Atheist vs. Theist

Rigor_OMortis's picture

Religion, lack of it, and morality - a short essay

I've heard numerous arguments of atheism and morality being poles apart, and I wish to address this in a logical essay.


Let us first assume that morality is completely bound to religion. By that, I understand that morality cannot come from anything else than religion, and that morality of anyone non-religious is merely borrowed.

We know that, in this world, there have been, are, and, probably, will be for many years, many conflicting religions. Conflicting in the sense that each of them consider they are right and the others are wrong. In this sense, we also notice that their ideas are conflicting as well: it wasn't Yahweh who created the world, but Allah, you won't get to Heaven, but to Nirvana, you don't have to burn in the name of Vishnu, but in the name of Ahura Mazda, etc. Their history is not necessarily conflicting, but different (considering that the major religions were mostly hundreds of miles apart, at least, this looks quite normal).

Dave_G's picture

How many people did the cheif captain kill?

2 Samuel 23:6
The ... chief among the captains ... he lift up his spear against eight hundred, whom he slew at one time.
1 Chronicles 11:11
the chief of the captains: he lifted up his spear against three hundred slain by him at one time.
Slimm's picture

What Do Theists Say About The Fact That All Human Fetus Begin Originally As Females?

In the past it was thought that the Initial Embryonic Existence of the Human Fetus was a 'undifferentiated' or a 'bisexual' phase. Now we all know that the Fetus is originally formed as female, and it's not until the fifth to sixth week of fetal life that "she" morphologically transforms into a male with the help of Hormones/Genes. Have you ever seen what happens to a female body builder who abuses Male Hormones?

This sure does contradict the "wishful thinkers" claim that a male(Adam) was magically created first, named all the animals, told the sky he was bored and needed some company, then the female was created from the mans rib - Lol. It just makes me want to go jump off of a building to think that most of our population believes with certainty that this is the explination for the origins of our species.

justmoon's picture

Airplanes are intelligently designed, right? Well, not really...

3:50 mins into the talk:

The evolution of planes...


My take on it:

If you want to see "Intelligent Design" look at the early cave paintings. If you want to see what "Human Selection" produces over centuries, look at whatever your favorite painting is. Without the constant evolution of ideas, no-one would just happen to design a Coca-Cola can. You may think the can is your idea, but actually you contributed one or two major ideas to it and even those might just be things you saw or heard in another context or maybe in nature.

Dave_G's picture

Proof that the pope has never opened a Bible.

link to theist score sheet?

I know i've seen a link to a theist argument score sheet...can't find it now...could someone please link it to me?


jread's picture

Arrogance and Intelligence

My recent encounters with the intellectual community (generalizing) has been very disheartening. The amount of arrogance in the human intelligence I've recently encountered saddens me. We as human beings need to get over ourselves. We don't have everything figured out. No matter how many theories, religions, ideologies we come up with, we will always be weak and prisoners to our subjective experience as a human being. The larger picture will always be out of reach from our hands of comprehension.

Every arrogant thinker who is over-confident and over-secure in his/her own intelligence needs to be leveled and humbled. The very essence of learning is not to one day think that you have learned everything, it is to keep learning, perpetually. Therefore, if we are perpetually learning, we are unavoidably forever ignorant of something. Everyone, on all levels, in all belief systems, need to know that they don't have all the answers. The world needs to purge itself of 'know it alls' and arrogant learners. May humbleness one day again be admired, while arrogance be shunned and revolted. Awake to your ignorance arrogant learners, you have stale coffee brewed in your kitchen.

Are there any atheists against abortion?

Any one you know or you?


I'm curious my friend says it's exclusivly a religious issue. 

Tilberian's picture

Theist1's "definition" of God

Copied from "RRS Defeats the Way of the Master" -  

Theist1 said: 

The universe is a concrete reality, God is an Abstract reality, therefore, to understand and define God we must "link" the abstract reality to the concrete reality, I was actually trying to give you the definition of "my God", as you can see I should have used the word produced in the first part of the theorum, not designed, i was at work and wasnt paying alot of attention. here is the proper definitional theorum for the definition of my God.

Abstract entities are not real. They exist only in our minds.

Atheism is anti-science

There's always a theist who thinks science can be used to prove God:


I got this webpage from the google ads on the right of this webpage. Google Ads is probably a Christian. It is a sentient software that now believes in God. Programmers don't have to worry about using "Saved" after updating it.

Let me summarize this article for you all:

The writer believes that science needs the supernatural in order to be coherent. Since atheists deny the existence of the supernatural, it follows that atheism is against science and requires the existence of miracles even more than religion.

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