Atheist vs. Theist

AbsoluteTruth's picture

Why Religion Is Winning

Many secular humanists – mostly in America – are pondering as to why there are so many religious people – preferably Christians. They claim that religion is an irrational, unviable, and illogical position to hold. As you will see, by just comparing an atheistic/secularist worldview to a theistic worldview you can blatantly tell the overwhelming difference. Why are there so many religious?

ifywar's picture

a bit of help

i need a small bit of help. i am a high school student, and in my gr. 11 ancient history class there are 7 creationists, including the teacher, who even told us she was creationist. a girl (who is actually quite good looking, but i digress) who sits in front of me is a GREAT debater for creationism, not even kidding, she seems like the next kent hovind. i am a mediocre debater, having only been in 2 formal ones, so i keep losing whenever i try to go up against her. does anyone have any debate advice, along with good info?

Kevin R Brown's picture

On Carbon Dating (Highly Recommended for Rational Thinkers That Want A Laugh)

This video holds that most treasured characteristic of being fairly educational and absolutely hilarious at the same time:

Popular question atheist ask theist

when many theist use the cosmological argument for the existence of god, quite often, well actually 99% of the time the theist is asked the question:

what/who created god?

well first off let me start off by saying what i define as my god:

the uncreated creator of everything.

the unmovable mover.

the uncaused cause of everything.

now, since the burden of proof is on us theist, i would like to say, can we atleast define what we believe is our god? ok so hopefully we think that def is fair enough to go by for now.

ok now, to ask the question what/who created god, is an unfair question, BASED on the def i classify my god under. to ask what created the uncreated creator of everything is unfair.

now im just gonna talk a little bit more abt, kalams cosmological argument.

? - Does the universe exist now?

Reasonable answer, yes.

this means the universe either had a beginning, or no beginning correct?

lets say that the universe had no beginning for now. im going to look at this from a philosophical standpoint. quite simply put, it is impossible to cross an ACTUAL infinte series of events. therefore the universe had to have had a beginning. im not here to tell that it was god, just here to point that it is possible to say that the universe has always existed, and that it did have a beginning, i will make another post sometime on how if it had a beginning the logical explanation would be a creator.

Hambydammit's picture

Many questions from an anonymous lurker

I'm taking the liberty of posting a heavily edited personal email from someone who I happen to know is lurking about on RRS.  I also know that this is someone who is on the level, so be nice.  Smiling

Lurker wrote:
Aside from digging down to the cellular level to explain how it all works, how do you explain the 'spiritual' things that happen all the time? Those that I know first hand:  [One of my close relative's] hand being healed after a 'silent prayer' by [another family member].  The guy we watched go down for 5 years, almost to the end, with Parkinson's and totally healed when others were praying for him.



Evil:  not being a highly emotional person, I was totally overtaken (when I left a 'strained' conversation in the parking lot a year or so ago) by an 'overpowering' feeling of evil.  When I mentioned it to a co-worker who was in the same conversation, she said that, yes, she and one other co-worker had felt the same thing and already talked about that with each other.  The conversation was as I said 'strained' but with no rudeness or other conversation that would bring on the expectation of any feeling about the conversation, let alone of evil.



I could give example after example.  On the other hand, questions abound; why aren't all prayers answered.


daedalus's picture

Another Crazy Theist Thought

We have all witnessed the many arguments proposed by Theists.  Arguments from Design, Personal Incredulity, Revelation, etc.


One of the crazy positions that I have often come across is this old canard:


"You atheists are stupid, how can you talk about something you don't believe in?"


The assumption is that they, as a believer, can speak more accurately about God than another person.  It must chafe their ass, but guess what, Theists, atheists can speak just as authoritatively about an imaginary being as you can.


I'll admit, some people can speak more authoritatively about a religion.  However, being accurate about God is like being an expert on Pixies.  Sure, you might know a lot of the mythology or folk tales about them, but to know they desires and dreams is another matter.


Theists: if you say "God wanted to create man out of love", an atheist can respond just as accurately and authoritatively, "no, god wanted to make people suffer."  When we are making thing up, we are only limited by our creativity.  Just because some people believe in a religion doesn't make them experts on God.


Imagine, next time you argue for your God that you are talking about Santa Claus.  That when you are talking about Salvation, Love, Creation, Punishment, Redemption, etc. it is the same as Good and Bad, Reward and Punishment, Sleighs and Reindeer, Elves, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, etc.


pauljohntheskeptic's picture

Angels Real - Yeah right!

ABC World News ran a piece on Angels and Americans belief in them.

A similar piece is on Time:,8599,1842179,00.html?cnn=yes

It shows a greater than 55% of Americans think they have been saved from harm by these unseen unproved entities. Is it any wonder we have problems in our country? With such a high percentage of people believing in such fantasy it shows the susceptibility of people's desire to have life mean more than life itself. It's one thing to consider UFO's as a real possibility which many do, but quite another to think invisible spiritual entities are all about.

My sister is one that claims angels not only exist but she claims to see them. She is a evangelical fundie who has made fantastic claims over the years. My mother also somewhat of a fundie thought she was mentally deficient or possibly schizophrenic. I'm not sure that is the case but she certainly has her fantasy center on wide open.

Vastet's picture

A biologist forced to resign for suggesting creationism be discussed in class

Article Here

Editted topic title for clarity.

Hambydammit's picture

Raping for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

From the Canberra Times:



Bail refused in 'bizarre' sex case

BY ANDREW DRUMMOND 15/09/2008 12:00:00 AM

Two Sydney men have been refused bail over allegations they repeatedly raped a woman to rid her of a fictional religious curse, in a case that has been described as ''bizarre and evil''.

The woman, aged 23 in 2001 when the alleged assaults began, was told by the men that someone in the Greek community had put a curse on her using black magic and that her family would suffer cancer and possible infertility.

Details of the case were outlined in a 50-page police document tendered at Parramatta Bail Court yesterday where one of the men, Tony Golossian, 61, faced 151 charges of sex offences against the woman.

''Having read the allegations ... I must say that if this is proven it would be one of the most bizarre and evil cases I have come across in more than 40 years,'' Magistrate Graham Johnson said.

Golossian faced court for the first time yesterday after he was taken to hospital with chest pains a short time after his arrest on Friday.

A defence solicitor said Golossian was happy to comply with strict bail conditions, including a commitment not to contact the victim.

However, Mr Johnson denied the application and refused bail.

I'm Christian (go ahead try to fix me)


I noticed a slogon... "Believe in God? We can fix that." Go ahead and try to fix me. I want to test my faith.

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