Atheist vs. Theist

Mere's picture

ID Theory & Young Earth Creationism

1. Is ID a theory from ignorance, or a scientific theory? Evidences?

2. What are the fundamental issues regarding Young Earth Creationism?

Greatest I am's picture

Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?

Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?

Some more enlightened Christians are trying to mature Christianity.

The Christian invention of hell and Christian strong desire for it to exist, shows a hatred that is quite deep within the Christian tribal soul.

Jesus would not cast the first stone yet Christians adamantly demand that he cast the last killing stone called hell.

You will reap what you sow Christian.

This will be you unless you repent from your hating ways. You are corrupting Jesus and his good archetypal name.

I predict this following for you if you do not lose your hate for those who just happen by accident of birth to not believe as you do. Beware.


Greatest I am's picture

Comprehending God Poe, the Bible and Candid style.

Comprehending God Poe, the Bible and Candid style.

Poe said...
If we cannot comprehend God in his visible works, how then in his inconceivable thoughts, that call the works into being? If we cannot understand him in his objective creatures, how then in his substantive moods and phases of creation?

This is basically what scriptures say when they say to seek God in the heavens. Nature IOW.

These views are what led to my apotheosis and I endorse them wholeheartedly.

When I was a seeker, before I found this clip below. I had concluded that reality was in the best and only state that it could be in. This best state included nature as well as man within it.

When this was written, most thought it to just be a cynical view of life but I think it is quite true and irrefutable, based on the anthropic principle and the notion that a God would start things of in a good way as scriptures indicate for Eden and that that best way would be self-perpetuating because I could not imagine a God using creation as a make work project that he would have to tweak every now and then as scriptures indicated that he did.

Greatest I am's picture

Jesus forgiving sin is unjust to Victim.

Jesus forgiving sin is unjust to Victim.

Sin, by it’s very nature must have a victim. Without a victim, there is no sin.

The one sinned against has the first right of forgiveness.

If Jesus usurps that right then I think it would be unjust.

Closure is being denied the victim thus victimizing is twofold.

Jesus would not condone such a thing.

Secular law now demands a victim assessment report before sentence is given.

To think that Jesus would ignore this requirement is unthinkable.

This means that, “Why have you forsaken me? “, is answered by God with; because what you do is immoral. You deny the victim her or his rights. It is also unjust to punish the innocent instead of the guilty. In fact, that notion is insane.

In the scenario shown here the victim is ignored thus showing the flaw in the judge’s ruling, if he accepts substitutionary atonement. Regards DL

Jean Chauvin's picture

My New Friend - An Atheist


I have an atheist who is now my friend. He hangs out with me on the weekends and asks me questions.

This morning he went to church with me. Some Electricial Engineer guy talked to him in the back the whole time. The atheist said it was typical, not like how I talk with him.

Then tonight, I took my new friend to a Bible study from 6 to 10pm.

We're actually friends. A guy like all of you though in the flesh. Cool huh?

He's gonna be saved eventually if he keeps this up.

My point is, for all those who hate my guts or love my guts, if we had met in person, we would have most likely of been friends l This goes for Mickey, and Brian and Tuna Tony over there.

So basically, my point of this thread is, can't we all just get along?


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

ThunderJones's picture

An Idea I Had

I don't know if this is a common line of thought or I'm just stating the obvious but here goes:

I see a lot of theists arguing that the chance the us (Humans) could exist in the universe is so astronomical that there must be a God that helped us out.


Here is my question. Wouldn't ALL intelligent species that evolved in the universe think that they were extremely lucky?

My idea is that, regardless of whether we - humans - are the only intelligent life in the universe (highly unlikely imho), wasn't intelligent life bound to happen eventually if science tells us anything? Even if the chances are very low it has to happen some time by laws of chance. Even extremely pessimistic estimates of alien life do not postulate that we are unique.

And wouldn't that intelligent life think "Wow, that we even exist is a huge stroke of luck, maybe there is something more to this? Maybe a God exists?". Especially before they understand the world around them through science.

This is exactly what creationists say, but my argument is that ALL intelligent species WOULD think that, since they have no contact with alien (to them) life.

It's not unlikely that we exist at all, it had to happen eventually. Since we have no frame of reference of how much life similair to us exists in the universe of course we assume we're the only ones. Our survival of the fittest mentality also makes us arrogant.

Greatest I am's picture

Your God is your ultimate barrier to finding the Godhead.

Your God is your ultimate barrier to finding the Godhead.

The Jews, the true authority and interpreters of Eden, saw mankind’s gain of knowledge as an elevation in their struggle to understand God. Israel [as understood by Hebrews, = he strives with God]. Strive can be read as to mean to work either with or against. Jews equated God more with a source of knowledge than a source of command that must be obeyed. This is shown by archetypal Moses ignoring God’s law of divorce.

Being a Gnostic Christian, my view goes to following the Jewish view for two basic reasons. They have more authority over the O. T. than Christians and secondly, they give our creation, beginning and God a happy ending for our passage through Eden. True evil had yet to manifest itself to that point in time.

Christians on the other hand, with their view of Eden as man’s fall, cannot see a perfect heaven without evil. God fails on this issue and admits it by casting Satan out.

Christians cannot see a perfect Eden on earth without evil. God fails on this issue and admits it by casting Adam and Eve out.

In Noah’s day, God repented from his sins. He missed the mark and admits it by destroying most of mankind and animal kind with an immoral genocide.

Feredir28's picture

PLEASE HELP: Debating a Panentheist

Hi all. I am an atheist currently debating a panentheist (not a pantheist) who believes everything exists within the mind of a Cosmic Mind which he says is equated with God. I never knew what a panentheist was or even existed before I met him. I asked him several times to make it clear what kind of god he beleivse in, what are its characteristics, did it create time, everything! Still not given a satisfying answer. All he has described god is as follows:

*Omnipresent - via the definition Universal wave function (hence, everything in the Universe that can be defined in units of matter and energy possesses a collapsable wave-function - the reason why we have the Many-World Interpretation, as oppose to the 'many-atoms, or many -electrons interpretation.)

*(possibly) Omnipotent - via the Zeno effect. According to the Zeno effect, repeated observation(collapse) skews the probabily of the wave-function. Thus a self collapsing wave-function can skew it's own probability via the Zeno effect.

*Conscious - Since we already know that the wave-function of the universe is self-collapsing, it must be a cosmic mind (ie. God), since self-collapsing wave-functions are minds. According to Eugene Wigner and Roger Penrose.



Jesus help every lost soul on this site - that they find you and you have mercy on their souls - Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.  They are just lost sould searching and searching for something or someone to LOVE them.  Wow i am glad i am not lost - ALLELUIA - praise to GOD - the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!!! 


Who created science?

To ALL atheists and everyone else - Who created science? 

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