Atheist vs. Theist

sapphen's picture

attn: atheist, what is your true agenda?

*this is a long post and i apologize if i repeat the same thing over. i tried to bold and italicizing the main points for the speed readers.

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i understand a need for separation of church and state. i understand that in some ways christainity may have hindered the growth of science and maybe other areas. i know that religion has done a lot of bad things. what is the conclusion that you are looking for?

are you truly seeking to eradicate beliefs or simply to improve our society? people are always going to believe what they want and if you think you are able to take that away, i feel that is a highly irrational goal. the end result could end up very badly especially when you start blaming others and slap them with a predefined burden. do you think force should be implied to these "so called" delusional and mentally disturbed people? do you think calling us delusional and mentally disturbed is an effective way to make them consider their errors?

Distinction Without a Difference: Science and Theistic Theology!

Got your attention? Hah. Yah, no, not really gonna make that argument.. or perhaps I am, I don't know.

I'm just going to work through some bullet points and present a grip of conditional statements which, to me, seem necessary..

Of course.. I could be wrong but time to try...

So.. here we go.

Science: The universe has been around for X time.

Theistic Theology: The universe has been around for X time.

Options: For the purpose of this exercise we will be defining “universe” as “everything”. “Everything” will be defined as all material things.. which I assume includes “energy and matter” but may, at some point if we so perceive or infer it, include other categories.

AModestProposal's picture

Honest question for Theists (Moved from Rational Response Squad Radio Show forum)

Maybe I'm just stupid or something, but I don't understand why anyone who believes that death brings one to paradise would react to death the same way as someone like myself you thinks an afterlife of any kind is unlikely.

If death just brings you closer to god and is so great you look forward to it, and if life is but a joke, a big waiting room before god is ready to see you: Is Jesus' dying for humanity such a sacrifice? -Why go to a hospital when you're sick? -Why morn the dead & view events like 9/11 as tragic? -Why would murder be wrong if you're just bringing people to god faster? -If you're Catholic, there's no more Limbo, so then people are saved by default, so all they can do while alive is risk screwing it up. So wouldn't abortion be a great way to ensure paradise for your children? -In fact, wouldn't a great person then be someone who risks their own soul to kill babies to ensure they can't ruin their guaranteed spot in heaven before they risk screwing it up?


what about deists?

Diests believe in a kind of "higher power", but certainly not the theist god....I myself tend to go back and forth betweend deism and agnosticism. just wondering what the general opinion is on deism here?

afreakofthejesustype's picture

Atheism does not exist

So here is my point, you may have heard this argument before but hey here is just once point.

To be a True Atheist you must know without a doubt that there is no God, which would make you all knowing, which in return would make you God yourself.

you cannot be an atheist only agnostic!!!!!

ParanoidAgnostic's picture

Selfishly spreading the good news

This post relates to the christians who tell us that believers go to heaven while non-believers go to hell. That God cares only for faith and not works. When these christians are asked what happens to the people who never heard of Christ all but the harshest of fundies tell us that God will not punnish them for non belief because it would be unfair since they never had the opportunity to believe.

If this is the case, why spread the word? why have churches? If mankind forgets Christ then everyone gets a free pass into heaven. By telling someone who would otherwise not have heard of Jesus you are creating the potential of going to hell. Clearly teaching them God's word is not in their interests, so why do it. Is it because spreading the word will earn you brownie points with God by demonstrating your own faith? If so then to do so is incredibly selfish. Impress God by creating te risk of hell for others.

Hambydammit's picture

Attn Theists! What is good about religion?

Ok, this post is for all the other theists who want to chime in on my other thread, entitled, Attn Dylan.

Here's the question:

What has religion contributed to society that couldn't have been contributed without god belief?

Simple enough.  Anybody?


Hambydammit's picture

Attn Dylan! Theism IS bad!

While this thread is posted in AvT, I'd appreciate it if, at least for a few posts, everyone allow Dylan and me to have the floor. Once we get the first couple of posts out of the way, feel free to jump in, but I'd like for Dylan to have the floor, unimpeded at least long enough to make all the points he wants to make. Thanks in advance!


Ok, Dylan, here are my major premises from Pineapple's thread, hopefully condensed a bit and easily managable.

1) Theism is dangerous and harmful to society.

A) Gregory S. Paul has documented with clarity that without exception, among modern countries, the most religious societies are also the most dysfunctional with regard to violent crime, sex crime, teen pregnancy and rates of STDs.

How do people who believe in God--define the God that they believe in? And how do atheists define the God they don't believe in?

People who believe in God--may not all agree what God is. 10 people may say they believe in God--but they all may have a different definition/explanation of what God is. Therefore, on the surface it seems they are in some sort of agreement--but depending on their beliefs about God--there may actually be spaces of disagreement between each of these 10 as there are between any one of them and an atheist.

So, I'd like to pose the question: IF you belive in God--how would you define that God? And if you DON'T believe in God--how would you define what it is you don't believe in.

Perhaps, some who do believe in God also wouldn't believe in the God as defined by some atheists.

Dave_G's picture

Noah in the Koran

Lo! We sent Noah unto his people (saying): Warn thy people ere the painful doom come unto them. 1:1
He said: O my people! Lo! I am a plain warner unto you 71:2
(Bidding you): Serve Allah and keep your duty unto Him and obey me, 71:3 
That He may forgive you somewhat of your sins and respite you to an appointed term. Lo! the term of Allah, when it cometh, cannot be delayed, if ye but knew. 71:4 
He said: My Lord! Lo! I have called unto my people night and day 71:5 
But all my calling doth but add to their repugnance; 71:6 
And lo! whenever I call unto them that Thou mayst pardon them they thrust their fingers in their ears and cover themselves with their garments and persist (in their refusal) and magnify themselves in pride. 71:7 

And lo! I have called unto them aloud, 71:8

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