Atheist vs. Theist

ParanoidAgnostic's picture

Let's talk about sex baby

Why do we have so many problems with sex?

I know we have come a long way as a society but in many ways it's still something that has a lot of negativity attached to it, expecially from the religious. Women are looked down on if they have slept with a lot of men. Men cannot comfortably admit to masturbation. Strange turn-ons are something to be ashamed of in many cases. The existence of homosexuals still disturbs many people. Any mention of the idea that our parents might actually have had sex, and worse might still occasionally do it, makes many of us stick our fingers in our ears and go "lalala - I'm not listening". There's the very broad idea of a sex offence which in some places means that mooning someone will get you listed along side child rapists.

from your happy neighborhood theist :) Be nice!

My friends I've returned from a not-so-brief hiatus with foremost my apologizes(It's been too longFrown ). and I'd like to address a concern over the wealth of Ad hominem attacks against imaginary evil theists (I haven't seen too many contemptable people here but I could be wrong...) in the forum. Most of us Theists who actually do come to answer some questions here and have intelligent debate are oft to feel a little disenchanted when we see...


wavefreak's picture

The Bible as Truth

I have long wanted to write an essay on the problems created by evangelicals insisting the bible is the un-impeachable truth. I would like to explore my ideas but I don't feel like having a combative conversation with some of the more passionate members around here. But there are others here that are very good in spotting weaknesses in logic and reasoning. So I would ask anybody that wants to help me out here, feel free. But do do so, you may have to suspend your own disbelief. The target audience is theists who are unwilling to even consider the non-existence of god.

The goal of the essay is to show that insisting on the in-errancy of the bible actually hinders spiritual development. A strong atheist will say "Well DUH! And what the hell is 'spiritual', anyway'. That approach is useless in talking to evangelical theists. In order to effectively communicate with them, it is necessary to be able to discuss ideas within the framework of their own language and view of reality. But if I can convince a few Christians that it is in fact un-Christian to artificially mold reality to a written text, then I feel something has been accomplished. So for the essay to be effective, it needs to assume things that are anathema to atheists. So I invite your comments, but I am not interested in debunking Christianity. I am interested in opening up some minds and then maybe they can start making their own conclusions.

Christianity and Nazism

A discussion from another thread. Moved here to not crowd the other thread.

[edit:forgot to link to it]


Cpt_pineapple wrote:
BenfromCanada wrote:
Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Unless you can show me concentration camps were Christians execute gays in gas chambers, then I don't think you should compare Christians to Nazis.

Auschwitz. Need more? OK. Sobibor. Need a third? Jasenovac. You require more? Um...fuck it, here's a list. Satisfied? [In case you didn't catch my drift, the Nazis were, in fact, christians, and did, in fact, ty to exterminate homosexuals.]

How big is God's penis?

Some theist must have an answer for my asinine question...

What common ground, if any, is there for having meaningful dialogue? (For the Atheists - Preferrably the Core Members)

Hello RRS,

I was wondering what common ground you think there is for having any meaningful dialogue.  Do you think this needs to be established in order for consistency to be maintained in one's own thoughts and words and subsequently, dialogue between persons?



Dave_G's picture

Next time some idiot says America was founded by Christians show them this.

“Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by difference of sentiment in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy which has marked the present age would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination, so far that we should never again see their religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.”-- George Washington, letter to Sir Edward Newenham, Oct. 20, 1792.

Dave_G's picture

What do you think about that bill in congress banning preaching against homosexuals?

Personally I think it violates seperation of Church and state./

What type of Atheist are you?

Hello everyone,


I just want to ask a simple question out of curiosity to gain a better understanding of atheism and atheists. I have a good working definition of "strong" and "weak" atheism, and I want to ask


What type of atheist are you; strong or weak?

(edit - fixed typo in title)

Idea for Catholics

Heres an idea for Catholics to try (assuming you believe the cracker and wine actually turn into the body and blood of Jesus.) Have any priest you want bless the cracker and wine and have it sent to any lab in the world that does DNA testing. Do this as often as you want. If the cracker and wine test postive for human DNA (and contamination can be eliminated) you got me listening...

[mod edit for typo in topic title]

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