Atheist vs. Theist

Iruka Naminori's picture

POSTAL: The Movie

I ran across this in another forum I frequent. I hope no one has already posted this clip. I did a search and didn't find anything so here goes:


wavefreak's picture

One word proof for god





OK. So I'm being tongue in cheek and I'm an attention whore.


Seriously. Why does an orgasm feel good and a poke in the eye hurt like hell. What is it that makes one biochemical process in the brain feel "good" while another feel "bad". They both use brain cells, neurotransmitters, hormones and all that. Sure, the exact configuration of cells and particular chemicals and receptors involved are different. But that's just chemicals. What makes the underlying process become a good feeling or a painful one?

flamingfuzzy's picture

Atheism is the most illogical of all beliefs

I keep hearing all over that atheism is the most logical, the most scientific. So I wanted to first try and show that it is not, and then give the atheists a chance to respond.

 My first point is this. You use the fact that all other beliefs are believed in with little to no evidence, and therefore they are foolish beliefs. However, the very definition of atheism, is the belief that NO GOD exists. Not that you are unsure, but that you BELIEVE there is no God, when it CANNOT be proven, EVER that there is no God. You are putting as much or more faith into this, than the christians.

Second, you all try and find little discrepancies in the bible, and yell and holler when you find "492" here, and "491.999" there. This is not significant enough to denounce a faith, when you have over 1000 pages to work with, you should be able to find something more major, were the religion false. You then go on to say that such errors are proof of christianities ignorance, even though I have NEVER seen ANYTHING that has not been explained away by christians.

Incredible arguments against atheism!





FIRST. Define Atheism.

SECOND. Some of the different forms or modifications of Atheism.

THIRD. Answer the principal objections of Atheists, to Theism.

FOURTH. Point out some of the difficulties of Atheism.


FIRST.--Define Atheism.

When I was once an atheist

As per request, I am posting a topic as to why I changed from atheist to Theist.


I was a Christian for a great deal of my life, I was so during high school. I went to a catholic school, and in my grade 12 biology class, I learned about evolution according to the provincal standard. There were religion classes offered, (you had to take them), but contrary to popular belief, they taught us of other religions as well and promoted tolerance.

I never really gave my Theism a second thought to be honest.

Then I started university, first as a chemistry major, so I had to take courses in chemistry, mathematics, and physics. About the end of the first semester, I did begin to question. How could God exist if the laws of chemistry/physics can explain how things got to be? I had read about the creationist's thoeries and how they could be explained through science. So throughout that time period, I was atheist.

what the hell is this crap

 Ben Stein starring in a movie about how the mean old Darwinians are persecuting the Intelligent Design advocates by demanding that they actually do science. They're going to talk to all kinds of people whose careers have been destroyed by those evil Darwinians! People like... well, IDers have never really managed to make a list, but I'm sure it's really big.

weird arguement point-possibilty of creation by aliens and robots

i was talking with a christian recently and asked them this, i still have yet to hear from as ive only just emailed this, but i think its interesting enough to post here for you all to read and comment on etc. its probaly best to read it twice to understand my point.


"yes but think if we built super computers and robots--- to analyze and experiment with all of life and physical existence...this is conceivable... also they would not be limited in their intelligence and ability to observe and discover and learn things...much faster than and more efficiently than humans are capable... These robots could analyze the human dna and dna of other animals and learn how it works and how to manipulate it to make new animals ,etc. also these robots could learn to build things to manipulate the physical world around us. imagine that these robots took over the world and could use our resources freely and efficiently. they could build spaceships and take control of other planets... and lets say there is life on other planets or even if there is not... the robots could design some life to live there... and then use resources from other planets to build a new planet, and creatures to fill niches in that planet that create a basically perfect and balanced interaction of all things... and these creatures could even be intelligent as humans are... but like humans they would believe what these robots told them... the robots could create a religion, and even perform "miracles" because of their technology... so in all honesty we only in 100yrs are very close to this possibility... so even if the earth is only 6000yrs old, intelligent "beings" with even 1000yrs or so of the kind of research we do, and with inventions like ours its conceivable that these aliens could have then designed our planet and creatures and gave us a religion to believe in, perhaps to preserve us until they return to use us for whatever, or to keep us intelligent but have this religion to keep us from understanding, and learning things,and becoming a dominate force in the universe... who knows... but anyway-- again we are near this capability now, it is conceivable... and i would like to know what you think about this.
again im just inquiring, im not trying to make you lose faith, i just want to know what you think. also i really appreciate and thank you for the responding you've done far. this is most likely the last question ill ask you."

Textom's picture

Survey says Evangalicals are wonky

Again from the Christian Post, apparently the attitudes of Evangelical Christians are out-of-step with the priorities of other Americans.



"Some of the issues evangelicals placed at the lower end of priorities for change included protecting the environment (35 percent), improving the quality of public school education, and enhancing the lives of the poor and disadvantaged.

"Meanwhile, 60 percent of other American adults said a change is absolutely necessary in the investment in environmental protection; 82 percent said the same on the issue of improving the quality of a public school education; and 69 percent said improving the lives of poor and disadvantaged people is needed."

justmoon's picture

That sure backfired...

Spinoza wrote: "[C]onceive, if possible, that God does not exist: then his
essence does not involve existence. But this (by Prop. vii.) is absurd.
Therefore God necessarily exists."

lol. I wonder if he actually considered that a valid argument or whether he wrote it in order to keep things cool with the church.

The fallacy committed here is that you cannot define something into existence. I can say that there is a perfect diamond in my garden and that perfection entails existence, so it must exist. But when I look for it later, I will discover that I made a mistake. Observation must be the basis of logic.

The Messiah Has Returned!!!!!!!!!

This is one of the "False Prophets" the Bible warns us about. Read below. Theists/Xians: DO YOU REALLY THINK ANYBODY CARES ABOUT THIS GARBAGE?

Any fairly bright person the world over will simply go: "Jeez, what a kook!"

Even if he does all that is claimed below, sorry, but I don't see the world falling to their collective knees & worshiping this or any other ridiculous figure. Do you? Can't you see that in the 21st century this stuff is moot? There will not be that apocalyptic end times nonesense. Why? Cause so few people fall for this idiocy. Yes, you will have the bottomfeeders who will but NOT the world.

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