Atheist vs. Theist

In Case You Hadn't Seen This One

Would love to get any responses from people who know more about Chinese than I do. CALLING DELUDED GOD!!!

Oh yeah, speaking of it is:


Creation Magazine -->   

The truth behind and between the lines

Hi fellow rationals,

My particular interest in the No god debate is in the lack of truth's in which people choose to believe.

After a fruitless debate with a theist to illustrate the inherent problems with ALL written works, I created a blog - [content deleted] and an a follow up blog to point out the assumptions that must be made to comprehend any story [content deleted]

I hope you enjoy,

I don't know what I'm allowed to post here
so if these 2 links to my t-shirts shop are a problem, apologies.

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kryters's picture

"Religious Education" - Ultimate Oxymoron + Armageddon

Hello guys,

Long time, no post. I've been lurking a lot, though. I prefer to read these virtual discussions rather than taking part. The opposite in real-life debates. Anyway,  to the issue at hand:

Today, at school, I was told the most disturbing story I'm ever likely to hear. I'm currently in my last 10-or-so days in school right now. I begin my study leave at the end of the first week of May. Since I'm in 6th Year, I only have 3 subjects, and 6 periods a day. That means I have 3 hours of "private study". As we are in the last few days, the supervisors are more lenient towards discussions.  Usually they are  quite enjoyable, and everyone learns something new.  However, this time, I was literally shaking. And with good reason:

I learnt the shocking truth behind the Apocalypse. This truth is undeniable, and I hope you see my point of view. Anyone with any sense will see this immediately. I learned that Javier Solana, the head of the E.U., is in fact the Devil or a facilitator in the Devil's work. The Apocalypse is immanent.




This story is utter bullshit. However, what scares me is that the woman who was telling me this is an R.E. teacher. She is trusted with impressionable children in a country where the subject is compulsory until Fourth Year.

Eight Foot Manchild's picture

Dan Barker vs. Dinesh D'Souza (UPDATE: audio available)

They're debating tonight at Harvard University. Hopefully, they'll allow audio recordings, which I can then share. If not, I'll still be back with a general re-cap for anyone who's interested.



I'm uploading the debate in 11 audio-only segments to my youtube channel.

Kevin R Brown's picture

Falsifiable Aspects of Scientology

...Do we have any Scientologists frequenting this board?

The funny thing about Scientology and Dianetics, in comparison to - say - judeo-Christianity, is that it's modern nature allows us to take a view of it in much high resolution. We know, for example, exactly who the authorship of stories that bind it together belongs to (L. Ron Hubbard), we know the overall history of the organization in great detail and we know that we're properly interpreting what we read when we read it (it was all originally written in English, so nothing can be really 'lost in translation' because, well, there isn't any translating to be done.

What I find so damn amusing is that 'Incident II' (the Xenu account) - which is absolutely central to the religion (without this incident, Dianetics loses all merit, since otherwise there wouldn't be Body Thetans all over the place clinging to us and causing us all manner of psychological maladies) - presents so much sci-fi that we can actually test and falsify.


 - The planet Venus is alleged to be another fully-fledged 'prison planet' of sorts, teeming with life and cities. Hubbard himself claimed to have went there and nearly been hit by a train.

 - Most (all?) of Earth's major volcanoes had hyrdogen bombs detonated inside of them to kill-off the insurgents of the Confederacy.

 - A planet named 'Coltice' orbits one of the stars in the Polaris tri-star system. Again, this is alleged to be teeming with life and civilization.

Sir Valiant for Truth's picture

God and Gödel’s Theorem of Incompleteness


Before I start, I would like to say that to the best of my knowledge, this argument is original to me and that I intend to publish it eventually. Other theists feel free to use this argument in private settings, but please be honest and source me (and allow me to publish it eventually. This argument has taken me quite some time to assemble.) Also please inform me if it is actually not original. 

Oh, atheists, I am posting this here to see how this argument stands up to something approaching real scrutiny. I'm just as much after valid criticisms as anything else (and if this argument is a doozy, I would like to know that, too and why.) 

Theia's picture

The Bible as Proof

Why, oh, why is it that theists cannot grasp the idea that the bible is not proof to an atheist? Time after time we ask theists to present proof of biblical claims and they "prove" it to us by quoting yet more of the bible. I'm not even asking why they think it's proof. That, I don't think, I'll ever be able to fully understand. What I mean is, why do they continue to think it will work as proof to an atheist? Why can they not "get it" that, to an atheist, it's just any old book? If I quoted from the Iliad would the theist accept it as proof of the existence of the goddess Athena? I seriously doubt it so why can't they understand the analogy there?

"You can't apply logic to god"

Ah, those fateful words, one of the final fallbacks of the theist argument (in my experience, at least, which, I admit is mostly against relative intellectual lightweights).  It seems so easy, so irrefutable; to refute it, you would have to use logic, which doesn't apply here (let's disregard the circularity of that argument).  All rational, logical thought is for naught if a theist simply utters these words.

But, at the same time, excluding logic from the domain of God opens up a can of worms the size of God (infinite, in other words).

What if God doesn't exist, but is just pretending?  What if God sent down his Holy Word in the form of the Bible (which is the absolute literal truth) but is going to send all of the Christians to Hell (which would make the Bible a lie, but you can't apply logic to God!)?  What if all religions ARE true, and God is just playing a joke?  How can we say anything about morality?  How can we make ANY claim based on this God; after all, couldn't it be true and not true at the same time? 

By playing this card, theists reduce their God to an incoherent nothing (not that it wasn't before) about which nothing can be said except

"I beleive."


And that is a very sad thing indeed.


sandwiches's picture

How to tell if you're a fundamentalist

The following article is in reference to fanboys mainly in regards to video games, but when I read it, it immediately reminded me of a fundamentalist.


I guess as long as there's more than one opinion on something, there's an extremist.

Michael A. Thompson's picture

Movie that blows all your stupid Atheist ideas out of the water!

"The Theistic argument that will eradicate Atheism forever!" -Michael Andrew Thompson


Here is the movie:

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