Atheist vs. Theist

Atheist, O! Atheist... Wherefore art though, Atheist?

 I want to here everyone's post as to why:

  1. You are an atheist
  2. You are an agnostic
  3. You are a theist

I would also like people to post their thoughts on the possibility of being neither of the three? What intangible thoughts can you try and muster into words? Tell me.

The reason I ask is because I don't find any weight in either category. Atheism is a pessimist's dream; theism is a fool's thought; and agnosticism is a lazy person's excuse. 

So... give me your thoughts. 


It's in my nature...

 Hopefully, I can fluently describe what I perceive to be "In My Nature." Hopefully, I can get a response that might help me determine what I believe, what I am, and what I could do with my beliefs. I've lived my life with a set foundation of beliefs that have been constant. I've been through a multitude of different religious experiences and each one served it's purpose for the time being, but now I find that I'm a bit lost in what I should believe in. My philosophies are crumbling and each passing day I don't grow more jaded, I grow more confused. The more I seem to know about something, the less I seem to understand it. So I want to pose the question: Where can I find the answer? 


First, I will briefly describe my religious, philosophical, and theological history using a list:

notsaved's picture

Agnosticism -- The Incomprehensible Halo...

This is for all those who consider themselves committed agnostics who refuse to submit to the ultimate question on belief vs nonbelief in God and for all those atheists who have bought the lie that attaching agnostic to your atheist label is valid.  All you are doing is contradicting yourselves big time.  Watch this video and learn something about the fallacy of agnosticism.

Satanic Christianity

FYI: I may come across as a Christian in this post, but I am still an agnostic. I enjoy having deep discussions about religion, human nature, and history, and I am just sharing my thoughts//opinions/questions, and hope to get feedback.


I use to be what I thought was a Christian, then I became an Agnostic-Atheist. Long story. However, I have been doing some deep thinking lately about God, and have an interest into becoming perhaps a real mature Christian for the first time.....maybe. But it's a big choice, and I can't rush into it. Now what I am about to ramble about did not just happen overnight. It was a long process, and this rant will be long, and will be followed up with more posts.

Debate Theism

Hi everyone;

I'm starting this thread with a pretty narrow purpose: I'm a theist, and I think that I can offer a good argument for theism, which can withstand criticism.  From what I can tell, the atheists on this forum are some of the best and most passionate critics of religion, so I'd like to challenge all comers to a debate.  (If there is a god, I may just have stepped onto a cliff during a thunderstorm...)


Before we start, I'd like to set some ground rules; if you think any of these are unfair, let me know.  They can certainly be revised.


1) No personal attacks/taunting/mockery.

I think that if we start criticizing each other, rather than our positions, the debate will soon disintegrate.  So, the limit to criticism is: if anyone thinks a person's position, manner of argument, etc., are despicable, you can politely say something like, "I think that's very ignorant to say, and here's why," or else, "You're disrespecting the rest of us by doing X."  You get the idea; any criticism must not extend beyond the specific views/arguments voiced in this thread, and must be something that can be rationally defended against by the accused.  By extension, any snide remarks or sarcasm are plain out; don't insinuate someone's position to be ridiculous, prove it so respectfully.

2) No out-of-hand dismissals

redneF's picture

Ray Comfort- The Evangelical's desperate search for incompetents.

From "The Way of the Master"


Fast forward to 2:52.

Ray Comfort wrote:
"God gave us 6 senses. The 6th sense is 'common sense'. That's what the atheist and the evolutionist lack"

Really, Ray?


You're sure there is a god, because you feel that he gifted you with this 6th sense?

That would mean that if you did not have common sense, that you have no personal reason to be convinced that a god could exist, otherwise you'd be bitter that he left you out.

Let's examine his demonstration of his 6th sense, in all it's glory!

Shall we?


Ray Comfort wrote:
" You've just got to think for a moment"

Let 'er rip, Ray.

I can take it!

Ray Comfort wrote:
"There's a big bang, life form begins, and over millions of years, a dog evolves. It's the first dog"


There's a 'first' dog as a result of evolution?

Ray, c'mon dude, you really don't think that is how the dog evolved, right?

You'll clearly demonstrate how adept you are at understanding, comprehension, and the Evolution Theory, right?

JCLordKing's picture

How Did Jeffrey Dahmer Define Morality?

Post Author: Bill Pratt

jefrey dahmer How Did Jeffrey Dahmer Define Morality?

If morality is not grounded by a transcendent standard, a standard that is above all humanity, then it collapses to relativism.  This concept is not at all difficult to understand, but relativism retains a negative enough connotation these days that atheists, who deny a transcendent, objective standard of morality, are still squeamish about the word.

Jeffrey Dahmer, the serial killer who gained notoriety for eating his victims, understood the connection between God and morality all too well.  Dahmer’s father recounted his son’s moral reasoning in a documentary produced in 1996: “If it all happens naturalistically, what’s the need for a God?  Can’t I set my own rules?  Who owns me?  I own myself.”

Exactly.  If there is no God, you have no accountability to anyone else at all.  You own yourself and you can do with yourself whatever you please.

In an interview in 1994, Dahmer himself explained his thinking.  He wondered that if there were no God and we all came “from the slime,” then “what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges?”

Dumbass Christian. YOU RESPOND!

Here are some of her quotes.

God gathered up all the children along with the people that believed in Him. The only people that drowned were the ones that didn't believe he existed. And it was up to the parents to put up red paint on their door of their house to protect their child. Every thing He done was testing who believed in Him and who didn't. Anywho who didn't obey chose their destiny.

Yes I have. And just like Revelations He said that those that are not found in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire. It's your choice to believe in Him or not. Jus like it was the people who chose not to build a protection ag...ainst the flood. God doesn't kill anyone-People that kill other people commit to their own enternal life. That makes no sense for u to say that he kills other people and obviously you dont understand the bible and what He's saying. He died for YOU on the cross and all your sins; it's your choice to believe or not. But God doesn't owe you anything.

Yeah and u have nothing to say about anything else. That's because its His word and you chose not to believe it. Your ridiculous. God is light and in Him is no darkness. Read up on that in John. You need to understand what he was facing to what he done. It was for a purpose. I suppose you are for rapist and murderers also since you believe what they do will not send them to hell if their is no repentance. You have so much to learn. Your one minded. And I hope when judgement day comes that you realize what kind of life you've set for yourself because it's a dark one without the Lord.

God and complexity of the non-living world

Hello, I am an open minded agnostic (willing to be persuaded either ways) and i wish to put forward the precursors of all teleological argument for critical scrutiny. I must say its perhaps the strongest reason i find against atheism. I assume that Evolution i.e natural selection working on random mutation is correct (so no debate on that please).


Now my  argument goes like this:


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