Atheist vs. Theist

jread's picture

I'm beginning to realize--A commentary on theistic disdain

Good early morning R.R.S. I am contemplating not sleeping this evening. It would be the first time in a while that I've done this.

The goal of this post is to share a bit of realization concerning something I noticed right off the bat when becoming active on this site.

I noticed right away that many posters were very impatient with theist newcomers. I found myself thinking, why is this? Initially I concluded that members of the R.R.S. dislike theists based on their ideologies alone and as a result treated them with disdain. If I may be so kind, as to point out, that I realize now that this was not caused by disdain for ideologies. I find that the impatience is more of reaction to the disdain that has been shown continually towards atheists previously by theists.

Slimm's picture

What Are Some Other Good Atheist Websites Besides RRS?

Does anyone know of any other good Atheist Websites? Cool Doob


theotherguy's picture

Something that ticks me off a bit.

Sorry if this shouldn't be in the AvT thread, its a personal  narrative, but I think I can glean a discussable point.

My uncle is an atheist. He is the only other atheist in my family (and the only open one, I haven't "come out of the closet" yet, just made sarcastic comments whenever religion is brought up). His father is also an atheist. This ticks off the rest of my family, who call him a "godless bastard" who "worships computers" (whatever that means), but that's not the point. His father is dying of cancer; painful, horrible prostate cancer. Every week I am forced to go to chuch with my parents and grandparents, and every single week they bring up my uncle's father.

I am Christian. Should I be atheist?

Hello everyone, I found this site through luck I imagine, after witnessing the Youtube video. First of all as this is my first post I thought it prudent to introduce myself, I’m Tom, I’m from England and yes I am a Christian. First of all I’m interested in people’s comments on my perception of belief and of Christianity itself, I should be revising for my university entry examinations but I can never let a good discussion go! I'm 18 and while my experience of the world is finite, I have the intelligence and the will to be opinionated, and to be able to express my opinions and choose them freely. God is a private matter for me; I don’t speak of it to people except rare occasions such as now, my point being that how can you possibly deny the emotions and the feelings I get from my beliefs? The freedoms and values enjoyed in your countries and my country today are largely based upon those early Christian principles. It is not God who kills people, it is not love, anger or hatred that kills and destroys, but it is man. The will of a man surmounts all religion and thus he uses it to his own ends, men do not do the will of God, they did the will of man in God’s name.


Epistemological Preliminaries (a discussion moved from "Official RRS defeats..." thread)

Scottmax says:

Let me give an example: My wife goes to work before me and returns after I do. I leave the house in the morning and my newspaper in sitting on the kitchen table. When I return home, I find it on the floor. Now I can come up with a number of theories for how this happened.

My dog pulled was looking on the table for food to steal and knocked it off.

My wife returned home early, knocked the paper on the floor, then left again. (My wife has little tolerance for newspapers on the floor, though.)

Atheists ask why is outerspace uninhabitable if God designed the Universe?

My answer: So we can experience it.


But what about distant galaxies outside our scope? Fear not, as I am sure there are other civiliations out there to take in the experience.


all pics from

[edit:fixed title]

Rev_Devilin's picture

Was Adolf Hitler a good Christian ?

I recently watched a film called downfall. about Adolf Hitler's final days

And curiosity led me to read mein kamp. which I'm still reading. 

I also listened to the rrs Atheist in Wonderland mp3 were Hitler was mentioned by one the the Fundie's in an interview,

"Atheist in Wonderland" I am a good guy "fundie" I know you feel that way. and in comparison with Hitler you are. but in comparison to Jesus you are nothing

? But is the Atheist in Wonderland a good guy in comparison with Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler from what I've read in mein kamp Hitler was a good Christian, whom believed in God. and he believed he was carrying out Gods work Adolf Hitler was a poor misguided sinner.and in his own mind he was bringing an uncompromising efficiency to the Inquisition started by the Catholic church. while the Atheist in Wonderland is a Blaspheming heretic whom rejects god and Jesus

Dave_G's picture

Evidence towards Hitlers christianity.

Hitler leaving Church

pokerpooner's picture

Christians why bother attacking evolution?

Even before i ever heard of evolution in highschool I was atheist. The theist usually think if they can prove evolution to be wrong we'd start believing in God.