digitalbeachbum's blog

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More proof of a broken system and terrible leadership

Obamacare, or the AHA, has been under fire since its conception. The GOP and the right wing agenda has been to make it not work. Remember this. They are working to make it NOT WORK.

Since Drumpf has been in power, he has done every thing he can to make it not work including telling the IRS not to pay out and to not enforce the AHA option. The part about not paying out to insurance companies has made it not profitable which is an example of the stupidity of Drumpf when it comes to protecting the American citizen.

Instead of improving things and fixing things which were wrong with the AHA, Drumpf has proved his inability to lead and make decisions which benefit the majority.

The large insurance companies are not changing their practices either which prevents them from taking advantage of profits. Instead one small company is taking advantage of these options. They are actually expanding coverage in states where the big three are moving out.

This is just one more example of the industry and the government showing their connection to a joint corruption. Instead of benefiting the whole of the country, they wish to benefit only the 1%. They are corrupt.

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A Challenge To All Followers Of God(s)

There can not be only one religion and one god. There can only be "no gods" or "all gods".

If all gods exist then all religions are a lie and are false.

If no gods exist then all religions are a lie and are false.

In order for there to be "one god, one religion" then the source must disprove all other gods (impossible)

So there are no gods.

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Racial slurs and Presidential jokes

I'm sure many have seen the Bill Maher bit where he calls himself a "house nigger" and also seen the Kathy Griffin's photo holding Drumpf's bloody head?

1) Bill Maher did not make a racial slur. A slur is an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.

2) It was a off the cuff joke response to the comment from his guest about 'working in the field' and he called himself a 'house nigger'

3) If blacks are so offended by the fucking word 'nigger' then stop using it in your stand up routines. It is a double standard for any black comedian to use the word in their routine then say that a white comedian can't use it.


As for Kathy Griffin, the woman is a mess. She has no back bone and no integrity.

1) If you are going to make bold political statements then stand by them. Don't back down from pressure and you should have accepted that you might lose sponsors or gigs from doing such things.

2) Never apologize for something you meant or believed was your constitutional right. Freedom of speech.

3) Ted Nuget and other right-winged nut sacks have made bolder and more insulting comments towards Obama than any thing Griffin created. Some of them have, in my opinion, created violence which resulted in death or injuries to others. Even Drumpf has done such things then claimed he would defend his supporters if they hit the protesters (which is later did not assist them).


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I happened to be on YouTube watching some comedy channel when this Prageru commercial popped up. It reminded me of the Khan Institute so I watched it.

The black lady in the video started talking about the "Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party". She starts off with a question on which party would you think is worse on Civil Rights.

I was instantly curious about the wording of the question because on the surface one would say the Republican Party in recent decades, but I already knew that the Democratic Party has southern roots and is related to the suppression of the black rights.

The "Party of Lincoln" then was pro black rights, but that's only on the surface too. While the Republican party was pro civil rights, not all members of the party were in favor for it, even then the rights were limited as compared to today.

The video went on and on, guilt by association. Filled with fallacy after fallacy.

In closing they make it seem like the Democratic party today is only after the black vote when the Democratic Party lays claim to supporting the blacks.


While it is true the Democratic party in the late 1800's was against black rights and the Republican party was pro black rights, today it is a much different story.

The Republican party has done much to suppress the black vote. They have committed the same actions the Democratic party did in the 1800's, less the lynching, but I'm betting that many White Hate Groups would love to support that as a law.

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Bill Nye Saves The World?

I watched the first three episodes and they sucked. He needs to fire his creative team and the director. The show sucks donkey balls. It's an embarrassment to my memories of Bill Nye when I was a kid.

He has strayed from the world of science. He has become a celebrity.

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Donald and The Stroke

I agree with Howard Stern. Trump is sucking giant cock right now. He misses his old life and being President isn't fun. Why?

It's because Trump is a self centered egotistical piece of shit. He isn't a servant to any one or a civil servant to the public. Even if he pawns off most of his responsibilities to henchmen/women he still has an entire world to deal with 24/7.

I laugh because this is a good example of the ego's stupidity that gets people in trouble every day.

Donald won't need to be fired, impeached or be shot. He'll have a stroke or heart attack before he finishes his only term. If by some miracle this fuck makes it four years, the moron will have learned his lesson and he'll be a one term President.


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A tribute to a friend

One of my good friends from school is in Hospice now. He's been fighting cancer for 10 years now. He developed these splotches all over his body and they spread almost making him look sort of blackish. Some parts of his body were covered with more than others but for a long time no doctors knew what they were. He then developed a tumor on his shoulder and they submitted him to tons of tests and treatments. The shrunk it, then operated. They thought he was done but then the tumor grew back even after taking half of his shoulder out.

Then after hundreds of hours of treatments he developed another baseball tumor on his neck. They didn't know where the source was coming from.

A week ago he developed pneumonia and went in to the hospital. They released him then told him to go home and seek Hospice.

His weakened state prevented him from fighting off the infection. Years of chemo caused his immune system to be ineffective.

When I found out today I went to the house to visit. His wife and kids were stronger than me. I broke down crying. He was a shell of the man I knew. No hair. scrawny boney body.

I asked if there was any thing else? Did they try every thing?

I will miss him if his passes. He was one of those guys that every one liked. He taught me about the Blues and taught me about smoking meats/BBQing. He taught me about fishing. He taught me to drink. He taught me so much about life.

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Longwood City Hall with Cross

I live in Longwood and I just found this article on a cross that is on public property at city hall.

The cross is being displayed in the back of the city commissioner's room and it is sort of being held there until it can be moved to a permant display.

I have mixed feelings about it but in reality it isn't being posted out in front or "in your face". Heck, I didn't even know it was there and don't care as long as they don't take it out before a meeting, pray to it and say things like "let's kill all non-believers".

I think Rebecca Markert just doesn't have enough to do with her life and is wasting time and resources that could be used on more productive projects.


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Trump is a traitor

Trump is a complete traitor. He would sell off America to make a quick buck.

I am baffled by the position of those who bury their heads in the sand and ignore the truth.


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Am I alone?

I don't watch the news any more. I don't read it. I don't listen to it. I however do pick up stuff here and there.

Am I the only one who knows, who has known, the Trump is mentally ill? Seriously. Holy fucking shit batman. Holy fucking shit.

If Trump was any regular joe he would be the old man down at the end of your street who yells at kids who happen to lose their ball on his roof and complain to the HOA that all young adults are doing drugs and fucking in the streets.

If Trump wasn't well off he'd be in an asylum or on heavy doses of medication.

He's a fucking sick mother fucker, no, he's a sick daughter fucker.

We are all seriously fucked up. We are all in a world of crazy shit.

He's not just nuts or a little touched in the head. The guy is fucking bat shit crazy.

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