Atheist vs. Theist

Meranda submits a letter with evidence for God

After the RRS sent a newsletter to users of this site inviting them back, Meranda posted this in my blog.  I might respond, I'm not sure she'll ever see it, she didn't leave an email.  Feel free to respond to here. - Sapient



Well, I just got an email saying your back, after some time off. 

I am a Christian, and talked back and forth with you guys, until you dropped the conversation.  Most likely because I had way way way too much evidence. 

I love you guys, and I truly hope and PRAY that YHWH's perfect will will be played out in your lives. 

Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

If only you will take the challenge and ASK God to reveal himself to you without MOCKING him. 

Jer 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

Here is the truth of the matter.  Every year there is more and more discoveries and evidence that surfaces that backs up the GOD of the Bible. 

Check out my YOU tube playlists, as I am gathering together the best videos that prove the bible.

BECAUSE MOST OF YOU WON"T go to my website, and read the info, I am posting it below, to SHOW you just how much information you are missing out on. 

Space Nazi's Wager

Let's say that there were dangerous Space Nazis that forced you to bet on whether or not there is a god.  If you didn't bet then you would be punished harshly, but if you did bet, then you would be guaranteed not to be punished by anyone.  After you bet, you would immediately find out if there was a god or not.   If you lost the bet then you would have to cover the bet in a month or be punished harshly.  The Space Nazis define a god as a sentient being that created this universe and any other universe that ever existed.  Let us assume that the Space Nazis know whether or not there is a god, are honest, and can cover almost any bet. What would be your bet and how much?


ScottWilliams324's picture

Is your God evil?

 I submit to you the following evidence that the alleged "Christian" God, if he were to exist, is evil.

Exodus 11:4-5 wrote:
And Moses said, Thus saith the LORD, About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt:

(11:5) And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts.


This "God" kills babies for their father's transgressions. Yeah, that seems to be working on the side of good.


Genesis 6:7 wrote:
And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

So... your God commits genocide on a global level when he's mad that people won't worship him? Sounds kind of evil to me. Maybe when Hitler committed genocide, he was just doing the work of your "Lord"?


Genesis 22:2 wrote:
Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

Okay, I know "God" supposedly ended up giving him a lamb to sacrifice instead of Isaac, but seriously... to even test someone like this is all sorts of effed up.



Gravity destroys your morals!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ (and all you smelly, unsaved heathens who pollute these Godly forums with your non-christian morality, non-christian science and other kinds of secular godlessness),

it is my pleasure to make my first contribution to these forums with an essay exposing one of the immoral, materialistic lies fed upon the unsuspecting public by devil-worshipping atheists. I am speaking, of course, about the faulty theory of gravity. I will tackle some of the more evil aspects of gravitational theory, and explain why it is incompatible with genuine, bible-based science, which is the only kind there is, of course.

1. A Fact?

Paul Robinson's picture

A game to play: free will vs. an omniscient God

I play this game with people who claim to believe in God where they believe in God having omniscience, i.e. foreknowledge of everything.  I point out to people you can't have free will in such a circumstance.  They don't like it so I'll offer to play a game with them.

One of the points of this is that the whole thing is intended to be for fun, I just want to stretch their mind a little and give them something to think about.  I'm not trying to change their opinions nor do I expect to convert them to something else.  I find it fun because I can practically guess most of their responses and it's fun to watch them try to struggle to get around the contradictions in their thinking. 

So, anyway I'll point out that you can argue - as in make a case for something, not as in have a fight - that there is an omniscient God who knows everything, or you can have free will and the ability to make choices of your own.  Either is reasonable to argue, but you cannot argue both simultaneously because they contradict each other.

I give an example, say that God knows everything about you, from before you were born, until after you die, and knows every possible choice you will make on every decision.  Given this to the the case, it is clearly impossible for you to have free will, since all of your choices are known in advance. 

FurryCatHerder's picture

Furrycatherder moved from Freethinker forum




ex-minister wrote:
What you talkin' bout, AE? Isn't the sermon on the mount platitudes and things of this nature more evolved than the brutal Levitical laws? Your premise intrigues me. Tell me more.

Which brutal Levitical laws?

Oh, the ones you don't understand either.  Like, if you own a farm, you have to leave something for poor people to come and pick so they don't starve.

datobeable's picture

How to expalain this video? about Jesus Blood?

Actually am an atheist but i am very confused  about miracles and this kind of videos, which are used by Christians (theists) to  claim existence of jesus by that way how religion teaches.  Thanks.

Ron Wyatt talking about Jesus blood and chromosomes.



Presuppositionalist's picture

If we evolved... do you explain the woodpecker's tongue?



Marty Hamrick's picture

A Questionare for Fundamentalists

Whenever I've posted something about indoctrination techniques used on children that is standard operating procedure in most Evangelical, Baptist, Methodist, Pentacostal,etc, churches, inevitably some Christians are quick to jump to their feet and shout, "Oh no, that's not us! You're generalizing." Yet no one refutes it when I post examples of what I'm talking about. This isn't aimed at one person or group, but a varity of groups that can safely be classified as "Fundamentalist". We have covered the definition and posted sources on numerous threads in the past, so there should be no doubt as to the definition of the word. Here are the questions.

1) At what age do you teach the doctrine of Hell and what exactly do you teach them at what age? For instance if you teach them the minimum, that Hell is "an awful place where unsaved souls go. A place of eternal separation from God and your Christian family." At what age do you teach this?

2) At what age are children allowed into the sanctuary during services? I atteneded primarily Baptist and Pentacostal churches in the US southest from birth (1960) to as late as 2005. Many of them can't wait to get them "under the sound of the Gospel" right out of the nursery. Some have them attend children's church until age 7 or 9. What does your church do?

3) Does your church give an Invitation toward the end of the service? Does your church do Revivals? At what age are children exposed to these?

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