Atheist vs. Theist

BADWAY's picture



GOOD BYE! Well, I think my time is up here for now. It has been incredibly fun for me and I may return later but for right now I need to focus getting off the street and getting a job! I'm probably not a good debater and writer so I'm sure you won't miss me at all. As far as Ciarin, Gypsy Wytch, and Ednortonfan, the three loveliest atheists I know sort of, I hope you all become more ladylike than me...haha but You are still hotties in my book even if the bible has you pegged for a different kind of hottie! Really, the curse words are beneath all of can still rationalize your opinion a lot better with out the juvenile language...and I admit I got a little juvenile with my insults, but I give what I Get! Gadfly,Brian,Thomathy,Nodietyguy, among has been fun for me whether it was fun for you or not. No hard feelings I know and do me one favor and that is ...To never give up seeking truth, sometimes it is what you don't see that may be more real than your known physical reality. The eye can decieve you and optical illusions prove that it may not be a good idea to always focus only on what you can actually see...thats why blind men usually appear wiser because they rely on other senses to help them get around! I suggest you all learn to do that! We as Christians/Elohimians as well! I love you guys..really and without prejudice...I have enough of my own to deal with. Take care..and for what it's worth if you want to talk to me casually aside from a theological debate and be can email if you like [email protected]

foul5town's picture

Why atheism is choking America

Ok, in many of my recent posts, people have complained that I am confusing. Well, I'm not.

Here is why I think atheism is choking and killing our God-blessed nation:

1. Fast food is no longer employed by hard working yougsters. They are now crowded with hoodlums and C-attitude losers. It's causing those who eat fastfood to get irritable and frustrated, and then they bring that home to their families.

2. Angry families fight, and they cause the ones around them to be uncomfortable. We'll say this friend of the family is Rachael.

3. Rachael becomes intimidated by people and everyone starts taking advantage of her including Mark.

4. Mark becomes over-confident as he bosses everyone around including his and kids. Eventually, Mark turns into an abusive man, and makes richie (the mail man) hold in anger for weeks.

5. It just so happens that Richie doesn't handle anger very well and he is Taliban extremest. He kills 100 people at the nearby McDonalds.

Address Religion On It's Own Merits

When I express my views of religion and it's role in society, and see others express similar views, I often get the accusation of "giving religion a free ride", or that I'm holding religion to a different standard. The Irony of course is that I'm holding religion to the same standard as anything else. If Jack Thompson were to say that violent video games cause violence in the US, then I would require the same amount of proof than if Sam Harris says that religion causes violence in the US. I won't reject Jack Thompson's argument and accept Sam Harris' if I view them to be supported by the same arguments. If they both have the same amount and type of evidence, I'll accept or reject both of them depending on if the evidence is sufficent or not.

To be fair, I don't really have any solid data on this part, such as how many atheists share my view and how many don't. And of those that don't how many make the accusations above. But hey, if you're not one of those, then you don't have to worry about this post right?

Which brings me to several important points, regarding my views of religon that I would like to express and clear up.

Let's work through an example.

Here, a police officer assaulted a student  that didn't have their shirt tucked in


BADWAY's picture

Ciarin Really Hates Badway!

 I thought I would jump start your own post for you...I'll even help you out!!!

Badway is such a jerk!

Oh my Thor he is so full of himself, looks like he shops at Thrift town or something!

If I was a lesbian and I saw him dressed like that I'd go straight!

He is so ugly, stupid, dumb like his ______!

He wish he could have my boobies!.......uhhhhh NO! I have a hard enough time seeing over my own belly to take a whiz!

He is both an Ox and a Moron ...he's an oxymoron!

Did I mention Badway sux....

Oh Thor, Zeus, Spiderman help!!!!!!

Oh great another Post about him...arrrrghhh!




BADWAY's picture

The reasons I Believe in God! Part 3

The Doubt Earlier I mentioned how I became more interested in befriending Blacks and learning about the history of civil rights ect. I learned about Emmit Till, Medger Evers, Rosa Parks and so on and loved the PBS series Eyes on the Prize that taught me about the struggle for civil rights and the hostilities that arose from them...the 50's and 60's without question was a tumultous time yet it was also instrumental in the strides that we as a nation overcame to get us to this day and age where we finally can have an African American President irregardless of your dissertation of his presidency and prejudices you may have towards him and how he is handling his duties! For me I hated the word nigger and tried to learn the origin of the word...I was the white guy who would be among my friends and as they would refer to each other as my nigga..i was the one that intervened and would try to educate my brothers on not using the word because to do so would be slap in the face of the women and men who died under this malicious moniker of Hate! Now you know where my heart was at for most of my life....and dealing with my own family of bigots that wanted not to socialize with me for this....I too felt like an outcast among my own peers. In fact, when I was in the 6th grade, I was the most picked on kid in school by my own white brethren...what a joke....but one day as I was in class drawing sitting next to this black kid who I didn't know that well but he liked to draw too.

ubuntuAnyone's picture

Can the existence of a god be scientifically proven?

When we begin to discuss the existence of a god, generally one of the first things that comes up, especially from theists, are arguments for the existence of a deity. Of the three classes, ontological, teleological, and cosmological, the latter two are the ones that are asserted as being "scientific" proofs. The arguments in and of themselves may be sound, but are they do not seem to be valid in terms of scientific hypotheses. But this may also play to the advantage of theists as well, as it seems to be the case that such things do not even fall into the realm of science, and therefore to attempt to falsify them scientifically is a categorical mistake.

Question(s) for the atheists...

I'd figure this is the right forum for it, and I couldn't think of a good way to search for this question, so...

What I'm wondering about is why, exactly, you feel the need to "fix" those of us who believe in God (or insert deity of your choosing).  What is it about believers that bothers you?  Bear with me for a moment while I lay this out.  I consider myself Christian.  My belief system encourages things like humane treatment of your fellow man, honesty, loyalty, marital fidelity, and leaving anger out of decision-making.  (Yes, yes, I know about the "angry God" stuff from the Bible; I'm talking about the followers, here.)  It discourages things like theft, lying, adultery, violence, hatred, and cruelty.  Those who practice any of these behaviors (mostly violence) and claim it's in the name of God--or other deity--apparently didn't do the research.  But what do you have against someone like me, that you think I'm broken and need to be fixed?  What about Theism is so terrible that it needs to be wiped from the face of the earth?


My other question is less serious, but it's bugging me: Why do the people who run this site allow banner ads for and other God-believing agencies?  Is it just a monetary thing?

BADWAY's picture

The reasons I Believe in God! Part 2

 When I was much younger my mother and I stayed in an apartment complex and her lease had come up. She didn't want to renew it because she didn't want to trapped under a new lease for a whole year. The office was sending her letters that if she didn't renew her lease the rent would go up. Instead of 445 it would 475. Then it was 500. Finally, they sent a letter saying that if she didn't renew the lease it would go up to 525 a month. My mom was like, Kevin there is no way we can do this I can't afford that and I want to move!. So later that night as I took our dog for a walk in the field across the way. I have heard of different ways your suppose to pray and I did everything wrong except one. And that was that when you pray you need to be specific about what you pray for. I was standing, not kneeling...My eyes were wide open, not closed...I didn't clasp my hands together and instead of praying quietly, reverently, silently..I prayed aloud. I was specific in my prayer. I said God I ask not for me but for my mother. I am not worthy of your mercy,love or even grace but for Her I ask you to answer this prayer. Lord, we need a with a fence around the front yard for the dog, an enclosed driveway for the car, and it needs to be at least 400 a month.........In Jesus name I pray Amen. This prayer was similar to the best of my recollection but the specifics are accurate. The following morning after waking up my mother said, Kevin, I think I found us a place to stay. It's a house.

To Atheists

(1) You say that you are without belief in God.  What do you mean by "God"?


(2) Are you knowledgeable in Christian doctrine?  Would you be able to properly represent the Christian understanding of the (a) Holy Trinity, (b) hypostatic union, (c) salvation by grace, and (d) the resurrection of Christ?


(3) Is an infinite regress of cause and effect possible?


(4) Are there absolute truths or is everything relative?


(5) Do you fear death?  If so, why?


(6) Even if you do not like what God did in the Old Testament, does that prove that He does not exist?


(7) Do you believe morals are relative?  If so, then wouldn't the actions of God in the OT be morally permissible in certain situations?



NoMoreCrazyPeople's picture

All thiests should take 20 minutes to listen to this, and really listen!!!

All thiests should take 20 minutes to listen to this, and really listen.  I spent 13 years being tought what you believe, and 10 years looking into your opigions.  All i ask is for 20 minutes of real thought and reflection to an accurate and well articualted representation of my beliefs.


please watch



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