Atheist vs. Theist

doctoro's picture

Christianity is Sun Worship: Theist Response?

I have seen NUMEROUS sources recently that expose Christianity as nothing more than altered paganistic sun worship.

There are several key videos that make the case. I cannot figure how to embed them, but I welcome any help.

My favorite is very short and to the point. It has no publicized authorship, and appears to be very “underground.” Nonetheless, most of the information is factual and difficult to dispute. It can be found here (26 minutes):

Secondly, Reginald Finley interviews a woman who wrote a book about this issue (48 minutes):

Maybe Reincarnation isn't so far fetched

I've been thinking about it, and if the universe is infinite then my body will be created as it is now an infinite number of times in the future, therfore also i have existed an infinite number of times in the past.

I wonder though, if it would actually be me or someone else who is exactly the same in every way. It's weird, i can't really define "me", i know every aspect of me exists within my brain but even devoid of any intelligence it's still my experience of life if you see what i mean.

if every life in the universe no matter how similar has it's own experience that is unique to it. then that "self" must be immaterial.

Debunking the first cause argument

how do you debunk this?

ParanoidAgnostic's picture

The soul

Even though I identify as an atheist, a part of me believes there is something eternal in my self, that I will not cease to exist at the moment I die. It is not the logical part of me. It's just a feeling and I know that it can easily be explained away by science (there's no evolutionary advantage in animals understanding that they will die so it makes sense that the idea of me ever not existing is a difficult one to accept). While I don't accept christainity (It has never made sense to me) I have at various times considered pantheism, buddhism or wicca to be viable options (that we are all part of god, or that we keep being reincarnated until we figure things out makes sense to me philosophically) Recently, that -I guess you could call it- hope has been severely injured by thinking about the function of the brain.

Perhaps Atheism Doesn't Actually Exist [Moved back, my bad, Jacob]

I was re-reading Decartes' "Meditations" recently, and while me and Renee don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, something struck me as I went back through his development of the cogito. That argument, in which Decartes roots all philosophy in the irrefutable assertion that we exist ("I think, therefore I am"), lies at the heart of most modern thinking. It's the one undeniable thing...that we are, that we are aware. You can't deny it, for in denying it, you affirm it. There are problems with that as a philosophical cornerstone, of course, because it 1) is so self evident as to border on tautology and 2) really doesn't provide a foundation for much other than subjectivism.

D-cubed's picture

Could someone offer me assistance

I don't find myself talking with pastors or fundy Christians so I was wondering if any of you who do could pass along these questions.  Both these examples happened to friends of mine and I'd like to know what they think should be the end result according to their bible.

The first involves my friend who was raped.  She was beaten unconcious then raped.  Since she was in the city and the biblical requirement is that she must cry out for help otherwise she should be executed.  Since she was unconscious and couldn't cry out for help does that mean she should be executed?

The other involves something that happened to one of my friends many years ago.  When she was 12 she was sodomized by her gym teacher.  According to the Bible the teacher must pay a fine and marry her. What would the fine be and is she too young to be married?  Also, since she was actually sodomized with a jump rope handle do the biblical laws concerning courtship through rape still qualify? 

doctoro's picture

Absolute Morals: Fernandez vs. Barker

To summarize: "Do we have any basis for saying that rape is wrong in all cultures in all times?"

Please read carefully...

I was listening to a discussion between Reginald Finley and Phil Fernandez on an episode of the Infidel Guy radio show. Phil Fernandez is an outspoken Christian doctoral recipient from Liberty University (if that counts). He is also a young earth creationist and an evangelist of sorts.

Fernandez, on the show, referred to a debate between Dan Barker and himself. Dan Barker is an atheist who had been a former evangleist minister. Dan Barker engages in all sorts of debates with Christians, and he's one of my favorites to listen to.

Is Jesus misunderstood?

Do you think that it is possible that Jesus’ messages are grossly misunderstood and not wrong? I am not an Atheist nor do I support any organized religion, but I do appreciate and highly value free and intelligent thinking. Most Christians (and other people) misunderstand Jesus’ messages. They often read his teaching literarily when they were meant to be taken poetically, metaphorically, and symbolically. For example, the gates of Heaven don't really exist in the ethers. The gates (or a doorway) represent transition and heaven represents consciousness. Therefore, passing through the gates of heaven is a transition into a higher form of consciousness and not something you simply get for being a good person, a believer in the Almighty, or repenting your sins.

Dave_G's picture

Proof that 80% of people clicking Google ads are retarded.

Are we in the 'Last Days' predicted throughout the Bible? [5268 votes total]
Yes (3317) 63%