Atheist vs. Theist

BADWAY's picture

The reasons I Believe in God! Part 1

 Okay, okay simmer down you atheistic wolves. I know your salivating at the mouth to tear me a new one...but hey It ain't like I've been reamed any responses you make to dissect my stories will not contain a response from me because I need not justify my experiences...either you believe or you don't...and I'm not looking for compassion, sympathy or even some sort of analyzation of my stories. Just read if you want or don't but you'll never be able to justify your answer as luck or coincidence....


Why I believe in God

Let me start off by admitting my limitations as a writer or knowledge of certain subjects but bear with me as I try to the best of my ability or lack there of to explain why I believe in a God that I can't see, touch or describe yet I do but it isn't the way you would suspect. It is beyond human comprehension to grasp something without substance which is clearly why most atheists and agnostics think the way they do.


My whole life has been one of constant turmoil, a continual whirlwind of bovine fertilizer swirling about since before I was even born.

My name is an anagram for the reason I can't seem to hold a job! True! My name is John Kevin Badwey. Rearrange the letters and you have a question. Why A Job End Kevin? At 42 yrs of age I have been unable to sustain a job nolonger than four years and within my 42 years of societal nonexistence, I have held over 30 some odd jobs .

Life/Spirit force

I have yet another question:


Does an atheist, who for example, doesn't believe in Gods, but still believes in a "life/spirit force" or a "force create from mass consciousnes" "defy reality checks" much like a fundamentalist Christian or Muslim?







NoMoreCrazyPeople's picture

Oh silly theists, dont you see the big picture!!!


            Discussion after discussion, debate after debate, theists defend their absurd beliefs over and over using their ridiculous holy books. We (rational atheists) only scrutinize the small issues in the bible because you theists actually use that comical joke of a teaching book as the pillar of your belief system. We would much rather use our independent free minds to discuss worldview issues, but instead are forced to mentally demote ourselves to the level of these holy book preachers if we are one day to change the world and rid it of the immoral, irrational, illogical beliefs that will continue to inhibit us as we progress as a species.

For Those Who Believe in God:

I have some questions I would like for you to answer, and maybe we can change your beliefs. I'll start with one:

Do you think that god is omnipotent and omniscient? I'll wait while you look those up on Google...


BADWAY's picture

God is Real!

 My name is Badway and I believe in God, Elohim, Allah or whatever you wish to refer to the higher Deity. I understand how easy it is to be atheist or even agnostic , especially in this day and time however, the evidence of Gods' existence is too overwhelming to push under the rug of disbelief. I'm not here to make enemies nor convert for as a believer in God I also believe in freewill for He Himself is the Author of it. The Bible is merely a book not in so much as a book of laws but a handbook on how to live and treat each other and nature itself. The book is an inspirational work of literary art written by various authors to report their divine relationship with their creator. The Bible does not conflict with the theory of evolution nor contradicts it but does emphasize our development as we understand it. Many of the stories in this book are parables and allegories meant to relate our minds to our experiences and learn the message that is to be gained from it. Many of these stories are not meant to be taken as fact which is usually the main reason "Christians" and non theists supporters debate almost ironically religiously. The belief in God is not religion nor the acceptance of Christ as their Lord and savior but yet man has made a religion of it. The Messiah preached against religion so The Christ and atheists are in agreement. In other words religion is wrong whether it be Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Wiccan, or Voodoo too name a few.

ubuntuAnyone's picture

Let the Mudslinging Stop

A typical banter between atheism and theism, at least in Western countries, is not a debate between atheism and theism per se, but a debate between one of the Abrahamic religions and atheism. The fact of the matter is that religion is not inherently theistic. Definitionally speaking, atheism is a lack of belief in a deity, but this does not entail irreligion. Definitionally then, Japan may be the largest atheist nation on Earth because the majority of her people do not claim to have a belief in a god, yet at the same time the same people will ascribe to some sort of religion. This would be atheistic religion. On the other hand, there are a growing number of people who believe in a deity of some kind but do not ascribe to any particular religion. This would be theism without religion, such as “god” in philosophy or the nondescript "god" used in governmental proceedings in America. I bring this up because I think we have to be crystal clear when with what we are talking about, as it is a false dichotomy to pitch theism and religion against atheism and irreligion. Attacks on intellectual ground have to do with the rationality of belief in a god, and this is not my contention. Rather, I fear that the ravings on both sides have produced a growing pseudo-intellectual banter of which both sides have fallen victim to not because the rationality of one's beliefs, but the workings of common beliefs and the genetic fallacies associated with them.

No idea what to believe. Give me reason to believe in atheism

I don't want to ride the fence on what my beliefs are anymore. I'm a super-opinionated university guy who does not believe in grey areas in any manners of interest I have, whether it be politics, ethics, reason, etc.


Unfortunately, I can't make such a claim on theistic/atheistic beliefs. I've heard arguments supporting both but this seems like a virtual melting pot of intellectual atheists, so I want to see what it is you can say. I'd like to point out I'm a very logical person, so, if you don't mind me asking, show me logically why atheism makes sense. This is not a demand, it's a plea. Convince me that atheism is the way to go. I would just up and believe it but I can't consciously accept something until I have logical proof of it.


Eloise's picture

So what's so wrong with Blasphemy day?

Cpt Pineapple's thread pointed me to a blog where, evidently, Rook? is publicly reviling blasphemy day. 

In particular he indicts it as being  "[all] about ridicule and isolationism", so I just like to ask.. how is that? 

I mean, how is it not about, as intended, peaceful resistance by the secular community to a number of the more onerous and dare I say, just downright histrionic, mandates of religion?

How does it fail this mission? Anyone?



Evangelical Christian has a spirtual transformation, now supports same sex marriage



tl;dr version: He was an evangelical though all gays were going to hell, his mother asked if he was in line with the teachings of Jesus, he had a "spirtual revolution" and now supports gay marriage.




The belief in God

Why does God deem it so important that we believe in him? Why does he want us to believe in him? Why is this the deciding factor on whether one goes to heaven or hell?

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