Atheist vs. Theist

Louis_Cypher's picture


All religions can be reduced in essence to revelation, that is to say, one person communing with ‘god’ or his agents to gain knowledge. A religion may be based on a singular revelation, or on a series of revelations from a string of ‘prophets’. Revelation is then passed down as oral tradition, which becomes written tradition, or, as in more ‘modern’ situations, passed directly to written tradition.


My question would be, is revelation a valid source of knowledge?

What differentiates revelation from imagination or delusion? LC >;-}>


A_Nony_Mouse's picture

Forbidden Planet

Maybe I am the last to notice it but the Captain (aka Lt. Frank Drebbin) introduces the ship's doctor only as his room mate not mentioning that he is a doctor.


A_Nony_Mouse's picture

Made in Alexandria, the Origin of the Yahweh Cult

Made in Alexandria
The Origin of the Yahweh Cult
by Matt Giwer, © 2011

As we know for a fact that the Old Testament could not possibly have been written in bibleland by the people living in bibleland it is of interest to examine where it was created and by whom.

There is a fundamental difference between belief and knowledge. People believe the darnedest things. Belief is a matter of choice. Knowledge is based upon what is experienced through the senses.

Disagreements with this based upon sophistry are not of interest. Abstraction from immediate, primary experience does not change the source of knowledge.

Hundreds of millions of people believe many things about the Old Testament. But when it comes to knowledge the situation is much different.


It works for me!

I'm just creating this thread so that it will last another three years.


An analogous argument to atheist morality

A common atheist assumption about morality includes that


a behavior is morally good if and only if it promotes society, or collective survival and prosperity.


Certainly, one can argue that murder is morally wrong insofar as it does not promote society.  But my question is, how is this any different from the assumption that

a behavior is morally good if and only if it promotes strawberry shortcake?


I mean, murder doesn't promote that either, does it?


Proof of God

W = {w1, w2, ...}

Gx = x has God's attributes

w1 = the actual world


(1.)  (x)(Gx≡(y)(y∈W ⇒ φ(Gx, y)=T))    Pr

(2.)  (x)(Gx≡(y)(y∈W ⇒ φ(Gx, y)=T)) ⇒(∃u)(∃z)((u∈W & φ(Gz, u)=T) ⇒ (g)(∃p)(g∈W ⇒ φ(Gp, g)=T))    Pr


(3.)  (∃u)(∃z)(u∈W & φ(Gz, u)=T)    Pr

(4.)  w1∈W    Pr

(5.)  (∃u)(∃z)((u∈W & φ(Gz, u)=T) ⇒ (g)(∃p)(g∈W ⇒ φ(Gp, g)=T))    1,2; MP

(6.)  (g)(∃p)(g∈W ⇒ φ(Gp, g)=T)    3,5; MP

(7.)  w1∈W ⇒ φ(Gp, w1)=T    6; EI, UI

(8.)  φ(Gp, w1)=T     4,7; MP

(9.)  (∃p)φ(Gp, w1)=T    8; EG

ex-minister's picture

Ricky, Twitter and a religious nut

 Ricky Gervais had a twitter row with GodsWordIsLaw. The latter burned a picture of Ricky on youtube.



Why the bible is the word of God. 

Mathematicians have discovered that The bible is written in a mathematical pattern called Gematria and is encrypted  unlike any other book in history. A universal language based on mathematics. 

God's universal Language is the bible. 

God created everything by number, weight and measure.
Isaac Newton

Mathematics is a universal language and a language by which God speaks. It is a fact that mathematicians like   
Isaac Newton and theologians like E.W. Bullinger discovered the bible  to be written in a intelligent mathematical Design far superior to man's capability. Today, the requirement of computers is needed to reveal the hidden truth. A study was done at the university of Jerusalem that gives proof to the discovery by Mathematicians. 

Galileo Galilei  said, 'The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth'.

Mathematicians like  Euler and Borel used their mathematical expertise to discover God and were somewhat successful. But they were no were near as successful as Isaac newton and Bullinger. 
1. Leonhard Euler: formula( ei*pi + 1 = 0 ) also know as "God’s formula".
2. Borel, Emil :Probability and Life formula

Mathematical signatures or patterns are inherent to the very structure of nature and the universe.

God vs Science

Science is the study of the physical natural world using observation and experiments.

What is God? God is spirit, therefore he is more than natural. He is supernatural. There are different bodies in the world. There is the natural human body, animal bodies, fish bodies, and then there is the spiritual body. Example: the body of AIR , you cannot see it, but you can see it's efects when the wind blows the leaves off a tree. 
The human being is limited to the physical world. We can only study the things that we see, hear, smell and feel using our limited technology.
We only know the things that God has revealed.God has revealed that he is eternal, no beginning and no end.The universe and time itself has a bigining and therefore one day an end.God revealed himself to humanity in the form of a man called Jesus. God revealed his words in the book called the word of God or bible.The bible itself is not a regular common Book. Isaac Newton studied the bible and discovered that it was written in a mathematical puzzle or code. This is the reason why we study Jesus and the bible.To discover God in any other way would require the person to be a genius, with the example of Isaac newton or Albert Einstein discovery of God using mathematics and the laws of physics. 
The human being lives in a Three dimensional world or a physical world (check out Einstein  or  Carl Sagan  3 dimension explanation on you tube).God exist in another dimension, but he has the capability to enter our 3 dimension world when he wants to.

SarcasticIndeed's picture

I want to believe in God, but it doesn't work?

Hello, I'm new and all, and I consider myself an Agnostic Atheist, but I've always wanted to be a theist.


I was born in an Orthodox Christian family, but we weren't especially religious. Still, I went to church for a period of my childhood very often, and considered myself as a Christian. However, as time passed, from my 8-10th year, or even earlier, I began to doubt things. I started asking "Does this make sense?" and "Could that really happen?" My mind always rejected religion as someting irrational.

At the time, I watched the Discovery, History and NG chanells which didn't help my theistic side to prevail over the atheistic. It talked about how everything in the bible would be explained with science, the contradictions, false beliefs etc. etc. The last one I saw said how, based on the evidence, Izrael people didn't attack the land (I forgot its name) like the bible says, but they lived there as peasants, and then probably built a new identity. They passed through a town which has a very similar name to the God in bible and probably got their belief from it.  At that point, I would still answer I'm a theist when someone asked me, but deep inside, I knew it wasn't true. I guess I was just scared of hell or something.

One day, I just realized that this "hiding from the truth" cannot continue. If God exists, he knows I don't believe in him and this false Christianity makes little to no sense to me. From that point on, I considered myself an atheist.

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