Atheist vs. Theist

Zanarkand's picture

Is Deism more preferable?

Do i need to exalt and praise my dad because he created me?

Is this also applicable to a skydaddy if he were real and did created me?

Kapkao's picture

Bill Donahue to host "I can't believe it's not pedophilia!"

It's not paedophilia/pedophilia... if the kid is older than 12?

(and technically, no it isn't... but damn!)


Roberts: Bill is good but you cannot link homosexuality to a pedophilia crisis in the Catholic Church.

Bill Donohue: It’s not a pedophilia… most of the victims were post pubescent…

Roberts: You know…

Donohue: You’ve got to get your facts straight. I’m sorry. If I’m the only one that’s going to deal with facts tonight so be it. The vast majority of the victims are post pubescent. That’s not pedophilia buddy.

JAustinTX's picture

What Do You Believe? Question from a Creationist

Yet another question from a Creationist posed to me...  Any input from my fellow 'infidels'?


What do you believe?

B166ER's picture

Transitional Forms

Everytime I hear creationists talking about a lack of transitional fossil's, I want to tear my hair out! Not only is every living thing a "transitional" form, but there are so many fossil's which show aspects of speciation, I don't understand how they can keep their eyes clenched closed to reality.


Darwinius masillae


Why do we argue on here?

 Why is there arguing going on in this forum? Oh sorry, I meant to say why is there DEBATING going on? Even if you were to prove to a point to someone, atheist or theist, there is way too much pride, egotism, and overall close-mindedness to sway anyone's view on anything. Please don't be pretend to be open-minded. 

pauljohntheskeptic's picture

Easter Myth Week

Today is the opening day of Easter Myth Week, a poor replacement for the annual fertility festivals dating to pagan times. Instead of celebrating the return of spring and life to the earth as in Canaanite and Greek myths with festivals and partying it is instead a celebration commemorating the god Yahweh accepting a sacrifice of part of himself so he can forgive man for his transgressions against him at the dawn of time. Though just how an immortal god can kill part of himself is the question.  Needless to say this entire story is filled with contradictions and problems. It would be really helpful if the story of Easter week was concise and the accounts at least agreed, but alas no, none of the Gospels do any such thing.

Each day this week a new post will open a subject of the myths and problems of the Jesus suicide self sacrifice to himself story.


Palm Sunday - The entrance to Jerusalem - just which account are we supposed to accept?

Monday - The fig tree curse  & the Temple Insurrection

Tuesday - The fig tree dies Jesus refuses to disclose what authority he represents & other Temple stories

Wednesday - The plot thickens - the plotting of the priests

Thursday - Passover meal accounts, Gethsemane tall tales, overnight questioning and grilling by the priests

Friday - Jesus taken to Pilate, (and Herod? or not?) tall tales of the crucifixion

Saturday - burial, guarded tomb

Sunday - Multiple tall tales of the resurrection events

robj101's picture

If I'm going to hell..

I have several christian friends, my whole family claims christianity as their belief and "salvation" (even my gay cousin claims to be a christian).

I am an atheist.

According to their belief I am going to hell, for eternity to be tortured mercilessly.

Why do they act like nothing is going on? If I truly thought my friend was going to go to a "hell" I would be all over trying to convert them 7-24.

Yet they act like nothing is going on "hey man, wanna play some disc golf tomorrow?" etc.

 I would be pleading with them like "Hey man, you know you are going to hell.. I want to help you, please let me help you" or some such.

None of them even want to talk about atheism, and not one has said anything about me going to hell.

They all act careless and carefree about it.

I haven't seen much care for anothers "soul" on this forum, or anywhere for that matter.


zarathustra's picture

The Question That Will Stump Paisley

Why is there a god rather than no god? 

Paisley's picture

The Question that Stumps Atheists

Below is a link to an online video produced by PBS's TV series "Closer To Truth".  Here, producer Robert Lawrence Kuhn asks atheist philosopher Quentin Smith: "Why is there something rather than nothing?" What follows is Smith's painful struggle to weasel out of a trap that he initially sets up for himself. His response amounts to nothing more than unintelligible babbling. It is truly pathetic.


Aggressive Atheism

I, Glen Stewart, of the satirical christian youth ministry, did hereby on this day, March 22nd in the year of our universe 2010 (actually it was on the 20th) stick it to a couple of douche-bag jehovah's witness's who came to the wrong fucking house to spread their lies and mythology and I did scare them out of their little boy pants and I did hereby video tape said event for your enjoyment!

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