Atheist vs. Theist

TAM 7 & the Termination of the James Randi Paranormal Challenge

TAM 7 & The Termination of the James Randi Paranormal Challenge: _____________________________________________________________


"I find that the high concentration of this type of person is fairly unique to this forum. I assume it has to do with the challenge, and the fact that nearly every type of paranormal belief system is skewered here. I also post on the snopes urban legend forum, where you might expect there to be a lot of similarly deluded people, but it honestly doesn't happen much there. Perhaps the specific legends debunked don't raise as many hackles as debunking schools of thought. I don't think there is anything that can be done about it. I think dealing with lunatics is inherent to JREFs mission. Individual posters can of course take themselves out of the discussion at any time. But I think prematurely banning people (even if you know they're going to eventually implode like this) is a bad idea, because it just gives them more ammunition to say the contest is rigged. Better to hear them out and just continue being rational until they either start making sense or implode."

Well said, LIAR! Why don't all these deluded skeptics take their own worthless advice for once...



The Facts and Nothing but the facts

Can anyone please give me the facts that support your argument of evolution, the age of the earth, or anything else.

marshalltenbears's picture

Question for Theist

 Ok, It is obvious from reading the bible that god regards man as sinners. It seems like we can't do anything right without him. It also seems that after Jesus the miracles in the bible come to a hault. So if knowing god and jesus is so important then why would god leave it up to man to take care of it for him?

ClockCat's picture


If I told you something amazingly impossible happened 60 years ago, with no evidence whatsoever and only myself and 3 other people together that made the claim and said that you have to take it on faith...would you?


What if we tried to tell you that faith in what we say is a virtue?





Is trusting people blindly really a good thing?




Religion and monolithism

Surfing the atheist blogs, I see the same thing. That everytime a theist goes against their pre-rendered schemas, then they aren't following their religion [i.e they are not TRUE Christians/Muslims etc....]


This is of course common with anyone familar with group psychology. That when a member of the outgroup breaks the schema [Oh and for the record, one common thing in group mentality is that the perons sees the outgroup as homgenous and the ingroup as heterogenous] then by golly, they can't possibly be TRUE Christians, they are the exception etc.....


The reason this fails is for several reasons:


1] The person is not always the exception.


For example, it is common thought that if a Christian thinks that embryonic stem cell research is morally acceptable, they are the exception. This, however is not the case




This of course, relies on ancedotes [As nearly all ingroup views of an outgroup do]. "Well, so and is against embryonic stem cells and he's Christian"


[oh and perhaps for another topic, whenever something goes against their veiw, then clearly the people who present it and did the actual research are a bunch of religious apologists.]



Hambydammit's picture

Stem Cell Research -- It's not just about stem cells

In the new era promised by President Obama, we will not mix science and politics.  By lifting the federal ban on stem cell research, Obama sent a powerful message to his supporters.  Naturally, any message that comes from Washington has lots of asterisks, and my own state is seeing the results of one of them. 


But the stem cell battle is not just a high-profile clash of values. The dispute provides a sharp focus on how science may help reshape America. Several states have set aside billions of dollars to support stem cell research, and the new federal money Obama is promising will generally flow to those areas. That means states supporting stem cell research will experience an economic windfall while attracting highly educated technology workers who tend to vote Democratic. The more conservative states restricting stem cell research will attract fewer funds and fewer socially liberal voters. In short, a state's stem cell policy will influence electoral results and help determine whether a state turns red or blue.

triften's picture

theist riddle (psst, mcap!)

"There seems to be some theistic people on this web-site, I am hoping somebody can answer this question:

   Show proof of a message of any kind that came from God."



Radical_logic vs. preacher Jerry McDonald: Did God raise jesus from the dead?

I thought people might be interested in reading this debate. There are a total of five rounds, and two of them have been completed. I curious to know what people think.

Abu Lahab's picture

Turkish TV Gameshow - Who wants to Convert An Atheist?

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - What happens when you put a Muslim imam, a Christian priest, a rabbi and a Buddhist monk in a room with 10 atheists?


Turkish television station Kanal T hopes the answer is a ratings success as it prepares to launch a gameshow where spiritual guides from the four faiths will seek to convert a group of non-believers.


The prize for converts will be a pilgrimage to a holy site of their chosen religion -- Mecca for Muslims, the Vatican for Christians, Jerusalem for Jews and Tibet for Buddhists.


dennisjohnson's picture

The Termination of the James Randi Paranormal Challenge

The termination of the James Randi Paranormal Challenge




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