Atheist vs. Theist

Paisley's picture

The Worldview of Atheistic Materialism

Below is a link to Charles Tart's "Western Creed," which is basically an exposition of the beliefs of scientific materialism in the form of a religious creed.  The creed is located in the middle of the page. It's short and should only take two minutes to read. I think it fairly represents the logical conclusions or implications of an atheistic worldview. Read it and let me know what you think. If you think that it doesn't fairly represent your views, then please state where it does not.



Who are the freethinkers? {MOVED TO AvT}

One whose mind is allowed to think whatever they want without the inability to question or think twice about something.

That is my own description of a person who thinks freely.


Now , Just who are the free thinkers?



Here are two stories that show a free thinker and a non-freethinker:


A man finds a magical land , rubs it , and out comes a genie.

The genie says to him , "I am not going to give you any wishes , but perhaps you would like to know the Facts?"

The man agrees to let the genie tell him what are facts.

So the genie says ," When you die , you go into the ground.  We can see this because it happens. There are no ghosts or spirits.  My word is true , because I am a genie and I am all knowing.  You are stupid if you believe otherwise. I will show you some evidences from the ground to prove that you are apes.  And surely , you will never doubt my word, because of the evidence."


2nd story:

A man finds a lamp with a message inside of it that reads , "If you wish to have the three wishes you desire , believe my word  , and someday you will get what you want."



The keyword here is belief.


I believe that Jesus is the son of God .  I don't have evidence or anything. All I have is my confidence , my dignity , and my faith.


Paisley's picture

Out-of-Body Experiences

Here's a case of an out-of-body experience that was validated by researcher Dr. Charles Tart in a scientifically-controlled experiment.


TomJ's picture

An Atheist Reads the Bible - 10 - The Genealogy of Jesus

43alley rocks!  Here's his latest video:



Bob Spence

Bob Spence

Bob Spence

Bob Spence

Does Bob Spence molest MattShizzle


Is Bob Spence attracted to Kelly?

I bet he is

Bob Spence = Ian Anderson

He looks like Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull

Does Bob Spence wear boxers?

.... or briefs?

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