Atheist vs. Theist

Atheist's Secret Morality

I think it’s about time that atheists admit their secret belief. You say one thing to the public but in privacy you share another truth with each other. Or perhaps you only admit it to yourselves, because to even share the secret with others would lead to increased difficulties that you don't want. You play with your cards close to the chest.

Why not break the cycle?

I have seen discrimination all around. Rather it be in real life, or on internet forums.


There will always be discrimination in the world. Rather it be discrimination based on religion, race or nationality. I see it all the time. Some Christians claim atheists are immoral, some atheists claim Christian are bigots, this only leads to more bigotry on both sides, each side claiming persecution. Of course, some Christians are bigots, and some atheists are immoral, but for either side to generalize the other is nothing less than group think and only contributes to the problem. 

Master Jedi Dan's picture

Biblical Proof

Proof that the Bible is true. Anyone care to refute it? (See video below -- it wouldn't post as the right size)

Dave_G's picture

Jesus vs Paul

"My long-time view about Christianity is that it represents an amalgam of two seemingly immiscible parts--the religion of Jesus and the religion of Paul. Thomas Jefferson attempted to excise the Pauline parts of the New Testament. There wasn't much left when he was done, but it was an inspiring document." (Letter to Ken Schei [author of Christianity Betrayed and An Atheists for Jesus]) - Carl Sagan

"Where possible Paul avoids quoting the teaching of Jesus, in fact even mentioning it. If we had to rely on Paul, we should not know that Jesus taught in parables, had delivered the sermon on the mount, and had taught His disciples the 'Our Father.' Even where they are specially relevant, Paul passes over the words of the Lord."-Albert Schweitzer

Christos's picture


Obviously, the site is mainly dedicated to debunking Christianity. I would like to point out that I am not a Christian (I'm Agnostic). I was wondering if anyone here could debunk the Bahai faith. I don't know much about it, but I do know that the religion is similar to Christianity in its founding by a single person. Bahaullah was a 19th Century religious figure who was seen as a manifestation of God. Does anyone here know more about this religion or care to criticize it?

Impending or Inevitable Marriage Between Physics & Metaphysics?

Hi Everyone,

This is Part One of a post I’d like to make. If you wish to read Part Two, the last part, please let me know. I look forward to all comments.

Scientists work within their personal belief system--as do we all. They must examine the sole reality they see as real and as existing--what we all call "physical reality." To do so, they invent their tools and instruments. At the same time, to metaphysicists, physical reality not the only reality. It exists as it appears to the five senses, while simultaneously it is actually something akin to a camouflage reality which springs forth from an invisible or nonphysical reality much like (in an analogy only) the tip of an iceberg may stick out from the ocean.

Gavagai's picture

Dane Cook Meets an Atheist

This is funny...


ParanoidAgnostic's picture

Would Christ vote conservative?

Many christians tell me that to be christian is more than believeing in christ it is striving to be more christ-like. Why then do so many christians (particularly the fundamentalists) align themselves with right wing politics? Christ (atleast as he is explained by popular christianity) seemed to be all about the left. He was about charity and peace.

Right wing politics seems to be very old testament but even the fundies, when questioned about a particularly ridiculous rule in the old testament, insist that those rules no longer apply to them as christ replaced them.

ParanoidAgnostic's picture

Quantum Theology

Disclaimer: I do not believe anything I am about to write. It is an idea I had in the middle of a 2-hour cycling journey so my brain was obviously starved of oxygen. It does not proove anything and is probably a terrible misrepresentation of quantum mechanics.

I'm just throwing it out there because I'm so sick of the same old theistic arguments I thought I'd try to make up my own. Sorry if this is an another old one. I haven't heard it before.

 When you run an experiment on electrons to test for particles they behave as particles, when you run a test on electrons to test for waves they behave as waves. It seems like in quantum mechanics you get what you're looking for. If you're looking for particles you get particles, if you're looking for waves you get waves.

When scientists study the natural world they are looking for naturalistic explanations so that is what they find. This does not mean that it is the only explanation, just as electrons are both particles and waves maybe nature can be explained correctly by both naturalistic and theistic explanations. We see the naturalistic evidence because we are testing for a naturalistic evidence. We don't see theistic evidence because we aren't testing for it.

ParanoidAgnostic's picture

Sex and Ceremony

I know this is my second topic about sex in a couple of weeks, but I'm not obsessed with it, honestly.

I admit limited knowledge of anthropology but from what I have seen primitive religions seem to have many cemeonies based obviously on sexuality and mating, also a lot of their religious art is quite explicitly sexual. I recently noticed that christian ceremony (as far as I've seen) involves the complete denial of sexuality. At what point in human history did our ceremony enter into this phase of denial?

Ceremony is important to human beings and used quite well in the perpetuation of faith. I'm wondering if this strict taboo on sexuality in modern churches is helping lead do the loss of believers. Sexuality is a large part of life (It's how we make more people) primitive cultures seem to be honest about this and embrace sexuality while christianity seems to be ashamed of it. Perhaps it is not meeting the spiritual needs of sexual beings. 

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