Atheist vs. Theist

Vastet's picture

Moslems and alcohol....?

I recently read in a novel that Moslems are prohibited from drinking alcohol that is derived from grapes specifically, and that they are in fact permitted to drink alcohol derived from honey. I suspect this would permit alcohol derived from certain other substances as well. I was wondering if this is accurate or not, and if anyone here happened to know one way or the other. 

I'm lazy and don't feel like spending the time and effort to wade through Moslem websites....

plot_thickens's picture

The very act of questioning makes theists beleive they're right

All of the theist questions I've seen have been smug - as if asking a question was all the interaction they needed to prove their point.  I couldn't figure out why, since asking a question is usually the beginning, not the end, of knowledge.  But here's what I've come up with.

Stipulate that theists believe that their deity is infallible; never makes mistakes.  Therefore questions cannot be asked of a deity because such would indicate either a lack of infallibility or lack of faith (and this is beat out of them early).  So if no questions  = perfect, then questions = imperfect.

To theists, the very act of asking questions means that the topic/people questioned are imperfect, fallible.  This kind of smug subtext seems to pervade every question theists ask.  It's a catch-22 because the logic is correct but the premise is not, and proving the premise wrong is not something that can be done from outside influence.

On one hand, I'm sad that this is such a perfect trap for theists, and on the other, isn't it astounding what Organized Religion can do??  Best. Racket. Ever.



Hambydammit's picture

This "Creation Museum" idea is catching on... right down the road from me

That's right, folks.  There's a new creation museum in the works right here in North Georgia.  I haven't thought of exactly what I'm going to do, but I feel like I have a civic responsibility to find a way to publicly humiliate them.  Ideas and suggestions are always greatly appreciated. 


Bring it.

hey, im a former atheist, now born-again chrisitian ready to debate anything ya'll throw at me.and oh yeah i'm 17 and still in high school, so don't be to tough on me.. ;] lol.

First Question to ya'll is:

If under the laws of thermodynamics matter cannot either be created or destroyed how is it that matter exists?

* Big Bang theory is a waste of time, big bang states that all matter in existance was compacted together and exploded into the still growing universe today. even with the ridiculous odds that this singular planet ended up with water and enough carbon and protiens to begin life, where did the original matter come from?

my answer is of course is God created all things. what's your answer?

Brian37's picture

Calling out Caposkia

Ok, you want  to convince me that Jesus is the one true son of god?

Then, without deviating on long diatribes stick strictly to the following two questions. Simple yes or no will suffice.

Question 1:

Do you have a  model that is repeatable, testable and falsifiable outside the bible, that shows HOW a disimbodied being can get a 9 to 14 year old girl pregnant?


Question 2:

Do you have a  model that is repeatable, testable and falsifiable outside the bible that shows HOW a human who has been dead for 3 days can survive rigor mortis?


Show your body of work OUTSIDE THE BIBLE, that demonstrates that these claims are possible.

Fonzie's picture

It works for me!


Faith in Jesus works for me - it's exciting.  I love the Bible and believe all of it - though there is mystery.  There is mystery everywhere though, right?  I am a incredibly happy believer in Jesus.  I'm not a theologian, I just believe in Jesus.

I understand you can't make anybody believe in Jesus and the Bible, and I don't personally try to do that.  But I highly recommend it from my experience with it.  I can't get enough of the Bible or Jesus.  I can't imagine trying to navigate through life without it at this point in my life. 

I don't think Jesus or God is a thing you can prove to somebody.  I heard about it a large percentage of my life and it didn't mean anything to me until a certain point - then that all changed. 

So do you guys think that I'm fooling myself, not really happy, you don't believe me, or do you really think I can't be as happy or enlightened as you - are you evangelistic in that sense or what?  What is the purpose of this site?   Do you have something better to offer?  If so, what is your gospel? 


Kevin R Brown's picture

You know God. You know God created the universe. You know He loves you. Surely, then, this will be no trouble for you...

Explain to me the mechanisms by which God created the universe, creates souls, set-up Heaven and Hell, transformed into Jesus and performed miracles (just to get us started). Give me all the juicy details (post a video with them included, if you like. Or even just one of them), using the Rosetta Stone of mathematics and science as your descriptors.

I mean, you know the guy, right? So who/where is he? What's he made of? And just how did he manufacture the cosmos (Hint: Genesis's answers are definately incorrect ones)?

Thomathy's picture

Is Atheismseriousbusiness a Troll or Annoying?

I'm getting pretty fed up with this kind of visitor.  The kind who comes onto the boards and says, in so many words, 'I'm an atheist, but...'.  Invariably these people turn out to be ignorant twits and rather juvenile.  Their posts are often riddled with numerous grammatical errors and have a tendency to be virtually meaningless.  Their attitude usually degrades quickly and they can often be found performing trollish behaviour.

In the spirit of the muddy slope down which this type of visitor slides, I've decided to dirty myself up and partake in some trolling myself.  A poll, even a bullshit poll:

Do you think that Atheismseriousbusiness is a TROLL, ANNOYING or BOTH.  To participate merely write any one of TROLL, ANNOYING or BOTH.

I will start out polite

Here i am trying to have a logical free minded debate and someone goes and deletes my post because i wont adhere to their black and white views. I mentioned i was an agnostic, you do realize i could always be convinced to not beleive in a higherpower if someone presented the case well enough but if this is your recruiting technique tsk tsk tsk.

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