Atheist vs. Theist

Dave_G's picture

The Bible sucks at cosmology.

2.  The Bible Says the Moon is a Source of Light


As early as the first chapter of Genesis, the Bible asserts that the moon is its own light source. 

 Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Of course, we know today that the moon (presumably the “lesser light” in this verse) is not a light source.  It simply reflects the light of the sun.  Frankly, even the primitive authors of the Bible should have known better.  The shadows that are cast on the moon as it "waxes and wanes" should have been enough of an indication.   The Book of Isaiah continues with this view of the moon in a prophecy he relates about happy times for Zion characterized by abundant fertility, fruitful land and a brighter cosmos (bold emphasis added):


xamination's picture


Question for theists - is sin in the action, or is sin in the heart?

Or in other words, is killing someone or stealing or giving false testimony a sin if one is ignorant of the sin, or it is done for a good reason i.e. stealing food to feed your starving family? 

What's Your "Heart Barrier"?

In other words, why can't you believe in a God?

Theism isn't bad, atheism isn't bad, people are bad.

Both sides of the Theism issue have leaders of nations that commited astocities. Some were atheists some were Theists. But one thing all these people have in common, a point missed by both atheists and Theists is that they were all human. They all had the need for power and greed. Most control it, others take it to the extreme. 


Let's start with the Crusades. Do you really think it's a conicedence that the Church leaders will rule the land? They didn't do it in the name of God, they did it for their greed. And why not? They can use ignorance of the population and who can blame them? They had no where near the knowledge we have now. Why not blame the plaque or any famines on their enemies? There was no centre for disease control to diagnose the plaque and blame it on bacteria rather than God. 

God = "I don't know"

The only argument that goes towards proviong God is that we don't know the answer.

 "it's too complicated therefore there must be a God"

Larty's picture

Do you believe in evidence?

When I was a Theist, I thought that paranormal things such as ghosts, ESP, heaven, hell and God didn't need to be proven scientifically for them to be real. I didn't know about scientific research as much as I do now, so I didn't think that everything has to be proven for it to exist.

Because of this I used to think that Atheists were stupid, because I didn't think science or evidence had any effect on God. I just thought that it's a question of personal faith and nothing more.

So this is a question to Atheists and (especially) Theists alike: Does evidence matter? Do you think God has to be proven for him to exist? How do you react when there's something else that people believe in, despite of evidence to the contrary?

pm9347's picture

a look inside

i recently read a parable in the bible(matthew 24) that really struck a cord, here it is . "who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household,to give them their food at the proper time?blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes will find so doing. truly, i say to you ,he will set him over all his posessions. ive never been good with parables, but this one has quite an effect on me. I look inside myself to study my life to see if im following the parables sayings. My feelings after reading this indicate that i must evaluate my life to see if im am following what the parable is teaching. essentialy what the parable is saying that  jesus christ will greatly reward those he finds looking after his church/people in his absence when he finally returns. read the parable and evaluate your own life. are you serving him , helping his church

TheJollyNihilist's picture

Christians' Nemesis: The Argument From Mundanity

Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens are among the most intelligent, witty and persuasive atheists currently writing. Although Harris tends to attack theism from a philosophical standpoint, and Hitchens prefers consulting history and using religions’ own texts against them, both have beautifully articulated a strong, unanswerable argument against Christianity (and every other religion currently vying for loyalists among people who ought to know better). I shall call it The Argument From Mundanity.

Cernunnos's picture

On Atheist morals...?

There is much misconstruction over the matter of how an atheist acquires a moral code.

Rather than repeat the spiel that is generally offered, I would like to propose a couple of scenarios with my personal discernment on each.

I would be interested in how others would conclude the following circumstances too.


While living life as an atheist God makes himself known and offers the following choice:

Aware that a profane albeit ethical life has been led God offers either oblivion for you or Him

Given this situation I would always decide to keep my own existence and allow God to perish into nothingness. Is this dissipated decision completely without regard for others?

Dave_G's picture

Since Lev. 11:7 says touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean, do I need gloves to play football?

Free bashing to the first fundie who makes some absurd blanket statement like "The OT doesn't apply to us" or "Jesus freed us from the old law".

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