recent posts HIGH SPEED

Typesort iconTitleAuthorRepliesLast Post
Forum topicAnother nutty Christian MattShizzle418 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicMcDonald's and exploitation Dissident1218 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicWazzup? MattShizzle718 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicBEHEADINGS IN THE NAME OF THE BIBLE..WARNING GRAPHIC LeftofLarry318 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicOne Christian's Perspective on Religious Freedom Archangel__7118 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicTwelve steps to recovery for Christians. You can do it! Sapient518 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicFree Downloads of the Rational Redneck Hour! hillbillyatheist018 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicFeds Seize Church's Fake $1M Bills; Linked to Ray Comfort GuentherBacon318 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicLast Month natto_the_sane618 years 20 weeks ago
Forum topicPastor arrested for throwing puppies into woods, left to die Sapient2418 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicFunny signs! MattShizzle318 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicdoes this sound familiar? qwak118 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicEvolution Rocks, by Overman (appearing on show) Sapient218 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicBible quotes shorty218 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicPriest joke MattShizzle018 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicCarrier show - you were right about the audio quality StopEvangelists1218 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicThe official God FAQ Equilibrium918 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicHoly shit, a judge BACKS the constitution for once? CynageN118 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicRay Comfort's Banana Apparently Irrefutable. GuentherBacon118 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicAstrology MattShizzle1318 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicatheist goodies qwak418 years 21 weeks ago
Forum topicSo I was debating with a christian... CynageN318 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicAIDS started in chimps StopEvangelists318 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicThe Constitution of the United States of America Dissident1418 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicRook's Birthday! Susan1318 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicMaking god and innovative ways to make god hip LeftofLarry2118 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicsome thoughts and ideas: qwak418 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicdawin award nominees hillbillyatheist1618 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicirrational belief is necsessary to have a reason to live???? shorty118 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicChristians break the 10 Commadments, hypocrisy is a bitch Sapient1418 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicJesus died for your sins! Gravity218 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicSean Berk, spoken word poet/artist friend of Sapient Sapient018 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicOzone Hole Might Heal by 2050 kemod7218 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicLobsters can detect disease, report says LeftofLarry018 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicSteps to a theocracy LeftofLarry718 years 22 weeks ago
Forum topicProtest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia Sapient2718 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicThe xtians are inflitrating everwhere. LeftofLarry218 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicHuman-chimp split took 4 million years StopEvangelists218 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicObsession with Martyrs.. CynageN518 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicBible thumpers all over campus LeftofLarry1318 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicA guy who is performing exorcisms but swears that LeftofLarry318 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicIrrational Precept #10 ShaunPhilly618 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicShow Suggestion: Scientology BarkAtTheMoon418 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicNeed questions to answers ioi8218 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicCambrian Explosion Paper Lucretius218 years 23 weeks ago
Forum topicThe biblical Kings did not exist as the bible prescribes. LeftofLarry018 years 24 weeks ago
Forum topicWar on Easter hater. Sapient918 years 24 weeks ago
Forum topicHouse Injects Prayer Into Defense Bill LeftofLarry318 years 24 weeks ago
Forum topicHello from the SilkyShrew - new shows coming up soon! SilkyShrew218 years 24 weeks ago
Forum topicThe Limits Of Reason Chaoslord2004018 years 24 weeks ago
Forum topicDid anyone hear IG last night? GuentherBacon418 years 24 weeks ago
Forum topicRational Response Squad Youth Scholarships (18 and younger) elynch2218 years 24 weeks ago
Forum topicHead of the FLDS Church on FBI's 10 most wanted list! Sapient418 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topic? about speed of light i cant figure out StopEvangelists318 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicA good indictment of Creationists/ICR StopEvangelists018 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicPhillippines to band Da Vinci Code maybe? LeftofLarry118 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicShroud of Turin MattShizzle118 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicTiny bit of good news MattShizzle018 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicTHere is only one true superhuman.... LeftofLarry318 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicDolphins 'have their own names' HealingBlight318 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicDamn Xians! Susan318 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicBREAKING NEWS - RAY COMFORT CONCEDES BANANA ARGUMENT! StopEvangelists518 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicmore science, cause I LOVE IT. LeftofLarry218 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicA christian act of Arson MattShizzle018 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicOn "Tolerance" Archangel__7218 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicDavid Swanson appears briefly on RRS - great article Sapient018 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicHelp an atheist understand evolution better please Sapient1218 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicExamples of obvious things showing earth is more than 6k y. StopEvangelists1018 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicTalking to a Christian cbenard1318 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicThe be all and end all of evolution support StopEvangelists018 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicBirthday! Susan618 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicNever heard from Sapient - bad email? StopEvangelists718 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicSave me from theists running my state ioi8018 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicCheck out this guy, he asked for my friendship on myspace LeftofLarry318 years 25 weeks ago
Forum topicDarwin's Finches & the Effects of Pollution BethG118 years 25 weeks ago