Atheist vs. Theist

ManuAndres44's picture

Do we atheists really have the task of militancy?

Hello all!


I've been wondering this doubt since I started in the atheism. There's lots of discussions about whether atheists should make public their atheism or not, as the way of the religions. Is it so necessary to claim "we are atheists" "don't believe in god" in every public square, in each house or making public speeches as Christians and Catholics? Won't be that the same bs of religious methods to promote an idea?

I'll wait for your answers. Thanks.

Jean Chauvin's picture

God thinks you're an idiot!

In Postmodernism today, many Christians FEEL that if you offend somebody, you're not being spiritual. Or if you are not sensitive you are intolerant. If you call somebodies names (despite if it's true), you're being unspiritual.

But this is nonsense. God looks down on these puny atheists and calls them idiots. According to the Hebrew in some places, God even curses at these pathetic losers.

However, I shall give you some examples. It's to numerous to list them all. I will avoid Psalms 14:1 since that is the most popular one and is somewhat low key compared to the other ones.

So, as evidence, here are some verses that demonstrate that while these filthy low lifes are mocking God, it is actually God, that mocks them:

Psalm 2:4 = He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them.

Psalm27:13 =  But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming

Ps 58 But You, O Lord, Laugh at them, You scoff at all the nations.

Proverb 1:26 =  I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; I will mock when calamity overtakes you—

Presuppositionalist's picture

30 Arguments for a Young Earth

I found a website that defends thirty young-earth proofs. It presents each argument briefly and then elaborates on it at great length. I didn't read the elaborations all that closely, but the argument summaries seem compelling.

Here are some examples:

 Young-earth "proof" #1: The sun is shrinking at 5 feet/hour which limits the earth-sun relationship to less than 5 million years.

Young-earth "proof" #2: Given the rate at which cosmic dust accumulates, 4.5 billion years would have produced a layer on the moon much deeper than observed. By implication, the earth is also young.

Young-earth "proof" #3: The existence of short-period comets means that the universe is less than 10,000 years old. Comets and meteoroids only last from 10,000-15,000 years before they are blown apart by the solar wind.

Atheism and struggling through life?

Being an atheist seems much easier when things are good and you are relatively happy.  But what about when life is really painful and you don't want to go on anymore?  Why struggle at all?  I mean if this world is all that there is why should certain people who don't have much to look forward to continue living?  Why bother going through pain and suffering if there is no promise of Heaven, good and evil are just perspectives and don't really exist, and if it is inevitable that we all will return to nothingness?

ex-minister's picture

Excellent Video Atheist daughter talks to her parents

 Wish I knew how to paste in a video.

If someone want to take this link and paste in the video would appreciate it.


 Here is my attempt anyway...It might show up on some computers

I did the source thing noted by CJ from another thread and even copied old youtube code to paste in the html, but that doesn't work at all. At least the one above shows in the preview side.

Anyway watch the video. Great response from an atheist being harassed by theists. Video from TheThinkingAtheist.

I’m against the Institutions of Religion, not the intellectual pursuit of. A Ban is the only way Forward.

I’ve been posting at the Richard Dawkins F.B. and what I keep getting from the Atheist side – which is slightly surprising, is that the thought of banning Organized Religion outright is somewhat heavy handed. The rational is to simply “educate” the Religionists away from faith: that it must be gentle and “kind.” But as I said: I appeal to the Historical record; no change on a global scale has ever come about via slow motion assimilation. Empires have come and gone, business built up and bankrupted; ideologies waxed and waned – but not a single one has ever come to prominence simply via gentle persuasion.  We are a brutal lot: the lives and intellectual freedoms we enjoy now have come at a high cost. Are we not a tad arrogant when we trust that intellect alone will save the day, when the record says otherwise? Why can’t we accept our nature: it’s got us this far – and something needs to change: the world is heading for a great change even if we don’t accept it. I advocate banning Organized Religion, but not the right for individuals to think. In practical terms, this would mean no more Churches and gathering en mass publicly – in any form. No Muslims, no Christians and any other denomination may meet to worship publically. Still, the reading of Holy books in the privacy of their homes, and even on Internet Forums will be allowed. I’m against the Institutions of Religion, not the intellectual pursuit of.


Have humans created/invented something perfect?

In the debates I had (not here at rrs) this issue has been presented quite a few times: one of the argument of theists was that men never created and are incapable of creating perfection, so, in some way, "atheists are wrong". I know that past events don't strictly define what could happen in the future, but the question remains.

Probably it should be divided in two parts:
1) How to define "creation" (as in "something from nothing" or in "creative")
2) What could be perfect (I mean, logic comes from people, it's abstract and without meaning and perfect, right?)


Judgment Day - In your room where time stands still...

Guess what is inside ANGEL'S ENVELOPE...


words from the most eloquent hypocrite that ever lived...

Do we have the right to burn pz myers?

angels are rejoicing at the death of atheists...


where did Lady Liberty go?

you have FORFEIT your LIBERTY...




for mr. Nonsense on stilts...


I think she sums up the INSANITY of the atheist position quite well...





converted *MILLIONS*


robj101's picture

Role Reversal

Here's the game, I am going to play a theist. I would like for a real theist to play an atheist and try to discredit my "religion".  I'm wondering if I could possibly do a better job of defending the "faith" than some theists.

If any are big enough to bite, I will begin:

God is real I have had experiences in my life that can't be attributed to faith alone. I also believe the bible is the written word of God. (capitalizing even har har)

There are many mistakes in the bible as it was written by men who were guided by god but may not have completely understood the divine nature of his influence therefore made some mistakes.

I believe that all gods are one and the messages seem different because different men were influenced while writing their holy books so it makes perfect sense for me to worship the translation I am surrounded by.

Human thought and emotion can't be compared to that of a god, what may seem right or wrong or mischevious even is our perception not his. On death and entry into heaven we shall gain all knowledge and a better understanding of why God does what he does.

NoMoreCrazyPeople's picture

How the F*** did I get here?

Ok so I'm searching google for uploaded videos of the fight tonight ("diaz vs daley video&quotEye-wink and this site pops up in the first few options.

This site is fricken hillarious and disturbing.  It is basically an entire site dedicated to predicting, tracking, reporting on, and waiting in anticipation for the rapture.  The top left of the site says:

Worlds Last Chance
Preparing a people for the Savior's soon return


In the top right corner it has:

Yahuwah's calendar which reads  6/1/5998 
Gregorian calendar which reads  10/4/2011


The intro goes:

The Day Trumpet 1 Hits Earth The 7 Trumpets of Revelation Devastating Divine judgments Soon and in rapid succession Probation for all is closing Humanity’s doom is at hand Devastation of the 7 Trumpets In this video: What will happen when Trumpet 1 hits Earth!

Which leads you to this video:

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