Atheist vs. Theist

wow, it's been a while since i last posted here...but...

I'm actually a little shocked that this site is still up a running. I thought that the "new" atheist movement would have moved on the the next big fad, like "Heelys" or whatever you kids are doing these days. Anyway, one point, and it just a philosophical question really. Can life really be this easy? As humans we are rather complex creatures where our way of life is based on cause and effect, right and wrong, and good and bad. As an atheist, you take the hedonistic approach to life, meaning we only get one life, do with it what you like because there are no consequences.

Dr. Craig considers this a good answer.

Hambydammit's picture

It's all about the Moderates

Moderates seem to be all the buzz right now, so I'm going to try one more time to explain why moderates are not just facilitators, but are the cause of the fundamentalist takeover of American politics. First, so that the Brits are happy, I'm going to make sure we're all talking about the same thing.

Moderate: A Christian, or pseudo-Christian, who believes in God, and probably Jesus, and also believes in science, evolution, and logic.

Fundamentalist: A Christian who believes in the literal interpretation of the bible, and believes that America ought to be a Christian nation... literally.

Thank You Religion, You've Cost Me A Very Good Friend

ok, so there's this guy who i have been close friends with since I was 12 (and I'm 19 now). He's a christian and I'm an atheist and we sometimes have talked about it. A few days ago I showed him the RRS and TWOTM Nightline face-off thinking that he would see how stupid TWOTMwere being. Turns out he actually agreed with everything they said and made sense of it that wasn't really there. He then went on to say that the Blasphemy Challenge was a terrible thing. (which is stupid because TWOTM was calling everybody evil people, which he saw no problem with). So I told him that I denied the holy spirirt nad guess what... He now sais that he want's nothing to do with me and I'm no longer wlecome to his house even though up until that point I was his most trusted friend.

The Founding Fathers

I'm just sick of the back-and-forth on this subject b/w both camps. Not just here, but talkshows, etc.
It's a moot point. Who cares how xian or not they were? That was then. This is now. Let's move on. It's the 21st century--they provided a framework, now it's our job to expand upon that, NOT get caught up in, "but, but Washington (or whomever) would have NEVER done/said THAT!"
Get over it! 

Mental Eclipse's picture

Thoughts on "Design" (for atheists & theists)

Over the past 2 years, I have thought deeply about the possibility of a creator. I was raised a Christian and leaving religion was the hardest thing I’d ever done. I’d love to know the absolute truth regarding the existence of a creator, however I know it’s impossible to prove or disprove such a being though science or logic (at least to my knowledge). I’ve always seemed to fall into the atheistic standpoint; however my previous religious beliefs have perhaps permanently effected my perception of the world.


I was thinking one day about the existence of this world and the old “Evidence for God by Design” argument popped into my head. I’ve always thought it to be one of the worst arguments in support of a creator. I never bought into it; however there was always something that kept me open to the possibility that this world was designed. I never really knew what it was until recently, and I think I finally found the right words to explain my thoughts. I’d be very interested in hearing what both theists and atheists think about this, and I’d appreciate anything that you anyone has to say. I’ve learned a lot from this website since I discovered it a year ago, and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get some interesting feedback from the members of this website.

The Importance of Religion

I wanted to discuss the importance of religion. This isn't a debate on God's existence, or any god's existence, but rather his impact. As far as I can tell, the RSS's main goal isn't a bad one at all, it can even be seen as commendable to an extent. But I think the idea that the world would be better off without religion is a little flawed.

First, it's important to note that not all bad things come from fact, a majority of recent corruption and danger in the world is due to the desire for money, power, sex, drugs, nature etc. Let's take a short look at this:

The Watchmaker Makes No Sense

ok, so why would we look at a watch to see design, surely it the watchmaker argument is true than we could just simply look at the sky... why a watch?

Textom's picture

Hitchens/D'Souza Debate

Did anybody else go to the Hitchens/D'Souza Debate?


There were cameras videotaping, but I don't see anything on The King's College Web site about posting the vid.

deludedgod's picture

Something that should be read by anyone who wishes to argue about evolution, especially those who would attempt to disprove it

What truly irritates me is that the majority, the truly and utterly vast majority of people who attack evolution do not actually understand it, at all, in any way whatsoever that could not be construed as a contradiction to the term "understand". Why is it that people who do not know anything about evolution think they can comment on it? Because it contradicts their religion? Do we find these same people discoursing on Relativistic Kinematics or Quantum Electrodynamics? Indeed, do we find such people attempting to discourse on anything except evolution? Do they imagine that evolutionary biology is somewhat less complex than any other scientific discipline, such that they do not need to study it to talk of evolution?

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