Atheist vs. Theist

Weston's picture

Making the transition to heaven/hell...

My knowledge of physics is limited to zero. However, an argument I often hear regarding the existence of heaven/hell is this (I think the first person who advocated this argument to me mentioned Bill Bryson?) goes...


The Universe is infinite.

Infinity operates on an 'infinity curve'.

The Universe therefore, must operate on the same principle.

So, the idea that we can transition out of the material Universe is bunk, as anything that sets off within it must eventually return. There is no way out. So even if heaven/hell existed we could never reach it.


No idea if this argument or it's premises are sound, would appreciate ideas/responses as I find this argument quite compelling...

Hambydammit's picture

God's Love for Women

Any theists care to explain this?  Sure sounds like God told the Israelites to poison women as a way to determine fidelity.  Seems like God would have known that this kind of thing doesn't work.  I guess that was before God discovered chemistry...


 11 Then the LORD said to Moses, 12 "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'If a man's wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 by sleeping with another man, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure—or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure- 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah [a] of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder offering to draw attention to guilt.

Kevin R Brown's picture

Brawndo: It's Got What Plants Crave. It's Got Electrolytes!

The title of this post is excerpted from Idiocracy, a film I hadn't seen until this afternoon. The film itself deals with the premise of civilization having entered a sort-of ultra-modern medieval period as a result of a cultural shift in favor of demonizing intelligence / education. I found the film's initial idea being the premise fairly weak (dumb people reproduce more often than smart people, as a result of technology and medicine undermining natural selection, ergo the population becomes filled with idiots) because, even if stupid people are outbreeding smart people, the natural curiousity and intelligence of human beings as a species ensures that a solid portion of stupid parents' children will grow-up relatively intelligent anyway.

The world, however, I do think is frighteningly plausible, based on the idea that there might be a mechanism that could be used to undermine our natural curiousity / intelligence (as it has in the past) and lead to the proposed demonization of intelligence:


The scene of the film I excerpted the title of this post from actually illustrates this quite well:


In Idiocracy's fantasy world, the United States is about to face a massive food shortage because of agricultural failure. Regardless of vigorous irrigation methods, crops simply aren't growing.

Josh Clarke's picture

Highlights from my AIM Debate, you will laugh

Here is the whole thing if you want alot of entertainment "file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/Jesus%20Debate%20With%20Idiots.html" Not sure if you can access this from my documents... probably not. Laughing out loud Oh well, if you want more I will put the whole thing up.   "PaintChipsChild (12:42:12 AM): You have made so many "Arguments from Ignorance" that I don't even want to try and say them all PaintChipsChild (12:42:44 AM): Your accepting that God is real because you accept the Bible is real because God said it was. The bible holds no authority without Gods existence and God doesn't exist without the Bible. Thats very circular of you. Please stop using "God" in your arguments for morality and ethics.

Kevin R Brown's picture

The Revelation of GNKANOP

This is from a Skype discussion that Loc, stuntgibbon and mysel were having today, during which something absolutely astonishing occurred:


[6:24:53 AM] stuntgibbon says: i'd like to establish an olympiad
[6:25:02 AM] stuntgibbon says: where one team is "science" and the other team is "bible"
[6:25:39 AM] Kevin Brown says: (Oh man. Why make it so one-sided? Sticking out tongue)
[6:25:43 AM] stuntgibbon says: and they get little problems to solve, like building simple machines, making a car safer, creating a bridge, choosing the right drug for a disease, etc..
[6:26:00 AM] stuntgibbon says: and see which method produces better results
[6:26:07 AM] Loc says: bible: the answer is all the problems.Do we win?
[6:26:32 AM] Kevin Brown says: (We'll have to compare your results first. Sticking out tongue)
[6:27:00 AM] stuntgibbon says: sure if they can pray and a build a testably safer car.
[6:27:14 AM] stuntgibbon says: i just go with what works, if they can prove it works..  hooray
[6:27:18 AM] stuntgibbon says: it sounds easier that way Sticking out tongue
[6:27:52 AM] Mr804 says: I'm praying for tacos for lunch
[6:28:36 AM] Loc says: CARS IS FRM DEVIL
[6:28:46 AM] stuntgibbon says: too coherant
[6:28:52 AM] Loc says: NJOGJK FAGK GNKANOP G
[6:28:55 AM] Loc says: better?
[6:28:56 AM] stuntgibbon says: better

Michael A. Thompson's picture

The Oldest Copy of the Qur'an...

 I tracked this down and thought you all might be interested.  A little piece of history that has been saved.  This copy was finished (651 AD)  just 19 years after Muhammad's death (632 AD).  I guess it's a lot easier to keep something intact when you have one person making up the myth (the Qur'an) then it is to combine multiple myths (the New Testament).  


Why is it always Biologists who debate Creationists?


I just got done watching another train wreck of a debate between Kent Hovid and a group of biologists, and as usual, Kent gave all his plausible sounding but vacuous arguments against evolution, and as usual he made the false assumption that if he can refute evolution that means the bible is right, and as usual, no one called him on this.

What ends up happening with these debates is that the creationist makes a bunch of plausible-sounding arguments, and emotional appeals, while the scientists try to explain the inner workings of their discipline to a bunch of laymen. The result is that while the scientists all make the best arguments, the audience is still won over to the creationist side, because he’s the one who is telling them what they want to hear in a way that is accessable to them.

And this made me wonder, why is it always biologists who debate creationists? I mean, sure, biologists have the biggest stake, since evolution is a biological theory, but it seems to me that there are a lot of other disciplines who could do a better job.

For example, a philosopher would tear Kent apart by simply pointing out all of his logical fallacies.

A psychologist could do a great job of explaining how human morality works within an evolutionary framework. Also, a psychologist could demonstrate to the audience the system of denial and the failure to reality test that is inherent in the creationist worldview.

What would you do?

OK Theists! I have a question for you to answer - no evading, language tricks or other typical bullshit many of you engage in:

What would you do if somehow we did find irrefutable evidence that there was no god? Another question would be what if we found absolute evidence that a god DID exist - and it wasn't the one you believe in (ie that somehow the Flying Spaghetti Monster was real, or some obscure ancient god you never heard of, or the Greek gods...) I'd be interested in hearing from atheists on the second question, too.

Llama's picture

How does 0 + 0 = every thing!

For math I lerned that 0 + 0 = 0. The universe doesnt know math because it said 0 + 0 = every thing, lol. How did energies and mater be created with out a creator? I know this is tough question so its ok if you intellegent people dont know the answer. Give me a good guess?

carx's picture

About god and perfect beings.

I have been thinking about perfect beings for some time , god is supposed to be perfect however the logical extrapolation of attributes makes god (of the bible or any text ) imperfect and ridicules stupid. Perfection is a absolutist scale we can imagine a car that is fast and we can observe a car that is faster and imagine it too , however a perfect cars needed to travel instantaneously or have south a speed that you cant win a race against it ever.


Lets  take a look in the good old bible and we se a ridicules god that is unable to create the universe instantaneously but requires 6 days or more to create every thing. Silly a perfect being can do it instantaneously and if god is clamed to be perfect he fails .

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