Atheist vs. Theist

Dave_G's picture

Who wants to join my new religion?

Bassicly we worship Rook Hawkins.



We just bow at his  feet and do what he commands.Laughing



Praise his name!!!

The good atheist I'm proud of. But why do they care? (Moved from Kill 'Em WIth Kindness Forum)

Why is there cancer? Why is there disease, suffering and cruel death?

The questions posed by the kind-hearted atheist. That query is really the best position to hold for the atheist to take their stand among the great thinkers and doers of "human" history.

I wonder why though, if they are evolutionists, especially Darwinian evolutionists (which seems ubiquitous), they even feel caring about others?

Does the lion feel such a crushing weight of remorse or guilt when its prey, after an attempted murderous attack, gets away with a shattered leg? Only to die in pain and agony ending up the carion meal of some other animal?

Why can't science and God co-exist?

I see a lot of people say that science and God can't co-exist.

Why not?

wavefreak's picture

No god-proof

So there is no rational proof of god's existance. Is this the only type of proof acceptable? I have the suspicion that if tomorrow I went down to the beach and walked on the water that there would be those that would conclude that there is a perfectly rational explanation for the phenomenon that does not need god. So what would it take to actually "prove" God exists?

wavefreak's picture

My "god"

Take off your logic hats please. I am trying to provide context about just who the hell wavefreak is.


I believe we are not alone. It just seems absurd that we are the only sentient being that exists.

I believe that we are not the most intelligent creature in the universe. This place is just to frickin big. If we are the best thing going I would be sorely dissappointed

 I believe that since humans show thing like compassion, that what ever is "out there" that is "bigger" than us can also show compassion. 

And it may be possible that this sentient being (or race of beings) may just so happen to be aware of us and have some type of compassion (or whatever) towards us.

tracifish's picture

Todd Friel apologized...[moved from KewK to AvT]

...for saying that Brian hates Jesus. If you would like, I will find the podcast for you. Anyway, I thought maybe Brian would like to know...even though I'm certain it was an honest mistake.

Deist vs. Atheists

By Deist I simply mean one who believes in the existance of a supreme being, in paticular, a creator who does NOT interfere in or with the universe. This will be my position in this thread. As 'the Creator' is a rather bland term and 'God'  is a Christian name, I will use the name of Ned for the remainder of the thread when I am speaking of the supreme being or creator of the universe.
To begin with I will use Thomas Paine's arguement for the existance of Ned:
I did not create myself, yet I exist.Through my natural observation of the universe, I know that nothing within the universe can create itself, yet billions of things exist.Therefore, I conclude that something or someone outside the universe must be the catalyst for the universe and everything within the universe, and that catalyst I call Ned.

PurpleBear's picture

God is real

You win. God created the world. Which god was it again? Other than you word how do I know.

doctoro's picture

What is Christianity FOR?

1. What is Christianity FOR?

2. Are the things that Christianity is FOR rational?

3. Which of the things that Christianity is for are EXCLUSIVE to Christianity and inaccessible or impossible for non-Christians?


When I use the word FOR, I mean something VERY specific. I mean that in order to answer this question, a Christian may not use ANY
"negative" terminology, that is, one must leave what God is "against" out of the answer.

To say God is "for NOT being gay" or "for NOT sinning" is missing the point of the question.

Comments on the Nightline debate

Before anything is said, if at all possible, check your emotions at the door. Most people cannot control their emotions when discussing a topic like this... it will only lead to people getting off topic.

My intention with this thread is to present a more truly scientific presentation to those interested readers. In order for any objective discussion to happen, you at least have to be honest with yourself when considering whether something is true or not (even if it challenges your opinion).

I have often avoided futile discussions about who is right and who is wrong (in any topic of discussion) because humans are hopelessly biased and only see what they want to see. But I have to comment on the debate I just watched. But, before I begin... I am a Christian... so now you can decide whether or not to read further...

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