Atheist vs. Theist

I seriously need your help----Fear Of Dying.

It's 4:40 in the morning over here and I need some sleep, so I'll type this shit up real quick.

My fear of dying or any of my family members(parents especially) dying,  has been getting real real serious lately. To the point of crying sometimes(which I consider real pathetic btw). I've had severe depression/anxiety since I can remember and I probably have thantophobia even since I was a believer.

My eyes are closing on me, so I will type more tomorrow.


I'm just wondering how you guys deal with the thoughts of dying or your family members dying and never getting to see them again.


Arguments in favour of abortion?

I've notice the abortion threads here are against the anti-abortion stance.


But what are the arguments FOR abortion?


For example


I've heard the woman's right to body, but WHY does that override the fetus' development? And why when she knew she could get pregnant when she engaged in the activity? [neglecting rape here]





Laughing_Man_d8D's picture

Ode to Yahweh

A video I found rather entertaining, enjoy.


I don't know if this question was asked in any previous threads, so please excuse me if it was:

Christians, please answer how is it not cruel and unjustifiable for a serial killer such as Jeffrey Dahmer to believe and be saved, while an innocent or moral nonbeliever (who did good all his/her life) is condemned by the christian god? 



Five proofs for God

(1)  It is impossible for a finite being to be the net effect of an infinite regress of prior causes and effects, as that would be the equivalent of saying that I could possibly give you a dollar after I flick the light switch an infinite amount of times, where in fact you would never get to the dollar if that were the case.  Therefore, it is necessary that there be one being that is infinite and uncreated.  That being we call "God".  

Why ISN'T Jesus Returning To Earth Soon?

besides the obvious "He doesn't exist" muhahhhhahahaahhhahahahhah

Hambydammit's picture

What was I saying about theists in foxholes?

PALERMO (Reuters) - A Tunisian pilot who paused to pray instead of taking emergency measures before crash-landing his plane, killing 16 people, has been sentenced to 10 years in jail by an Italian court along with his co-pilot.

So, yeah.  The pilot of the Hudson River crash did the right thing.  He acted in a crisis.  Someone who actually believed the religious nonsense got a bunch of people killed.  Prayer doesn't work, folks.  Action does.


Incidentally, this past monday, I ran into a pilot friend of mine who had just put a plane down without landing gear.  He's been flying 40 years, and this was the first incident he's ever had, by the way.  His landing gear malfunctioned, and he skidded his plane to a stop on the runway, thanks to his astute judgment of the situation, corroborating evidence from the tower when he did a fly-by, and well trained reflexes when he set the plane down.

Of course, his girlfriend was also there, and she kept jabbering about the miracle that had happened.  I couldn't stand it after about the fourth time, and I asked her why she was not giving her man credit for his own actions.  The only miracle was the miracle of 40 years experience, lots of training, and attention to detail.

So the lesson is clear:  When you're plane's about to crash, don't pray.  It doesn't accomplish shit, and you might end up in jail.  Do the right thing, and use your own brain and your own body, and do the best you can to stay alive.


Tapey's picture

What will Religion become?

 Ok I have just come back from a lecture by Daniel Dennett about religion as a natural phenomenon. He brought up some very interesting points overall it was very good. One thing that I would be interested in getting is other people’s opinions on what religion will become. There can be no debate really that religions role changes over time.  It just happens, religions change. Daniel Dennett put forth 5 ideas. 

1) Religion with flourish

When Asking A Christian About The "Virgin Birth Mistranslation", She Responded

 "Yeah, I do believe in the virgin birth. I know the whole "virgin birth" vs. "maiden birth" translation issue between the original Hebrew and the Greek Septuagint. Not actually that important. Judging from Matthew and Luke, I think it's entirely possible. God's big enough for that."


Doesn't seem like a reasonable answer to me.



Hambydammit's picture

Much ado about wordplay

 A recent post on Debunking Atheism claims that atheists have been "debunked forever."  

Thomas- So according to you, the three laws of logic (identity, non-contradiction, and excluded middle) are dependent upon man and were invented by man, correct? If this is the case, then they could not be absolute since different minds could conceive of different laws. How do you know who is correct?

If logical absolutes exist only by definition then they could not be absolute. Would they exist if humankind didn’t exist (would adding 2 object to 2 objects still equal 4 objects)? If so, then they are not dependent upon man.

Are these laws material or immaterial? Can the scientific method determine these logical absolutes without using those same logical absolutes to gain that knowledge? They couldn’t. Does absolute truth exist? You would have to say “yes” to this question. Saying “no” would be self-defeating.

Now, if laws of logic are absolute, immaterial, cannot be empirically tested, and absolute truth does exist, how is that possible in an atheistic system? You must have an atheistic answer; otherwise you should stop referring to yourself as an atheist.

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