Atheist vs. Theist

triften's picture

Theism and Video Games - Contrast and Compare

Something to ponder and discuss: How are a video game "universe" and the universe according to theism similar? How are they different?


*There is some intelligent being that created the universe.

*There is some final arbiter of said universe.

*Rewards are granted based on the will of that final arbiter.


*ONE instruction manual comes with the video game, rather than dozens of possibly false ones.

*The rules of the final arbiter are generally more straightforward with a video game.

*One can check one's score within a video game before one reaches the end of the game, providing a solid metric as to one's performance within the universe.

Any others?



John147's picture

It doesn't have to be either or. It's a matter of respecting one's belief or lack thereof

I just ask that you listen to a song, without passing judgement, and then you may understand what I am trying to convey. The song is titled, One (Universal Theme Song), and it does fit in with this groups' way of thinking. Just go to

settling an argument

Hey guys, I'm somewhat new to this forum but I've read alot. I don't like to think of myself as an agnostic or atheist, but if I HAD to choose it would be the latter.

I really actually like to think of myself as an Idon'tknowist, makes more sense to me at least since I hate using big/confusing words.


But recently I've been argueing with a theologist professor from a close by college about the proof that Jesus even existed.

Now keep in mind I've been schooling him pretty bad about all aspects of Christianity since I was raised in it and read the bible half a dozen times front to back and found many many many things to make him stutter. He had one phrase that even made me flat out laugh at him uncontrollably, even though I know it's disrespectful but I couldn't help it so I HAVE to share it with all of you so you can join in in my joy over it. This is the phrase, and i'm seriously laughing as I type because I can't say it or type it without giggling uncontrollably, "You must have alot of faith to not believe in god and Jesus".

foul5town's picture

Christians I have a question for you

The Bible teaches that God chooses certain people to be saved.

Ephesians 1:4 "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world."

Ok, before the creation of the world God chose who would be saved. Now, if he chose who would be saved that means no one has a say so in it, because he makes the decision.

That would mean that it's not our fault if we are not saved, correct? There's no other way around it.

Here's is a verse that contradicts God's sovereignty over people being saved or not.

Mathew 23:37 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing."

Here, Jesus is saying that he has longed to gather the people but they were not willing. In this verse, it is their fault they are not saved.

In Ephesians it is God's fault.

This is a contradiction as I see it. Do you have anything to say?


foul5town's picture

Christians only no Atheists alowd

Ok Atheists, I wrote a poem for you.


I'm a little atheist

short and stout

dawkins is my father

sour is my krout

When I get all steamed up

hear me shout

I hate Jesus

Get christ out






I hate christians small and big

I love ath-e-ists, ya dig?

Don't give me bible arguments

Don't you know I can't handle it

Burn the Bibles burn them all

I wish that I could burn John Paul

I hate christians hate them all

Atheism is my call






Rational responders here I come

to the forum room I will answer some

but I like to bring up deep topics

don't cry if you can't reply to it

my poem's not that great

I don't give a crap

You can suck on a leaf

shut up



Proof for an Intelligent Creator and His purpose

I hope you will find this text interesting.

According to science our universe (space-time) has a beginning ( paper is written by the cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin of the Tufts university and Arvind Bonde.)

It is a fundamental law of physics (causality) that every physical occurrence in the universe has a cause. Since space-time has a beginning there was a first physical occurrence. Causality requires that the first physical occurrence had a cause. Causality and the fact that space-time has a beginning implies that this Prime Cause is non-dimensional and independent of space-time.


To conclude the above paragraphs:

Fact: No thing nor event in the known universe or laws of physics lacks a cause.

Assume: There is no Prime Cause (Creator).

Ergo: There is no universe.

Fact: There is a universe.

Therefore: the statement that was assumed is proven to be a false statement by reduction ad absurdum (proof by disproof).

(Since "There is no Creator" is proven false, the opposite is true: There is a Creator.)


foul5town's picture

What most atheists will deny

1. That they were unloved in highschool

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)


7. They tell jokes that don't make sense

A belief of God without religion.

I'm a person who believes in a God because i can't find the logic of everything coming into existence from nothing. The material things of the earth that are used by man have been created by man. They weren't created from nothing. Materials, labor and knowledge were required.

As for the verses in the Bible that explain how the Cristian god created the earth. That's not something i want to go into. My intention here is to express what i believe in and why it is that i believe it so i can see what other people come up with in response to those beliefs. 

The subject of Heaven and Hell. 
This is what i think about those two locations that traditional Christianity believes one will go after death. 

As someone pointed out in the thread with several questions for theist. The notion that a loving Creator which knows your every action will send you to a place of eternal suffering is a contradiction. 

- Heaven
A place of perfection where no sin can exist. The home of God and Jesus Christ. 
Sin is the disobedience of God's law which consist of the ten commandments. 
In order to be perfect one must follow the commandments which is impossible. 
And not just for one day. It has to be for your entire life. Even more impossible.
To be completely perfect it has to be followed from birth to death. Can't happen.
That brings us to the conclusion that it is impossible for anyone to enter heaven. 

Religion and taxes

I'm curious, if religious organizations are exempt from taxes, than why did Kent Hovind go to jail for tax evasion?




BADWAY's picture

Proof Of God? Christs Return?


Notice the Hand, the Blood poring out, The gold and reddish crown, the fingers over the face...see know you do!

You can say it's photoshopped but this an actual photograph taken by the Hubble telescope....

Go ahead, debate it, argue it, but you can't deny that's a pretty interesting pic.....Where are your pics to support your beliefs of there being no GOD....good luck!

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