Canadian Atheist)
All of them suggested to respectfully decline such a call from a
bigoted person. I cordially accept the advices of our good friends
and want to send message to my Sikh friend about the opinions I have
received and if Mr. Muneer Hussain asks him for the discussion then
humbly and respectfully he will decline to conduct any discussion.
I am still expecting opinions from friends.
I feel obliged to our friends who felt concerned of my wellbeing and
suggested the wisest actions to be taken at this situation to avoid
any new complications.
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You have to wonder why a "liberal Sikh friend" would invite a Muslim extremist such as that to dinner because it would likely be obvious that the this person would take offense to any dissenting opinion.
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The only thing more offensive than blasphemous dissent would be to deny it.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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That almost seemed like goading because of the nature of the individual invited. Here is a hint: Don't invite extremists to your home.
Oh yeah, Zombie, you've got a baby growing out of your back. You might want a doctor to check that out.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
I never noticed that before, i gotta go to the hospital now.