Atheist vs. Theist

joeparker's picture

Evolution has been disproven for over 100 years, and here's why

{Mod Edit: This post is plagiarism. This thread has been frozen and edited to remove the plagiarized text.}

Not So Funny Stuff

I mentioned earlier that in many instances, I don't see a whole lot of difference between fundies and rational responders.

Many of the posters here have convinced themselves that they've arrived at their enlightened opinions through alot of rational and logical analysis while the fundies have arrived at their positions through blind faith.

But at the end of the day, many of the rational responders are just as close-minded, obsessive and as "nutty" as the fundies.

You may have arrived at your destination via a different route, but you arrived at the exact same place.

Ophios's picture

Hell, a bad place... for theists?

Now we probably heard someone say that "Hell isn't a place that has tourture and all that jazz, but it's a place where there is a lack of god."

I take it they mean "Earth 2, but this time there's definitely no god here."

Now imagine this scenario, you die, you go... somewhere, then you find yourself with god, he says "Oh, you don't believe in me. Bye then!"


You're on Earth 2 (Hell), of course you're not an atheist (Since you have seen god), but you've been without god for most (If no all) of your life. So it's no biggy. Chances, if you've ever been a christian at any point there might be a little emotional bit going, but should be over thanks in part to the crying of the naughty christians (Gets some boots on and kick 'em, it's fun!).

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doctoro's picture

Dogmatism, Progressivism, and Relativism

doctoro's picture

What do you DO in heaven?

1.  In heaven, everything is perfect and supremely good.  If this is true, you have no free will, and everything you do must be supremely good.  Therefore everything is determined.  You act like a computer or automaton.

2.  When in heaven, what do we do?  Sit around playing the harp and lyre?  Do we become omniscient?  Aren't our limitations part of the fun and satisfaction of being human?  Furthermore, what's the deal with the glorifying God and worshipping him in heaven?  If he is perfect, he needs no one to glorify or worship him.  He is already 100%.  Our love cannot add to the 100% totality.


So, I just wanted to say that the Blasphemy Challenge is all wrong. ....And i'm sorry no one has told you what Mark 3:29 really means. And you can find the same thing about blasphemy in Matthew 12:32 and Luke 12:10.

Anyways, If you read the whole chapter of Mark 3, you'll see that the pharisess were attributing the power of Jesus with the power of Satan.

Jesus said what he did, not because they sined the worse sin, but becuase they were never going to ask for forgivness in the first place.

The Pharisees rejected Jesus, the only who can forgive, and they rejected the Holy Spirit, the one that would push them towards repentance. And since they repeatedly rejected and denied both Jesus and Holy Spirit....they are never going to ask forgivness to be forgiven.

dark_stumpy's picture

i got the answers you all seek.

god is awesome

hail all!

im dark_stumpy, and i can answer any and all questions you people need to ask about christianity.

u post your questions here, i can answer them. how u ask? because i have god on my side, dumbass!

my faith, as dodgy as this sounds, will keep me strong against your clearly endless questions.

i cannot, and will not claim to be perfect. i am only human.

i can even prove that god exists. using the simple logic that some people use in a ever failing attempt to disprove his existence.

i will compose another topic, which proves clearly and without question, that he exists.

I do not classify as 'Athiest', but I certainly classify as anti-religion

The first thing I would like to say is to Sapient and all of the others who are spearheading this movement is simple: Bravo. Bra-fucking-vo. I applaud you for this more than you know. I saw the newscasts on your website and I nearly died. Laughing.

 Christianity is a virus. Christianity, especially in the grand ol' US of A is a virus primarily because of the business attitude of the Church. The hypocracy of the Church. The villainy of the Church.

 My belief is something that I simply cannot deny. I have had experiences which could not be explained in any other means aside from the possibility of a supreme being. I have nearly died more times than I can count, from freak accidents in the home (which in reality... were really just that) to coming within inches of death in near traffic accidents. I've seen things with my own eyes that I cannot explain, and I have had dreams in which I cannot explain. You can find those here: "" . Specifically observe the April 11th, 1998 dream. The link to higher powers there would be evident if indeed such a thing existed.

Hambydammit's picture

You've asked for it! You've waited for it! It's Here! The SAHCV of the Bible!

In honor of the Christians who do not believe the Bible to be literally true in all cases, most notably the creation story, Noah and the ark, the universe stopping so that Joshua could kill more people before the sun went down, and various other scientific implausibilities, I hereby submit my latest literary masterpiece.  Christianity Lite, in a handy, tract-sized version, suitable for passing out at slumber parties.

Without further ado: 


The Skeptics Annotated Hambydammit Condensed Version (SAHCV):

Once upon a time, there was a being who knew everything that could ever be known, and could do anything at all. One day, he decided to create the universe, so he did. He created it so that one day, his finest creation, man, would be on the planet. How he created it, and how man got there, are a matter of some debate.

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