Atheist vs. Theist

The atheist view on the Spiritual Realm

I'd like to know what the atheist view is on the Spiritual Realm. You deny the existence of God, therefore you deny existence of Satan. What is your excuse for people possessed by demonic forces? What do you have to say about children who have miracuously spoken in the tongues of foreign languages never heard? Do atheists believe in miracles? I've seen deaf children miracuously being able to hear within one day of prayer, I've heard (while others have seen) the healing touch of annointed people, who go out and heal the blind, the sick, the mute, etc. I AM a believe

letitworknow's picture

A fading belief

     So i have been thinking about all of the dumb crap we as humans have at one point believed in.  in doing this I would like to ask the theist out there, seeing how all of the following statements have been proven wrong how can you be so sure that your beliefs are accurate?

     so let's start with the belief that the sun is god.  dating back more then three thousand years people believed that the "sund god" was the lord of the universe.  this is because the ancients could not explain the sun of how it effected the earth.  Now we know that through nuclear fusion the sun exists and because of photosynthesis our planed is the way that it is.  proving that the sun was not a god.

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Bad news for wanna-be ""blasphemers""

Hey kids, Wow, this a very interesting site.  ...Someone has put in a lot of time and effort. ........... I do have a comment about your “blasphemy challenge”. .....You have hit on a subject that even a lot of “Christians” do notunderstand. ...... ............................ ............  The historical figure, a man named Jesus, was apparently drawing largecrowds by performing miracles and healing people. .....    .............    .His family and friends were beginning to think he was crazy, and they  had just made an attempt to (literally) grab him and take him home. .......   ....................................................           In the middle of all of this, the “holier than thou” religious, legalexperts were accusing him of being demon possessed, saying that it was by the power of Satan that he cast out devils and performed miracles. ......................... ............... ...........   ......     ...........  ..........  ..................   ..........    ..........     It was to these people that….. (According to eye witness testimony, copied by a man named “John Mark”)…….     ..................    ..........   ................  ..........   anyway, it was to the RELIGIOUS people, that Jesus was speaking, and He told them they were in danger of eternal damnation. .......Why?? Because they….THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS…... (Those who had copied the Old Testament and were in the temple constantly.... the ones who were supposed to be the “experts)…… They underestimated the power of God. ........Because these “RELIGIOUS EXPERTS” accredited the miracles they saw....first hand, to the power of Satan, and not to the power of God. ....And because THESE “HOLY MEN”…RELIGIOUS TEACHERS, WHO PROCLAIMED TOBE “GOD’S" "LAWYERS”,,,… … these men....even though they themselves had spent a lifetime studying, and copying the words of their own prophets….. .... Even though they knew the Words regarding the prediction of a “Christ”……even though they knew every letter of the law….. every mark….. every dot of the “word of God”…   Even with all of their "knowledge"..... they did not recognize the very thing they should have known best….the very word of God…..contained in and working through… The Word HIMSELF....the Word that was with God……and the word that WAS God…….this man….Jesus…… the Christ. ...........................................................The very Christ that they claimed to be watching and searching for. ...................................................................    

The Dumb Watchmaker

I have heard it many times. Theists trying to use a watch to prove there's a God. In case you are one of the lucky few who hasn't heard this comparison, here it goes:

 "If you find a watch in the desert, you immediately assume there's a watchmaker. Why? Because everything that is designed needs a designer. Therefore, when you see the universe, when you see life, you should assume there's a designer." 

There are variations of this argument. The "Look at this banana" argument, and the look at this painting argument that Kirk Cameron used in the ABC "Atheist-theist" debate. 

Negative Proof of God through Thermondynamics

For purposes of this article, when I use the term "God" I am referring to the Judeo-Christian deity as spoken of in the Christian Bible.

I recognize that my statements will never be satisfactory to all. Some of you may wonder why I do not take time to address a certain fact that you think is pertinent, and may want to bring this up in the comments section, but if it is not directly subordinate to my post then I would appreciate it if you wouldn't.

-Example: In my first sentence, I said that my reference to "God" is to the God of the Bible. Some of you who think there are contradictions in the Bible may think that that is impossible, because through the contradictions more than one definition of "God" can be seen in the Bible. If you point that or something similar out in the comments, you are being counter-intuitive because this post is not related to the Bible's alleged contradictions. So don't.

Does God have a plan or do we have free will?

Christians.. Does God have a plan or do we have free will? I'm sure this has been addressed before but I'm new here so help me out. This contradiction has always confused me.

Holes In Kelly's Main Page Argument "Atheism Correlated With Societal Health"

Next time you cite statistics on the number of atheists in a country, take them from an unbiased source, not an atheist website! The source uses numbers that are painfully inflated in a glaringly obvious way. Here is the list you presented:

1. Sweden (up to 85% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)
Totally the reverse of what is true. Where did they pull these numbers from? Here are some numbers from the CIA factbook "
Lutheran 87%, other (includes Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist) 13%" atheists were not stated explicitly but I assume they are part of that 13%.

AtheistAviB's picture

Theists: Which Do You Believe is More Reliable?

Tuberculosis: Given scientific advances in current times this disease is curable in the early stage, untreated this is always deadly.
You find out you have TB.... You:
A) Sit home and pray that God cures you.
B) You head over to the nearest facility that specializes in TB treatment in order to be cured.
Hmmm... Which do you believe will work?...
If B: Perhaps you trust physical, reliable, science more than mythology....

5 Reasons Why Atheists/Naturalists Believe in Miracles

 This post is long so it is divided up into many sections. I suggest reading the first paragraph after which pick whatever interests you.

A couple of quick points before I begin. The title of my last post shouldn't have been, "5 proofs God doesn't exist", rather "5 proofs of naturalism's existence." I consider the two terms to be nearly synonymous (atheism and naturalism), if not very closely related - please courteously correct me if I am wrong. So in essence, the burden of proof is on BOTH the naturalist and the theist. There really is no "default" view, both most be explained. I was also told that I set a negative tone from the first post, so I am trying really hard not to repeat that. Often times the tone of someone can be misinterpreted (especially when reading something they wrote). Please keep in mind that I am writing with the utmost respect and humility right now. I felt like I was being ganged up on for what people perceived as "snottiness" or whining and crying - only with only a few dissenting voices. Also, if anyone is curious about my religious beliefs, I believe that each religion presents some portion of the truth, but none of them are completely flawless. I am attracted to many Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism as well as transcendentalism and I believe that there is immense power in nature. I used to attend Christian church but was ultimately repulsed by the concept of hell and the inherent cruelty of such a God.

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