Ophios's blog

Just molecules.
Submitted by Ophios on November 11, 2007 - 1:57pm.It erks me when someone says "You think we are all just molecules.".
Not only is it just mouth stuffing, but as a Musician, it pisses me off.
How? Well, I doubt they would disagree that "Sound is nothing but waves!"
So, to there logic, any music is "nothing but waves".
And thus, they can't "Feel" or "Enjoy" enjoy music themselves.
they are shallow, in fact you don't even need to get that far to realize they are shallow.
If you can't think of a purpose, or feel something YOURSELF, then just maybe you are naught but molecules.

Ego of Epic proportions
Submitted by Ophios on September 20, 2007 - 10:02pm.http://www.richarddawkins.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24827
this is fucking ridiculous.
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Atheism is based on faith.
Submitted by Ophios on July 9, 2007 - 5:54pm.I think the next time someone uses the "Atheism is based on faith, because you do not know everything." someone should point out that "Atheism isn't knowing, it's belief. I think you are talking about agnostic/gnostic, not atheism/theism."

Bodhiharta, again.
Submitted by Ophios on July 7, 2007 - 2:13pm.I'm curious as to if bod has ever been on the webcam.
I doubt he has, but I need to know.
They have had many people on their talk show and a week or two ago I showed up at their chatroom on stickam and you should have seen the look on his face when I started posting in the chat room, he completely lost his concentration and then said "We don't like Bodhitharta here" after he tried to respond to some of what I was writing he became ruffled and shut his show down to knock me off line. Now, I wasn't being hostile or offensive so "Why the hell wouldn't they want to talk to me" If they are so strong in their position it should have been an easy win for them but instead they opted out and 24 hours later he banned me from his chatroom just like he banned me from his web-site when my posts became to influential to his members. You must understand the RRS has a fast growing base of many "new" atheists and they are easier to guide to the truth than someone who has like perhaps yourself who thinks they "know" the truth.

Submitted by Ophios on July 6, 2007 - 12:01am.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yJk74Vfs2s#1nRGNYssiHs
Not in chronological order
KingCornholio (1 month ago)
Pokebobicogxguy (1 day ago)
A few things. 1. Wario is not in this game nor melee. He will be a new character in Brawl which comes later this year for wii. 2. Its Mario dressed in a wario suit. You could change color for chaacters. 3. Dont say the f word, and 4. DONT MAKE FUN OF GOD.
luisofsuburbia (1 day ago)
Pokebobicogxguy (1 day ago)
Stop it
legend101zelda (1 day ago)

Watch, meet rock.
Submitted by Ophios on July 5, 2007 - 2:28pm.I just wrote this little ditty on the Richard Dawkins forum.
A retort of the "Watch on the beach argument"
Also because I hate the "let's compare living things to man-made things" argument.Go to a stream, a stream that has lots of rocks. Pick up a rock, notice how smooth it is. Why do you think it is smooth?
ID is the equivalent of saying that people came by and smoothed the rocks and left them there yesterday.
Would you think that? Would you think that instead of water slowly smoothing the rock over time, that people came by here yesterday and scraped the rocks?

Submitted by Ophios on July 4, 2007 - 8:06pm.What is it with creationists and strawmen of evolution?
It's getting to the point that some creationists are willing to reject anyone correction to their strawman view of evolution.
Just idiotic.
If you want to argue against evolution, let someone who believes in it tell you what it means and what it is.
Unless you don't mind someone like me shoving a false idea of what creationism is at you.
If you don't want to hear the other side, shut up, and go away.

Submitted by Ophios on June 28, 2007 - 3:12am.Am I the only one who thinks this truthism stuff is like dadaism?
All I know is we need a special group for people called attention-whoreism!

Tired of it.
Submitted by Ophios on June 25, 2007 - 5:33pm.I'm so sick and tired of people do this whole "You're right, you're so right..."-Yes-man-head-nodding business.
It pisses me off, and the fact that I've done it before gets me more steamed.
Now, I'm not pointing fingers, since everyone is prone to doing it, but, please stop doing this.
This business is increasing at the Richard Dawkins forum, almost to the point you can fill a paperback of nothing but "You're right" stuff, AND NOTHING ELSE!
Agree if you want, but try to add something.

Uh oh- someone get Rook.
Submitted by Ophios on June 17, 2007 - 2:51am.http://www.richarddawkins.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=273298#273298
Rook Hawkins is an illogical historical fabricator who didn't even understand that the Apostle Paul was a Jew. Rook nor Briant sapient will debate me. Rook is an immature kid who has not really studied enough to even talk to a Scholar much less be one himsef. I will debate Rook any where any time and mostly any place that can be arranged.