Atheist vs. Theist

Coming out

After reading Thomas' blog entry and Kevin calling me biased due to my apperent Theism, I'll just say he's wrong, because I'm not one anymore, and haven't been one since my other topic.

The reason I didn't answer when Hamby asked point blank is because I don't want to be associated with the irrational arguments that most atheists use in regards to religion. I was pretty much thinking "These are the arguments I have to make?"

Not to mention those who don't hold to those arguments, are immediatly under suspicion.

Which goes in line with comment I left on his [Thomas'] blog

I wrote:

I agree and this is a good point.

Many people seem to equate “being an atheist” with “being ego-tistical and having to belittle others”

I feel it has gotten to a point where former Theists won’t even come out and declare their atheism, especially when they hold the view that you expressed here.

I've always liked Thomas [Rook], and I feel his approach here was much more rational and constructive than other atheist blogs I've seen.

Cop beats the shit out of student.

Mr. Brown recently showed me this vid:


Say you are on the review board of internal affiars of the police force and that cop is in front of you.

What do you do?

Addresss the dress code of the school?

Address why the cop was so aggressive?

Will getting rid of the dress code, help reduce police brutality?



My answers:


No it won't reduce police brutality. While that was used as a justification, it could have easily been something else, or even a legtimate rule.

 I’m not saying we should KEEP the dress code, or that the dress code was rational, that is not the issue.

I’m saying that getting to the core of the issue will help reduce police brutality, rather than getting rid of every stupid little rule/law.


So I would recommend the officer to psychological counsling/evaluation and if he is determined to be psychological unfit for service, fire him. Oh and assualt charges wouldn't hurt either.





Italian scientist reproduces Shroud of Turin


By Philip Pullella

ROME (Reuters) - An Italian scientist says he has reproduced the Shroud of Turin, a feat that he says proves definitively that the linen some Christians revere as Jesus Christ's burial cloth is a medieval fake.


Can we finally dispense with the veneration of relics?

Discuss among yourselves.

Religon hurts the true believers more than anyone

Hey, I'm your typical angry atheist tired of being given reasons for destructive and/or unjust policies that come out of a book most people have never read- but the worst part of christianity (the main thorn in my side) is the best people involved in it are hurt by their own beliefs. The nicest christians are hung up on suffering for their religion or the things they supposedly did wrong (all the while fighting hard not to see the holes in the whole mess), while the hypocritical christians are out there trying to tell everybody else how to act and rave about not questioning god. its freakin ridiculous.






Prayer:Some questions

The Christian health care topic induced an epiphany which could help me understand Hamby's arguments better.


So the simple questions I would like to ask:




Does Christianity actually teach that prayer will get you ANYTHING you want? I do mean ANYTHING, such as PS3s, ponies, ending world disasters etc....



Does it say that prayer is the BEST way to acheive said things?  Better than worldly efforts? World efforts would be trying to aquire said things by action.




I know he goes on about prayer in his arguments and I would like clarification of the above.






Vastet's picture

Not just priests, bishops love kids too

Whitefox's picture

Whitefox on New York Blog Radio Sept 30th 6pm to 7pm

The topic being discussed tonight will be restricted to escatology. End times prophecies and prophecies in general of the Bible.  If any one calls in please respect that it is not an Atheist vs Theist debate tonight. Howeve I am sure at some point one can be arranged.

Please look at my blog if you want to listen in or perhaps join in.

The stuff you need to peruse and know is there that I will be talking about.

The link to the show is there as well.

I am thankful for you guys. Even though I don't visit much these days to your forum. I am still writing the answers for Rook. they will take the form of a comments in a Bible I am putting together to go up against the Skeptics Anotated Bible. You can read John's gospel so far.  I haven't yet addressed all the Skeptic questions. But will do so shortly. You can see that at this link as well to

God Bless to those that wish it on themselves,


thedjjudah's picture

Pascal's Wager Doesn't Suck (or "What if you're STILL wrong?")

Hello my atheist friends ,


First off please don't take any offense to the subject line, I was just trying to use a little bit of humor (since of course, pascal's wager has been called by the laymen "What if you're wrong?", as we all know).


I'm posting this new thread only because I really don't feel like responding to a thread 10 pages later..


Muslims believe that both Jews and Christians will not be punished by hell:


From the Qu'ran

Those who believe in the Qur'an,
and those who follow the Jewish (Scriptures),
and the Christians and tha Sabians, -
any who believe in Allah and the Last Day,
and work righteousness,
shall have their reward with their Lord
on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
-- Sura 2:62


Jews don't believe in an afterlife at all, they believe that once you die, that's it..

From the OT:

All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?"

Ecclesiates 3:21

All eastern religions I know of do not believe in a heaven or hell, they believe in reincarnation.


The ancient Greeks and Romans believed in a Hades, but when you die, no matter how you've acted, you go there anyway..


thedjjudah's picture

Some food for thought..

Hello, guys.


First off I would like to genuinely apologize for the rudeness, hatefulness, and general lowness of character in some of the responses via email you have been getting from my "Christian" friends. While I admittedly have sinned in my life, and am not perfect in any way, I don't believe that the cursing, hate, and most of all the (it seems) desire for any of you to burn in hell is reflective in any way of the God that I serve.

With that being said,

I have some things for you to think about and I hope that you truly mull them over and realize that it takes a lot more faith to believe in pure materialism then to believe that we were put here. I realize that quite a few of you will get angry and flame me simply because I believe in God (I have read just as many posts where the OP is considerate and genuine and you curse him/her out as there are hate mail letters from the "Christians&quotEye-wink 

pm9347's picture

joseph coins

 i was reading an interesting article today , some archeoligist have found coins in egypt stamped with the biblical figure of joseph on them , now for those that dont know the story (its covered in the book of genesis. ) joseph was the favorite son of his father ,and was sold into slavery by his brothers he ended up in egypt where he was known for his god given ablity to interpet dreams , eventually the pharoh  gave hime charge over economic activities. the coins that were found show that the biblical story is correct or real history . it really makes one wonder are the other stories true???

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