Atheist vs. Theist

ElijahTruth's picture

Prepare for these signs for your waking or your sealed fate

  Oklahoma now shakes more vigoriously as prophesy in this weeks sounding call letter,

2. Meteor stones three too Sudan Africa

3. Meteor International space station

4. Earthquakes from Texas too washington .D.C. AND Virginia beach Virginia

5. Hurricane Virginia beach Virginia

6. He now drowns and crushes again many around earth moving again Islands out of their places Rev:6:14

7.  Go to the prophecy and the signs page on the Lords now gathering website there in you can request many proofs for your either being strong enough to stand for satan and respond to them in doubt, or for you too be greater than satan and wake to the WORD AND TRUTH OF THE ONLY GOD... stay from the heathen nations, He now drowns and crushes around the earth for our waking and His Anger and Vengeance Deuteronomy 32:43 ... much respect to all of Gods book of Life all others prepare to burn .... Rev:20:15

robj101's picture

The bible and you.

It could be argued that most conservative christians are for capitalism, but I have read the bible twice and it seems to propogate socialism. (I'm no bible scholar by any means)

Anyway, it seems to have been written by people who did not work, were down on the rich and were constantly looking for ways to make 2 fish out of one.. as well as garnering a general handout. IMO the bible has been twisted in it's rewritings by authoritative figureheads to actually suppress the masses rather than what was probably it's original intent, to propogate some basic socialism.

Am I reading it wrong? If I am right what does this mean for the conservative christians of today?

robj101's picture

How would you do it?

Would the jesus thing have any merit if you were god? Would you choose to ambiguosly impregnate a woman and let it be known to only a select group of people that she was going to conceive your son? Then later in his life have him perform miracles but only around certain people so that these miracles could only be passed on by word of mouth? Would you have him die on a cross to and for people who did not even believe he was your son at all? Does any of this make sense?

Here is how I would do it.

First off I am god and created man from dust so I would simply have him appear and float down from the heavens for all to behold. He would walk among men performing miracles in every country with santa clause like power. He would not need to die on a cross this is an abhorrent idea because jesus was not only the son but myself incarnate. I have no such weakness as "death". My son would roam the land spreading the good word, bullet .. I mean spear proof and answerable to no man. I would possibly allow my closest disciples to write a text but this text would be short and to the point and not a real guideline for anything other than my 10 commandments (which would certainly be different than our current list). My son would eventually ascend back into the heavens to reappear once each generation to remind the people that I am watching.

So how would you do it?

Sandycane's picture

Volunteers Needed for Atheist 'Prayer' Experiment!!!!

Hi All,

This conversation from another thread was the catalist for the idea:

Sandycane wrote:
Tgbaker wrote:
Sandycane wrote:

I love your virtual 'live' avatar.

How are you feeling today? I hope you get to go home soon.

HEY! One of the theists posted about an aunt or someone who was in the hospital with cancer and she prayed it away! This is the perfect opportunity for you to do an experiment and see if it actually works!

Seriously, I hope you have a speedy and full recovery.

beardedinlair's picture

Jean is a liar


I have read a lot of posts now, and Jean is very fun to read. He has on several occasions made reference to a being I can not believe in. He more implies this, rather than flat out states it.

Jean keeps refering to his "mother in law". This implies he has a wife!

No way. I demand proof of the existence of this supposedly "sentient" being that married Jean. Burden of proof on him.


Just to be clear, I kid. This is was an attempt at hyperbole irony. I look forward to Jean explaining the absurdity of my humor and teaching me what my humor really means. (satire sarcasm?)

Semi seriously? I think Jean is an intentional provoker, and likes to get people thinking. I would not like to guess if he were an actual theist or atheist.

Phillip J. Fry's picture

Atheists Respond: Tell me the Internal Logical Inconsistencies in My Doctrine

Hi again,

I haven’t posted here in many months but have still been following most of the threads - trying to understand more of the ideas floating around. In my previous thread >> (from a LONG time ago).  I think we came to somewhat of an agreement that in the case of my particular theistic belief (which I would roughly describe as Fundamental Reformed Calvinist Evangelical Christianity)

1)      That my belief in my God could not be dis-proven

2)      That my belief in my God could not be Proven

The main reason given by people for this conclusion was the fact that some aspects of my God claim are simply un-testable by science and will always remain un-testable. It is the same reason the invisible pink unicorn can never be disproven. And, even if a seemingly infinitely powerful being did appear before us claiming to be my God, and was able to demonstrate seemingly impossible ‘miracles’, this would still not PROVE that my God exists –Because it still could be any number of possible alternative explanations – such as it being an advanced alien, with superior technology that is able to do things that we think are impossible based on our current (limited) understanding of physics.   

That being said, My belief in God is fundamentally based on 2 initial premises/axioms:

beardedinlair's picture

Am I an atheist?

Hello Forum!

I've randomly read a lot of postings, especially the "answers" to the 89 questions. I find most of the answers silly, but I also consider most of the questions silly. There are really only a few types of questions, those based on biblical text interpretation and those based on God's power.

Can God create a boulder so heavy he could not lift it? The answer is yes, he could, and then yes, he would lift it.

Pure silliness.

In my own personal viewpoint I consider myself Oblivious. I simply don't care if there is a God or afterlife. I live my life by the morals taught me by the culture I was raised in, i.e. I try to do good, but sometimes fall short. (My advice to you warmongers out there, taking up arms for or against, just relax. It doesn't really matter.)

I saw the great debate by Mr. Sapeint and Mr. Comfort, and I am curious of the existence of Jesus now. Kelly's response was that there was no archival evidence of Jesus, but records can be expunged. Does anyone know of any actual proof that he walked the earth, regardless of whether he was God embodied or just a man.

mrOriginal's picture

Mr. O, recovering Atheist.

The title of this post needs to be explained.  I have been clean for over 3 years now.  I attend 12 step NA meetings.  I feel I can bring this issue up because none of you know my real name, so my anonymity isn't being busted.

I am having a theist versus Atheist problem withing this little circle. 

Some background of groups like this, so you all know what you are dealing with, because I want input from the forum.

The 12 steps of NA are adopted from AA, that came from the Oxford group, that all have an origin in the Bible. NA, and AA do not affiliate themselves with any religion technically, but the word God appears all over their texts and their "steps".  They get around "religion" by letting anyone believe in what they sneakily call a "higher power" aka God. They call morals, "spiritual principles" so as not to align themselves with any denomination.

the "steps"

1. We admitted we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.

2. We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

3.  Made a decision to turn our will, and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

5.  Admitted to God, to ourselves and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

6. We asked God to remove all our defects of character.

7. Humbly as him to remove our shortcomings.

robj101's picture

Theist lay out your evidence.

I'm actually sick of trying to debate christians, it's boring and it always comes down to faith or "I just want to believe it" in the end. I do however have an interest in folks who say things like "a series of events occured that made me go to jesus". What events? Any theists care to share this "evidence"? I can only assume they take it as evidence because it seems to make them believe this stuff and for me it would take real evidence.

So what exactly happened in your life that made you believe? I'm hoping to hear something that can't actually be attributed to chance or hard work but I imagine this little thread will die off quickly.

Popcorn thread for TGBaker's one on one

 Out of respect for TGBaker's  wishes myself and others should stay out of that thread.  Any comments on it could be made here.  

I hope that Mr M doesn't disappoint by thumping a bible anywhere in the discussion.

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