Atheist vs. Theist

Marty Hamrick's picture

Arguing on How to Argue, the Theist's Dodge

  Philosophy is defined as :

  1. The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, esp. when considered as an academic discipline.
  2. A set of views and theories of a particular philosopher concerning such study or an aspect of it.


#1 basically says its the study of everything, basically,life.#2 basically says its someone's opinion about it. Every time I read a particular philosopher, whether I agree with him or not, the first thing that pops into my head is: "Did this guy not have a job?"


Marty Hamrick's picture

Assuming:What's Up With That?

I don't know if it's just me, the area I grew up in or what, but why is it that many fundamentalist (Evangelical,Bible believing if you prefer)assume that when they first meet someone, that person is a Christian who believes as they do? I've seen this so many times in businesses,people who should know better than to open a religious or political conversation with customers and in general. The conversation may start off normal, but then they may say something snide about atheists, "People who don't believe in God are such and such", or "I saw a show on TV that was so nasty, I had to turn it off, what if Jesus had've returned and that had've been on?" Or, "That godless Obama did such and such" .What's up with that? I've worked for the public, and I was taught to never engage a customer in any conversation that could start an argument. In other words, no politics or religion. Christians, why do you do this(if you're the type that does)?


I don't remember if I posted this before or not.

hbmbc30's picture

Hello i am an ateheist living in the midst of diehard christians

all of my life i have thought that the whole god and religion thing were a bit flaky, ive always thought it was bogus.. i have tried the god thing a number of times. ive have been to a pentacostal church, which i dont recommend to anyone who doesnt know what they are about... and other churches throughout the years.. and now i am solid in my choice.. i dont just accept things atheits or atheist sites say i do the research for myself and the same goes for what theists say.. that in turn has strenghtend my atheism.. im proud to be an atheist but i cant come right out and wear shrits or express it for fear of serious backlash.. any re advice to a person who wants to be as openly atheist as others are openly christian... i keep my mouth shut cause i dont want to cause problems.. i enjoy this site quite a bit... also is it true that conservatives are trying to amend the government to fit religion? im confused about this as the librals and the right are trying to snuff eachother out it seems... where can i go for HONEST news reporting of FACTS.. ive done alot of research and i would love it if someone kinda helped point me in the right direction..





im glad to be a member of this site\




Chris D.

What Kind Of Evidence?

So, my question is What would you make of it if the following happened to you?


I had a roommate a few years ago. He was a rather militant atheist as was I, at the time. He had the following experiences, which I know to be true. 

He was 20 at the time. He had been in a relationship with a boy named James for just over two years. They had met only twice, and he lived in Texas, whereas we lived in NYC. Nonetheless, they spoke everyday, wrote letters, etc. James was a couple years younger and when his parents found out he was a homo they took away his phone, computer, cut his hair, and sent him to a Christian school. Soon, after a short while of communicating with my friend Allen via mutual friends, James called it off, and then had somewhat of a breakdown. Allen was upset, naturally. At this same time I was gifted a CD called Messages From Spirit. It was a guided meditation that leads you in asking "Spirit" for guidance. Then you just have to keep your eyes peeled for 'messages' or symbols, things that stick out in your daily life. It came with a booklet/dictionary of symbols that would help you interpret what they meant. I gave it to Allen and he actually listened to it. His questions were, of course, 'does James still love me' and 'what should I do next' (because from the way the breakup went James gave the impression that he was now going to be straight and said that he hated Allen and wished he'd just disappear). 

The Atheist Kid's Bible

This is a plug, but a relevant one. (Moderator, please strike me down if I'm totally out of order!).

Some time ago I wrote a book for my kids, What I'll Tell Tom - now subtitled the Atheist Kid's Bible. I quite liked the Bible as a kid, but didn't believe all the God stuff. I wanted my kids to have a book that told them where we came from and threw in a bit of moral philosophy too. In the book I also briefly describe the major world faiths and tell them it's fun to debate with others who have different views - as this forum demonstrates Smiling

I'm interested in how others encourage their kids to interact with those with different beliefs - do any atheist parents out there send their kids to religious schools or youth groups? Do any religious parents encourage their kids to enter the atheist vs theist debates?

Here's a link to a fledgeling blog and details of the book if you're interested...



Is Communism a religion?



Is Communism a religion?  The word Communism in itself is vague.  It is taken to mean only an economic system in which everyone will work according to his abilities and will receive according to his needs.  There will be no state, no division of the world into countries, and no social classes, because production belongs to mankind.  With that said, do you believe Commmunism is a religion?  If the followers claim to be atheists?  It does appear that Communism has all the components of a religion.  They have a bible, they have a church, they have a membership, they have a creed, they have an inner circle which is the core group unknown to the rest of the world and they have titled their inner circle an organisation called "hell".  One would think they would have titled it the Society for the betterment of the poor.  The spiritual father of Communism is Charles Darwin.  This we know as Marx declared him to be so.  * Charles Darwin's cousin Sir Francis Galt was the spiritual father for Nazism and was the founder of Eugenics as a matter of interest thought I'd mention it.  


why i believe

 When I was 12 years old I was exposed to pornography (oh how sad that its common at that age now) and I started then having sexual thoughts about both men and women.  At the young age of 15 I had my first sexual encounter with a boy a few years older than myself.  For the next few years we met up a number of times.  When I graduated High School I joined the U.S. Navy.  Upon completion of bootcamp I was sent to Pensacola to train in Avionics.  While in Pensacola I had another sexual encounter with a guy in Aircrew training.  A shipmate in my barracks, one day, invited me to come with him to a baptist church out in town.  I did.  I had grown up Catholic, not really being "religious".  I learned things I never knew about Jesus, and what the bible says about "certain things" through that church.  Though someone had me say the "sinners prayer" and la de da, I still continued on my current path.  After Pensacola I stopped by home for a couple weeks, having my first encounter with a female.  I arrived at the first duty station in KBAY Hawaii.  While in KBAY someone brought me to the United Pentecostal Church, where I worshiped for 8 years.  Through those 8 years, 3 of which were there in Hawaii, I met and slept with numerous men.  When I moved to Norfolk I had a "regular partner".  I ended up getting engaged to a girl in my church in Norfolk, but that shortly ended once she found out that I had sexual interest in men.  


truth is truth

 Since the things of God are spiritually discerned (1 corinthians 2:14) a proper understanding of scripture is often more the result of an individuals spiritual condition than his or her intellectual ability.  Often the truth of Scripture will appear to be "folly" to those who have rejected the claims of Jesus. 

Greatest I am's picture

Do you recognize that God gains pleasure in creating evil?

Do you recognize that God gains pleasure in creating evil?

Revelation 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

This quote indicates that the creation of evil is an ongoing process by God and that he creates evil for his pleasure. This makes sense in that God would not create something that he did not want in the world or that would displease him.

As a Gnostic Christian, I recognize that the concept of God is all myth.

Literal and historic belief did not generally come about till about the years 80. 50 years after the death of Jesus. In fact, Jesus was not declared divine till the Trinity concept was accepted, by the force of Constantine in 380.

Having said this, I recognize why the ancient thinkers would say that God is pleased when he creates evil in the world.

Do you understand how and why God gains pleasure from creating evil and sin?

If not, why do you think God would create evil and sin for his displeasure?

If God does not do or create evil as some think, then who else has the power to create evil?


ex-minister's picture

Younger generation has doubted existence of god more

Pew Research Study

Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years Trends in American Values: 1987-2012

Down the page a bit there a chart showing the younger generation has doubted the existence of god more than prior generation. Maybe there us hope afterall.

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