Atheist vs. Theist

Follow-up: What atheists can't answer.

This is a follow-up to my first post here at "The Rational Response Squad". These unlike my former post are not my arguments. They are strong arguments presented by other theists like myself that presented good arguments that atheists have been unable to answer and attempt to deviate from the argument (Quoting one atheist who tried to counter the first.)


Not faith nor belief

I often see posts directed at those who hold beliefs or sometimes even to those that elevate it to the level of faith. However, what of those who hold a mere speculation that 'someone's running the show'? This is not a belief nor is it a faith that necessarily creates a motivation in their actions, just a hunch. Would any of you be concerned of someone holding such a postion? If so why?

A challenge to you misguided atheists [PLAGIARISM]

Rather than approach atheists in the same way by religious propaganda and biblical quotations I will take a less dismissing approach that you atheists love arguing. Science, and reason. I will present 6 arguments below and challenge any atheist here to them. Let's begin.

1,785 words of this post were stolen from:

The only original work was the portion above and the portion below.  Please note that the portion below is dishonest as these arguments are not his arguments, they are stolen arguments. 



Please do not try to dodge my arguments like many I have seen do before with "anything we give you wont accept anyways" Your ineptness will only make greater the christian cause.



I am quite religious, I don't go religiously to church but I have thought about going again. I have recently become religious again due to persoanl reasons. I think that athiesm or indeed thiesm is personal choice and does not make somebody irrational or illogical.  I think its us as human beings that lend ourselves to ilrrationality o illogic , now could I  in a coherent and logical way describe why I believe yes I could but it would not serve any purpose and get me claassified as a man of irrationality, now do I want athiests to believe no, do I think that I should habve right to believe yes, and have the right to say what I believe is rubbish but what you don't have the right is to question my morals, my logic or my rationality, those are blanket statements made by ignorant people who complain when religious people do it to thwem well then don't do it.

"Inherent Value": Is there such a thing?

 So.. I was listening to NPR on my way back from some errands, and it got me thinking.  Do you believe that things have "inherent" value?  If you do, please define what you mean by inherent value, and say why you believe there is such.

If you do not believe there is such a thing, then what do you base ascertain value on?

Kavis's picture

The Harm Faith Does

I got into a discussion of religion with one of my coworkers.  He considers himself a typical right-wing theist and a Republican. He couldn't understand my belief that death is personal extinction, that when we die the lights go out forever. He began to grow upset that I do not believe in souls.   He said that he believed he existed as some kind of energy before he was born, and would continue to do so after he died. "The one thing my mother kept drilling into my head as a kid," he said, "was that I was going to see my father again." I realized then why he was so upset at the idea that death is The End.

Earlier he'd asked me why I oppose Christianity. What problem do I have with meek, mild Christianity? I wanted to shake him when he told me his mother had brainwashed him into thinking his father wasn't REALLY dead. I'm angry with his mother, whom I've never met, for poisoning him.  He's never dealt with his father's death; he's obviously still in the denial stage of grief.  Death isn't really the end, because that would mean his father is really gone. Can't he see the damage that causes? Grief is a natural process for dealing with loss, but only when it's allowed to actually happen.

Hambydammit's picture

Christian Morality, Dualism, and Drugs

I wonder if any of the Christians lurking about the site have ever considered the problem that drugs create for their religion.  This occurred to me while drinking alcohol, as it turns out, but that's apropos of nothing.

Anyway, here's the problem.  According to Christians, humans have a soul, which is a spiritual entity that transcends the human body.  While we have a brain that controls our body, the "essence" of our being is totally removed from our body.  The body is just a vessel for us to inhabit during our tenure on planet earth.

I was thinking about this concept, and a rather obvious question struck me.  If, as they say, the soul is separate from the body, and our "true self" resides not in our mind, but in our soul, then what's happening when we drink or take drugs?  The scientists say that alcohol is a psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect.  In other words, it interacts with our brains, creating a change in the way the brain works.  This change manifests in social confidence, reduced motor functions, feelings of euphoria, and reduction in reaction time, among others.  But... if changing the brain changes our personality.... then... um... what part of the personality is in the soul?  Other drugs produce more marked effects.  In fact, there are some drugs that can change a person's perceptions and thought processes so radically that they are often described as being "different people" when they're under the influence of the drugs.

Zymotic's picture

Denial of the Holy Spirit and Why Christian Conversion is Useless.

I watched “The God Who Wasn't There” for the first time today. I know, I should have watched it a long time ago, but I never really got around to it. I decided to get it yesterday because I am tired of my friends talking about Zeitgeist and I've heard over and over again that TGWWT is about the same subject and infinitely better. When I watched it, it didn't tell me much that I didn't know, but it was very good at telling it to me. I very much enjoy the soundtrack, especially the “this is just a simulation” track.


The thing that stood out to me the most was Flemming's account of his childhood attending his private Catholic school. He pointed out the two verses that talk about the unforgivable sin of denying the Holy Spirit and how, as a child, he was terrified that he had accidentally done that before. Christians doubt all the time, especially the Holy Spirit. These two verses say that if you ever believe that there is no Holy Spirit, it's game over. No second chances. If you've ever believed there is no Holy Spirit, you're going straight to hell.


Devastating Responses for Creationist Twits

In arguing down ignorant creationists, I've noticed that the vast majority of their arguments fall into a very few categories.  There are perhaps six of them.  There are doubtless more than this, but the run of the mill ignorant creationist is only parroting what it perceives as good arguments.  These are going to be warmed-over Hovind, possibly even Ray Comfort.  The challenge sometimes lies in pigeonholing the argument correctly so that you can deliver the appropriate devastating response.

Note that there is no possible argument that christains can make which holds up.  They simply haven't got any, and ultimately, as much as they would like to prevaricate, their pathetic whimperings wither away in the face of overwhelming physical proof.

Some arguments:

* Pascal's Wager.  Even the real idiots come up with this one, and in fact it seems relatively common among them.  The answer to this is to simply ask them what happens if THEY are wrong about Poseidon.  By making this argument, they trap themselves in a very bad spot: there are tens of thousands of little gods and legends, so their possibility of being right is statistically tiny.

ifywar's picture

a nice little story

just thought u guys might like a story i found.


This morning there was a knock at my door. When I answered the door I found a well groomed, nicely dressed couple. The man spoke first:

John: "Hi! I'm John, and this is Mary."

Mary: "Hi! We're here to invite you to come kiss Hank's ass with us."

Me:   "Pardon me?! What are you talking about? Who's Hank, and why would I want to kiss His ass?"

John: "If you kiss Hank's ass, He'll give you a million dollars; and if you don't, He'll kick the shit out of you."

Me:   "What? Is this some sort of bizarre mob shake-down?"

John: "Hank is a billionaire philanthropist. Hank built this town. Hank owns this town. He can do whatever He wants, and what He wants is to give you a million dollars, but He can't until you kiss His ass."

Me:   "That doesn't make any sense. Why..."

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