Atheist vs. Theist

Susan's picture

Why Pascal's Wager Sucks

A friend forwarded a message received from a xian attempting to use Pascal's Wager. The reply is classic.


The message:


Someday, you'll understand. I feel sorry for you. Just promise me one thing, IF you were to hypothetically end up burning in hell or something, don't curse the religious for not saving you int time. Just consider that if my beliefs are wrong, so what, I'm worm food or whatever, no big loss. But if you're wrong, you're screwed. But you still have tons of chances to get it. Believe it or not, God loves you and when you meet your maker, you'll remember this and regret not taking it seriously. Good luck on your road of life, maybe our paths will cross someday.


Theism is irrational. This thread is a compilation of views from our community on why theism is irrational. The show is available right now via subscription.

Questions about God... theists answer these!

List of questions about God, religion and the supernatural have been compiled by IG over the years as well as some interesting ones by readers.

1. If Jesus fulfilled all the OT prophecies so well, why didn't the Jews recognize him as the messiah? - Francois Tremblay

2. If Gen 3:24 is true, why hasn't anyone found the Cherubims and the " flaming sword which turned every way"?

3. It's been proven that modern humans originated from Africa. Yet, the Adam and Eve story claims the first Humans lived in a garden in Eden, near 4 rivers. ( Most of which no one can find). One of these rivers mentioned is the Euphrates, which runs through Iraq, Syria and a portion of Turkey. What's the truth? Did man come out of Africa or near the Euphrates River? - The Infidel Guy

Greatest I am's picture

Hitler was genocidal and evil. Yahweh’s genocides are good; say Christians, Muslims & Jews! -- ?

 Hitler was genocidal and evil. Yahweh’s genocides are good; say Christians, Muslims & Jews! -- ?


I must be reading the religionist nice guys wrong.  Religions are supposed to be religions of peace. Not of war. Genocide is a war god’s tool.


I do not want to believe that my parents who ere Christians, would condone such crimes against humanity going on today.


I am sure you feel the same way for your parents.


Do as your religion bid you do. Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.


Please show your love and correct me by proving me wrong and admit you hate all genocidal characters.


I must be wrong.




Greatest I am's picture

Would Jesus promote punishing the innocent instead of the guilty?

 Would Jesus promote punishing the innocent instead of the guilty?


Christians seem to think that Jesus took the punishment for sinners with his sacrifice/suicide on the cross. IOW, Christians see Jesus as asking Christians to abdicate their responsibility for their own sins and punishments.


If humans asked that, it would be considered quite immoral and unjust. All courts try hard to punish the guilty and not the innocent.


These quotes are what I think Jesus would have taught on this issue, him being a Jewish Rabbi.


Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.


Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.


Greatest I am's picture

Did Yahweh do us a favor by denying us eternal life?

 Did Yahweh do us a favor by denying us eternal life?


It seems that the older I get, the less enjoyable and desirable the thought of living eternally becomes, even though I am quite pleased with how my life has evolved and how I will end this life.


Be it with a body here on earth, or as a spirit in some heaven, I cannot imagine anyone living eternally and enjoying it.


It would be like living watching the same T V program running over and over and over, since there is nothing new under the sun. All would be seen as allegories and or analogous of other situations.






Greatest I am's picture

Made in God’s image. Yuk. Not me thanks.

 Made in God’s image. Yuk. Not me thanks.


Yahweh, it is written, created us in his image.


He is described as a vile genocidal and infanticidal god, a demiurge to us Gnostics Christians, and is responsible for a religion that has become homophobic and misogynous and who grew Christianity by inquisitions and murder.


This is not surprising given that so many of Christianity’s moral tenets are immoral.

 Christianity lacks moral tenets with which to convert. It takes pressure and force to believe the weird Christian take on the otherwise decent Jewish beginnings of their religion and god. Christians should have usurped some decent god as without Midrash, Yahweh is more like an evil Satan than a good god.


If you think you are created in Yahweh’s image, and able to do his evil and good deeds, are you happy about it?


If you do not think you are up to Yahweh’s evil ways, are you happy about it?






Fonzie's picture



A life of doubt is no fun - doubts doing, thinking or saying something - then doubts looking back on what's done.  I've had the experience - I didn't like it.  It's a dark jungle with no map road or reason - or too fast a game in real time.  You realize if you admit it you're not necessarily getting anywhere - yet there's the clock, the shot clock, the referrees with whistles, people in stands with agendas, teammates depending on you - and people "coaching" (do your thinking for you).  There's statisticians writing down "facts", many facts.  

It's obvious you have to put your "confidence" (your faith) in something or somebody - yet who or what?  You could put your faith in the statistitian - but statistics (though they ARE facts) don't play the game - they just sit there.  You could put your "confidence" (your faith) in the coach - (which might be ok during the game - but what about the rest of the week?)  You could put your faith in your teammates - a roll of the dice.  That leaves you yourself - which leads to a lonely question: am I right or am I wrong?  Doubts anybody? 

I was never able to see myself as a source of answers.  And, I never saw anybody else that could take you very far without spinning out either.  

David Henson's picture

Why Believe In God?

 There are an endless number of bad reasons to believe in God and only one good reason. There are an endless number of bad reasons to disbelieve in god and only one good reason. The only good reason is study and research to one's own satisfaction whether or not to believe in God.

People are funny. If you ask just about anyone what the color of the sky is they will say that its blue, because that's what they were taught. The sky is blue, the grass is green. Sometimes, though, the sky is black, or red, or yellow or green or grey and the grass is sometimes yellow, blue or brown. Even though everyone has seen examples of this the educated response is, the sky is blue.

EXC's picture

Elon Musk a theist?

 Peviously, he seemed to indicate atheism.

But would believing in this qualify for theism?


God is a VR programmer? Unless of course he is also a simulation.

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