Tired of it.

I'm so sick and tired of people do this whole "You're right, you're so right..."-Yes-man-head-nodding business.
It pisses me off, and the fact that I've done it before gets me more steamed.
Now, I'm not pointing fingers, since everyone is prone to doing it, but, please stop doing this.
This business is increasing at the Richard Dawkins forum, almost to the point you can fill a paperback of nothing but "You're right" stuff, AND NOTHING ELSE!
Agree if you want, but try to add something.
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.
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Um....I don't get it. Is
Um....I don't get it. Is it wrong to agree with someone when they are right and have expressed thoughts and views more clearly than the ones agreeing?
I understand that "yes men" are annoying but there are times when a person has signifiantly more knowledge in an area than I do and has done much more research on a subject so I am inclined to agree with them. Other times, I may have an issue with a specific point but the overall statement reflects my opinion and/or knowledge so, again, I agree.
That said, I do sometimes get annoyed when someone simply agrees with something and adds zero original thought to it. I get annoyed when I do it too because it makes me feel stupid.
Sooooo....I agree and disagree with you - LOL!
jce wrote: That said, I do
That's what I'm talking about.
Ophios wrote: I'm so sick
I hope you are not accusing skeptics of thinking of ways to give each other hummers? I dont get it at all?
My experiance with other skeptics and atheists is that we are just as diverse. I have theist friends that I like more than some atheists and vice versa. Not sure what you are getting at.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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True, atheist and skeptics
True, atheist and skeptics are a diverse group but I think this topic is referencing the posts that say nothing more than "Yeah, what he/she said!". I'll admit that I have done this but I try to avoid it since I usually have a mental conversation yelling at myself for not coming up with anything better than that. Ugh! It is hard work to attempt to sound intelligent sometimes.
jce wrote: True, atheist
Yeah, what she said.
Just kidding. I know that I am guilty of this on occasion. And yes, I know that it is annoying. I generally try to come up with something half way intellgent to say regardless whether I agree or not. However, it doesn't always work.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
That's why the classes I take through Univ. of Phoenix have a requirement for participation to answer threads with more than "I agree" etc... something original has to be added like a personal experience regarding the point - something.
The drawback to that requirement is that we may not get anyone to reply to our thread at all because of it. So as the origin poster we don't know if perhaps everyone agrees and just can't think of any input, disagrees but doesn't know how to express it or simply ignored us or chose someone elses post to reply to for participation.
I think what you're referring to though is just a desire to have a conversation with people but when they just say "yea, ahuh, i agree" you're not getting the stimulating conversation you'd hoped for. Happens sometimes, just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.