The great big thread of Nony vs. Israel

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The great big thread of Nony vs. Israel

For those who read my recommendations of The Jerusalem Post and Haaretz this is old news. For those who have better things to do with their time, such as forming opinion absent knowledge of the subject, the last week has become an admission of the obvious.

The one thing that was the unmentionable 800 lb gorilla in the room for months started being mentioned as an aside about a week ago by both the US and Israel. On Thursday in Israel the PM's Office said that when he spoke to the UN Netanyahu would address both the desire for peaceful negotiations and the 800 lb gorilla.

The gorilla is the fact that a state of Palestine can and presumably will take Israel before the ICJ, the International Court of Justice, for war crimes related to the occupation. Elvis has entered the building! Israelis have no defense. They are guilty as charged.

The gorilla is in the open. Izziehuggers take to the hills. Israel has routed your defense of Israel.

Netanyahu told his interlocutors that granting the PA the status of a state would allow the Palestinians to go to the International Criminal Court in The Hague over issues like settlement construction. "But as long as it is less than a state, I'm ready to talk about it," a source familiar with the conversation quoted him as saying.

It is an admission of war crimes plain and simple.

Please folks, stop telling me I do not know what is going on but you do. Anyone who follows events in Israel would never have questioned Israel's war crimes.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:Vastet

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

Vastet wrote:
Brian did you even read my post? Until Israel stops breaking international law, committing repetitive mass murder, and grand larceny, you will never see anything BUT mob rule in Palestine. Fuck Israel more, because they are more responsible.

Actually Israel is completely irresponsible.


You are cherry picking. How you can justify the support of suicide bombers you might as well support 9/11 because Bin Ladin sold the idea that Westerners were occupying his land. If you don't support his theocratic ideology, then you should NOT support Palestine, because what they would set up is a theocratic democracy, not a pluralistic secular democracy. It would merely be another Iran. Voting alone does not constitute pluralism or secularism.

NOW IF IF IF IF IF IF, those in Palestine who DO, and their are, support pluralism and a secular government want my support, then THEY have to put people in power that reflect that, other than the ones they have now WHO DONT.


You want this so desperately to be all one sided when it is not. You have two childish pricks fighting over toys, unfortunately it is getting HUMANS killed on both sides. But whatever wrong Israel does will never get me to support what Palestine WOULD set up if given the chance.

Now, if I thought for one second Palestine would end up like Greece or Turkey and become westernized I WOULD support them, AND I DO support CURRENTLY any individual in Palestine that DOES want that. But their collective ideology that holds current power now I do not support.

But you are out of your mind to think they would, CURRENTLY set up a secular government. THEY WOULD NOT.

If you want to blame anyone BLAME your own side's leaders. If they were not theocratic dickheads bent on the destruction of Israel, the rest of the world Israel would not be able to make their stupid excuses for their own violence.

And you are an idiot if you think that all Israelis support what their government does. They simply get pushed to default to a position, much like Christians will laugh at other sects but when faced with an atheist they will gang up on us.

Palestine suffers from the same gang mentality. They will side with the nuts, not because all of them always want to, but because CURRENTLY that is the only hand feeding them.

But you AND far too many Israelis suffer from the same childish bullshit. Until you stop seeing it as a border or label or "us vs them" issue and see it from a human condition issue FROM BOTH SIDES, you will not understand what I am saying.

It all boils down to no one likes getting punched in the face. Your side doesn't like it, and Israelis don't like it. So please tell me how the fuck finger pointing solves shit? You want them to stop their violence but you justify yours?

Israelis have mothers, sons, daughter's family and friends. Palestinians have mothers, sons, daughters, family and friends. SO PLEASE TELL ME WHY other than a stupid war based on "god gave me this land", why the fuck you and they are having such a fucking hard time seeing each other as the same species?

WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU BOTH KNOCK IT OFF? I am no more impressed with your pissing contest than I am Israeli's pissing contest.

"Look what they're doing to me" as if death is special because of a fucking stupid boarder or label. Israelis use the same fucking excuse "Look at what they are doing to me" As if Jews owned the sole rights to human suffering. As long as this bullshit has been going on, I don't give one fuck who thinks their suffering is special. Neither side is special and both sides are wallowing in the same tribal violence that is sucking the entire planet into their stupid beef.

Until you and Israel understands what I am saying neither is going to stop. Both sides display the worst that humanity has to offer.






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Here is my problem with YOU

Here is my problem with YOU and most of our species. When someone gets harmed their knee jerk reaction is to do as much harm or more harm to the other. But this is nothing but evolution in the gang mentality. You can see this on the street level in any major city in America. One gang member gets hurt, then the other gang fights back, but the only result is that it continues.

SO the only way to solve this is get both sides to stop seeing themselves as labels and gangs and see themselves as human beings. Gangs can only be defeated when the collective community cleans up its own streets. If you don't maintain your own street, that violence spreads and returns and is maintained or gets worse.

What is going on in Israel vs Palestine is NOTHING NEW in human behavior or human history. What is sad, that while gangs produce safety(and are part of our species evolution) what is sad is that this effective survival instinct comes at the cost of dehumanizing others.

You are stuck on arbitrary points in history and using the excuse of "he started it" which is the same stupid excuse they use. I'd suggest both you and Israel stop caring about who started it and stop seeing the other as a sub species which is what you rightfully accuse them of.


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Vastet wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
Are you now parsing the word see? If you are not are you pleading ignorance? If you are pleading ignorance why are you disagreeing with me? AIPAC, AJC, ADL, B'nai B'rith, JTA, AZO, WZO, CSIS (France), Board of Deputies (Britain) are just those I can recall having read defending the Jewish dictatorship in just the last week or so.

National Jewish Defense Council
Jewish Defense League
Conference of Presidents of jewish organizations
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Voice for Peace
Orthodox Union
Emergency Committee for Israel
American Jewish Committee

Jews deserve no greater justice than Palestinians.
	-- The Iron Webmaster, 4338 a6
Thu Sep 22 19:54:28 EDT 2011

^ Lobbiests

I do not know how it works in Canada but in the US lobbyists for foreign countries must in fact register as such with the federal government. None of the US organizations I have listed are registered. Even AIPAC is not registered claiming to be purely a Jewish advocacy group.

But if you have evidence they are in fact lobbyists I am certain the Attorney General of the US would be interested in your evidence. If they are lobbyists and fail to register it is worth five years plus $500,000 fine for each individual lobbyist.

Is it not wonderful when people cannot have it both ways?


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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First Zionism is equated with tyranny.

I request that be changed.

Now Israel is equated with tyranny.

Do the PTB no realize the consequences of their choices?


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:First

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

First Zionism is equated with tyranny.

I request that be changed.

Now Israel is equated with tyranny.

Do the PTB no realize the consequences of their choices?

Change your sig, get off the jew hating non-stop, give us some indication that you are willing to be logical on this one topic of which you are obsessed with, and we we will bend over backwards to accomadate you.

I love the Jews, you hate them.  Let's debate this difference of opinion.   But they're not going to just give you a free hand to outright slander anyone.

Bring it, you slimey bastard.

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Noony, on CNN the other day,

Noony, on CNN the other day, I saw a story about an American Muslim woman who belongs to a group, NOT SANCTIONED BY EITHER GOVERMENT, but a group open to all, both Isrealies and Palestinians and ANYONE who wants this conflict to end.

If this Muslim woman can say. "We need to see each other as humans and not labels"   And wouldn't you know it, a JEW sitting next to her in the same story WAS SAYING THE SAME.

What you are not getting is that more and more people are not buying the label crap from either side. More and more people are NOT buying the "history/tradition" crap.

BUT those people like above are STILL few and far between and theirs still are not enough of them.

You are just as bad as the right wing Irealis and YOU are part of the problem.


Until you get your head out of your fucking ass AS WELL AS "THE OTHER SIDE" and until enough people ON BOTH SIDES start seeing their fellow human as a fellow human, this conflict will not end.

I am tired of your bullshit "The virtue of the oppressed" THERE IS NO SUCH THING, there is merely A SPECIES history where once the abused become the abuser.  There are merely human beings that get hurt and hurt others in return.



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Pfft. As if a few little

Pfft. As if a few little "rules" stop lobbyists from being lobbyists.

ps, please don't take my condescending manner as an insult to you, as I direct it towards lobbyists and the systems so broken that one who has sufficient $ can lobby for anything without fitting the legal definition of lobbying. Now that we've returned to civility I'd rather not backslide.

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I can't say I hate the

I can't say I hate the Israelis like Anony does, but I don't think its a stretch to say I'm the second biggest detractor of Israel here. And I can say that the blind hatred of Israel is not helpful. I'm as against Anonys irrational hatred of Israelis (jews) as I am against Watchers equally irrational hatred of Palestinians (moslems).
The fact is that hatred cannot help here, there is already too much hatred. There is nothing wrong with criticising either side or both, but dehumanising one side over another is just going to make things worse. As Brian says, these are people. People who have families and dreams and hopes. Even the most senior members of hamas and the far right Israeli politicians do not spend every waking moment trying to excise their enemies from existence. They are people who've been lied to since birth about gods, brainwashed like so many others, and been thrown into a corner by an organisation that didn't put any thought into the repercussions. And it is way too late to go back.

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Vastet wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
Vastet wrote:
Suggesting Israel is a dictatorship is laughable.

What do you suggest as a better name for the ruthless tyranny it operates in the West Bank? Consult the new double-speak dictionary if you must.

Occupier is the correct term, oh ignorant one. I understand you like using emotionally charged terms, but at least use applicable ones.

So General Heydrich was merely occupying Poland, no? And the Ukraine was merely occupied. What a strange mindset you have.

However the 4th Geneva convention, you must have read it by now, as well as the 5th Hague convention defines the nature of an occupation for it to be called an occupation. To sum it up the administration of the occupied territory must be administered solely to the benefit of the occupied people except in matters of military necessity. Israel is in gross violation of so many of the provisions of these conventions that, as I have suggested, they might as well be using the prohibitions as a checklist as to what to do next.

One of the violations are the squattertowns, which are also criminal under the Nuremberg precedent. Israel acknowledged the applicability of the conventions when it defined them as necessary for the defense of Israel from Jordan -- no matter only people ignorant of military requirements were stupid enough to believe that. Israel has has a peace treat with Jordan for 14 years or so. Therefore that excuse is gone. Therefore Israel acknowledges their squattertowns are criminal under Geneva IV.

Having established Israel's actions are not in accordance with an occupation then it is not an occupation.

For the record since the peace with Jordan Israel ceased the military defense BS and declared the lands were disputed not occupied. You should stay abreast of matters instead of reciting claims Israel has not made in 14 years.

As Israel claims they are disputed and as the Palestinians are ruled by the IDF it is clearly a military dictatorship. Are you claiming Palestinians have the right to vote in Israeli elections? The IDF reports to the civilian government of Israel does it not? Therefore is not the Prime Minister of Israel the ruthless dictator of the West Bank? If not, who is responsible for the arbitrary and capricious diktats of the military dicator?

So you are way out of date resurrecting the old BS that it is an occupation. You claim it is an occupation has been contradictd by Israel for 14 years.

And yet you pretend to post in defense of the Hutus?

The US does not finance Hutu machetes. It does finance white phosphorus for Jews to use on civilians.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:First

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

First Zionism is equated with tyranny.

I request that be changed.

Now Israel is equated with tyranny.

Do the PTB no realize the consequences of their choices?

Serious question: Are you against all tyranny, or just Israeli tyranny? I renamed it to 'Israel' because I looked at your recent posts at the time and you seemed to be focusing on Israel. All the other posts were about Israel too. So, if they are now in one thread, it seemed fair that the subject of the thread reflect the content of it, namely Israel.

If you start posting about tyranny in general, then maybe it would start to make sense that you're really against tyranny, and not Israel. But as far as I know, you don't post about any tyranny but Israel's/Jews'. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Brian37 wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
Vastet wrote:
Brian did you even read my post? Until Israel stops breaking international law, committing repetitive mass murder, and grand larceny, you will never see anything BUT mob rule in Palestine. Fuck Israel more, because they are more responsible.

Actually Israel is completely irresponsible.

You are cherry picking. How you can justify the support of suicide bombers you might as well support 9/11 because Bin Ladin sold the idea that Westerners were occupying his land.

As you do not know the meaning of occupation used in the sense of the occupied West Bank you can look it up. When you do learn the meaning you will learn that is a nonsense statement.

I also note you have to go as far as bin Laden to find someone jews are no better than.

If you don't support his theocratic ideology, then you should NOT support Palestine, because what they would set up is a theocratic democracy, not a pluralistic secular democracy. It would merely be another Iran. Voting alone does not constitute pluralism or secularism.

I have established the Jews are the theocratic ideologues in this matter. Let me add from Netanyahu's UN speech

In my office in Jerusalem, there's a -- there's an ancient seal. It's a
signet ring of a Jewish official from the time of the Bible. The seal was
found right next to the Western Wall, and it dates back 2,700 years, to the
time of King Hezekiah. Now, there's a name of the Jewish official inscribed
on the ring in Hebrew. His name was Netanyahu. That's my last name. My first
name, Benjamin, dates back a thousand years earlier to Benjamin -- Binyamin
-- the son of Jacob, who was also known as Israel. Jacob and his 12 sons
roamed these same hills of Judea and Sumeria 4,000 years ago, and there's
been a continuous Jewish presence in the land ever since.

I have openly challenged all you izziehuggers and Hutu-lovers to produce similar religious crap from Palestinian political leaders and there has been nothing but silence. Not even an admission that the claim was a lie, which it was and remains a lie.

So here I am facing nothing but lies about the Palestinians from people who appear to expect a civil discussion but who do nothing but repeat the same lies over and over as though they were true.

As noted elsewhere. Their form of government is their business. Your "if Hutus don't slaughter the Tutsis someone else will" excuse for the Hutus is really quite pathetic. Since they are going to live under a tyrannical dictatorship anyway it might as well be a jewish tyrannical dictatorship.

If the Hutus become Jews will you defend them too? Will jewish Hutus get to exploit the natural resources of the West Bank too? That would be a war crime for everyone but the Jews according to you.

Really amazing here that self-declared atheists go to such great lengths to lie for and defend jewish religious crazies in the face it clear and present war crimes that are not in dispute.

Remember the subsumed post thread which was the REAL reason Israel fears Palestine being a recognized state? That it will be brought to justice before the International Criminal Court. That will indict every living senior Isaeli politician who is still alive including Sharon if he ever wakes up.

I cited Israeli officials who in a moment of stress blurted out the truth. State or no state makes no difference to a lawful occupation. It only matters to a criminal occupation. It only matters to the crimes you are defending.

Got relatives living as squatters in the West Bank do you? Or just ordinary criminals living in Israel. No one gets to pick their relatives. You are not obliged to defend them. And if they are believers, no one blames you. Lots of people have crazy relatives. Again, you didn't pick them. No blame.

NOW IF IF IF IF IF IF, those in Palestine who DO, and their are, support pluralism and a secular government want my support, then THEY have to put people in power that reflect that, other than the ones they have now WHO DONT.

Their form of government does not justify despotic, thieving, murderous rule by Jews. Those Hutus really are fine people, no?

You want this so desperately to be all one sided when it is not. You have two childish pricks fighting over toys, unfortunately it is getting HUMANS killed on both sides. But whatever wrong Israel does will never get me to support what Palestine WOULD set up if given the chance.

But you do defend the murderous jewish dictatorship over the Palestinians. No one is asking you stick your nose into Palestinian political affairs. I am merely asking you stop lying about it so blatantly in public discussion. Their form of government does not justify jewish despotism and theft and murder.

Now, if I thought for one second Palestine would end up like Greece or Turkey and become westernized I WOULD support them, AND I DO support CURRENTLY any individual in Palestine that DOES want that. But their collective ideology that holds current power now I do not support.

That is a pathetic approach to excusing jewish tyranny. You sure must love those Hutus.

But you are out of your mind to think they would, CURRENTLY set up a secular government. THEY WOULD NOT.

They currenty HAVE a secular government. Israel has a government run by religious fruitcakes. Israel is currently run by rednecks who have implemented a Jim Crow regime in Israel and a tyranny elsewhere. You defend Israel's ethnic cleansing in occupied Jerusalem.

You are defending the same things Nazis did.

If you want to blame anyone BLAME your own side's leaders. If they were not theocratic dickheads bent on the destruction of Israel, the rest of the world Israel would not be able to make their stupid excuses for their own violence.

I don't have a side in this. I simply object to lies being told about the Palestinians to defend jewish war criminals.

And you are an idiot if you think that all Israelis support what their government does. They simply get pushed to default to a position, much like Christians will laugh at other sects but when faced with an atheist they will gang up on us.

I know for a fact that some 1.5M Israelis do not support their government's war crimes. But that didn't save Dresden. The good Germans were treated the same as the rest.

Palestine suffers from the same gang mentality. They will side with the nuts, not because all of them always want to, but because CURRENTLY that is the only hand feeding them.

Lets see. I ask for the evidence. You provide none. You repeat the same allegation {REPEAT}

But you AND far too many Israelis suffer from the same childish bullshit. Until you stop seeing it as a border or label or "us vs them" issue and see it from a human condition issue FROM BOTH SIDES, you will not understand what I am saying.

Are you telling me you now see bin Laden's side of 9/11?

But I do see both sides. I see the Jews on one side and the victims of the Jews on the other. They did not volunteer to be victimized by the Jews did they? Are you going to claim that next?

It all boils down to no one likes getting punched in the face. Your side doesn't like it, and Israelis don't like it. So please tell me how the fuck finger pointing solves shit? You want them to stop their violence but you justify yours?

Jews CHOSE to go to Palestine. They CHOSE to expel the native population else they would have lost the first election. They CHOSE criminalize the occupation of the West Bank. Palestinians chose none of the above. Jews can CHOOSE to end the occupation at any time. Jews could have chosen to end the occupation any time in the last 44 years. They could have chosen NOT to criminalize the occupation.

It is all a matter of free choice. That Jews suffer from their own choices does not make their chosen victims responsible for melodramatic jewish suffering.

Israelis have mothers, sons, daughter's family and friends. Palestinians have mothers, sons, daughters, family and friends. SO PLEASE TELL ME WHY other than a stupid war based on "god gave me this land", why the fuck you and they are having such a fucking hard time seeing each other as the same species?

The god gave part is soley for jewish crazies. You know that. You know for a fact it is not a Palestinian issue. You deliberately misrepresent the situation. It is a matter of a bunch of well financed Europeans choosing to go to Palestine to knowingly cause all the problems. Free choice. Remember?

WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU BOTH KNOCK IT OFF? I am no more impressed with your pissing contest than I am Israeli's pissing contest.

I did not expect to impress you although it appears using the same words that apply to other tyrannies to describe the jewish tyranny has made an impression on you or at least on your caps lock key.

END the criminal occupation!

"Look what they're doing to me" as if death is special because of a fucking stupid boarder or label. Israelis use the same fucking excuse "Look at what they are doing to me" As if Jews owned the sole rights to human suffering. As long as this bullshit has been going on, I don't give one fuck who thinks their suffering is special. Neither side is special and both sides are wallowing in the same tribal violence that is sucking the entire planet into their stupid beef.

End the criminal occupation!

Until you and Israel understands what I am saying neither is going to stop. Both sides display the worst that humanity has to offer.

End the criminal occupation.

When a bank robber is confronted by an armed guard, killing the guard is not
justified as an act of self-defense.
	-- The Iron Webmaster, 4347 a1
Mon Sep 26 00:59:07 EDT 2011


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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 End the criminal

 End the criminal occupation? Which group of criminals shall we kick out? I'm for removing both.


"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Brian37 wrote:
Here is my problem with YOU and most of our species. When someone gets harmed their knee jerk reaction is to do as much harm or more harm to the other. But this is nothing but evolution in the gang mentality. You can see this on the street level in any major city in America. One gang member gets hurt, then the other gang fights back, but the only result is that it continues.

Excuse me but the occupation is a present day, continuing and on-going crime. You arguing against self-defense while a crime is being committed.

Not even the most dedicated pacifists declare self-defense in the course of an attack is wrong.

Why do you?

End the criminal occupation.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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jcgadfly wrote:
End the criminal occupation? Which group of criminals shall we kick out? I'm for removing both.

The Jews are the only occupiers. Only people who believe jewish propaganda claim otherwise.

The Palestinians are people whose jewish ancestors converted to Islam.

You are aware the "we were expelled by the Romans" has been discredited continuously since the 5th c. AD are you not? And always for the same reason. The only records of the event say only Jerusalem. All Jews left voluntarily. It is amazing how the BS myth of expulsion has survived for so many centuries despite the only evidence being to the contrary.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Jews are declared federal Felons

Vastet wrote:
Pfft. As if a few little "rules" stop lobbyists from being lobbyists. ps, please don't take my condescending manner as an insult to you, as I direct it towards lobbyists and the systems so broken that one who has sufficient $ can lobby for anything without fitting the legal definition of lobbying. Now that we've returned to civility I'd rather not backslide.

I find it odd your "defense" of Jews supporting Israel is to claim they are all federal felons.



Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Vastet wrote:
Edit: Question answered elsewhere. Still, Israel is not a dictatorship.

Israel is run by religious nutjobs. Israel runs a dictatorship in the West Bank as it has not claimed it to be an occupation in 14 years.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Watcher wrote:
How about Anony's racist ranting against the Jews?

Jews are a religion not a race.

The only basis to claim a person is a Jew by birth is in the Torah. If you accept the Torah you are not an atheist. No atheist cam claim to have been born a Jew. That is a theistic assertion.

Anti-religion is the purpose of this website. Israel is an outstanding example of present day crimes in the name of religion. Anti any and all religions without regard is what this website is here for. Or is it only anti-Christian and -Muslim? Since when to Jews get a free ride? Get rid of the foundations of Judaism and both Christianity and Islam crumble. Attack Judaism. It is the most cost productive.

If people do not want to be horrible examples they should not CHOOSE to be horrible examples.

End the criminal occupation now.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Watcher wrote:

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

First Zionism is equated with tyranny.

I request that be changed.

Now Israel is equated with tyranny.

Do the PTB no realize the consequences of their choices?

Change your sig,

If you can show it is in error I will be happy to do so. The theft started with the Absentee Owner laws in 1949. If your only knowledge of Israel is what you learned in synagogue I suggest you are woefully unprepared to discuss the subject.

get off the jew hating non-stop,

You have an odd position for a Muslim hater. It appears you are another fake atheist whose only intention is to promote Judaism.

give us some indication that you are willing to be logical on this one topic of which you are obsessed with, and we we will bend over backwards to accomadate you.

I am just thinking of "Rational Responders website says Israel is a Tyranny" as is the simplest thing to take away from the title.

I really do not care how RR looks. It is up to the PTB to care about how RR looks.

I love the Jews, you hate them.

You are not an atheist. You are what used to be called a closet Jew like the man who prepared the infamous declaration for Lord Balfour.

Let's debate this difference of opinion.   But they're not going to just give you a free hand to outright slander anyone.

Bring it, you slimey bastard.

Start an appropriately titled thread for your defense of Judaism. I will be surprised to see in on an atheist website.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Brian37 wrote:

Noony, on CNN the other day, I saw a story about an American Muslim woman who belongs to a group, NOT SANCTIONED BY EITHER GOVERMENT, but a group open to all, both Isrealies and Palestinians and ANYONE who wants this conflict to end.

If this Muslim woman can say. "We need to see each other as humans and not labels"   And wouldn't you know it, a JEW sitting next to her in the same story WAS SAYING THE SAME.

The Palestinians cannot end the occupation. Only Jews can end the occupation.

End the criminal occupation real soon.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Vastet wrote:
I can't say I hate the Israelis like Anony does, but I don't think its a stretch to say I'm the second biggest detractor of Israel here. And I can say that the blind hatred of Israel is not helpful. I'm as against Anonys irrational hatred of Israelis (jews) as I am against Watchers equally irrational hatred of Palestinians (moslems). The fact is that hatred cannot help here, there is already too much hatred. There is nothing wrong with criticising either side or both, but dehumanising one side over another is just going to make things worse. As Brian says, these are people. People who have families and dreams and hopes. Even the most senior members of hamas and the far right Israeli politicians do not spend every waking moment trying to excise their enemies from existence. They are people who've been lied to since birth about gods, brainwashed like so many others, and been thrown into a corner by an organisation that didn't put any thought into the repercussions. And it is way too late to go back.

Explain why the occupation of the West Bank has to be criminal from the Jewish perspective.

Keep in mind Israel has not claimed it is an occupation for 14 years.

Tell me why jewish people cannot have their dreams and hopes in Israel instead of occupied Jerusalem, West Bank and Southern Syria.

And again, please stop lying about a religious motivation for the Palestinian political leadership. They have expressed none. Only Israeli leadership is composed of religious crazies.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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There's something


A_Nony_Mouse wrote:


You are not an atheist. You are what used to be called a closet Jew like the man who prepared the infamous declaration for Lord Balfour.



weird about the way the tone of these arguments tends...

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natural wrote:

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

First Zionism is equated with tyranny.

I request that be changed.

Now Israel is equated with tyranny.

Do the PTB no realize the consequences of their choices?

Serious question: Are you against all tyranny, or just Israeli tyranny? I renamed it to 'Israel' because I looked at your recent posts at the time and you seemed to be focusing on Israel. All the other posts were about Israel too. So, if they are now in one thread, it seemed fair that the subject of the thread reflect the content of it, namely Israel.

Are you in favor of Israeli tyranny?

If you start posting about tyranny in general, then maybe it would start to make sense that you're really against tyranny, and not Israel. But as far as I know, you don't post about any tyranny but Israel's/Jews'. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I did not intend to talk about political philosophy. The group is politics. You appear to be implying there should be fair and balanced but only when the subject is Jews and Israel. That is not reasonable.

That kind of demand is what I call praising with faint damns. "They are doing absolutely horrible things but we must remember what forced them to it." Is this demand ever made when the discussion is of other atrocities in the world? Why not? Is there something special that applies here? If so, EXACTLY what is it?
Here we have people who openly say they hate Muslims and others who understand it only in tregard to Muslims not when the terrorist is a Jew. For example the mass murderer Goldstone in Hebron. Does that not justify the same hatred?

I addressed the ONLY unquestioned occupation in the world today and the longest running since Garibaldi ended the Austrian occupation of Italy. (Get out your history books.) This makes the jewish tyranny unique in the modern world. It is also the only tyranny which gets a pass in the West.

As I said, the issue is the semantics. All I have been doing is using the same semantics to describe the same things. The words I have used have dictionary meanings. I have used them correctly.

You appear to be using the jewish proganda which equates home grown despotism with foreign despotism. Israel has NEVER been unfairly accused in this regard. It is its foreign not domestic despotism which has been so justly condemned.

These are two entirely different things. A rational person reading the posts of those who cannot tell the difference has limited assumptions to make. One assumption is their mental abilities are not sufficient to understand the distinction between domestic and foreign. Another is they are knowingly lying. The third is they believe the land belongs to members of a religion. If you have a fourth please tell me about it.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Atheistextremist wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
You are not an atheist. You are what used to be called a closet Jew like the man who prepared the infamous declaration for Lord Balfour.

weird about the way the tone of these arguments tends...

Really strange, no? But defending any religion for any reason is a theist position. The defender cannot be an atheist. That the supposed atheist defends only Judaism leads directly to the closet Jew description.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:
another silly 1984 outtake

I read the book as a kid. It did not make much sense. The least credible is the "how many" scene. And I have seen that imitated I don't know how many times. One day I hope Joss Whedon does it with his usual ridicule the stereotype approach.

That said, there is a major problem with the popular perception of the book.

Orwell's wartime job was the same as Winston's. What he was describing was not the future but the situation in England during WWII. Big Brother was Churchill. Everything Winston did Orwell did during the war.

The big joke on the rest of us is the history of the war he helped invent is still the official history of the war.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Watcher wrote:

I love the Jews, you hate them.  Let's debate this difference of opinion.   But they're not going to just give you a free hand to outright slander anyone.

Bring it, you slimey bastard.

Please move quickly to start your thread as a spirited defense of Judaism. I look forward to it. As I said, a very strange thing to find on an atheist website.

It is easier, simpler and almost trivial to take down Judaism in comparison to Christianity and Islam. Or were you hoping I would start it? The ball is in your court. Lets see the best a Muslim hater can do.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Really? Why is the US opposing this? Maybe if Palestine gets regonized as a state, the people may get human rights, and who would want that?

This is in fact a good question and I have considered it furher despite an early glib response.

If there were a lawful occupation then it would not matter in the least whether or not Palestine is a state. After WWII Germany was occupied. The formal peace treaty was signed several years after the surrender. I don't remember the details at the moment but a surrender is not a peace treaty.

But in a moment of stress an Israeli official blurted out the truth. The fear is of the verdict of the International Criminal Court against Israel on multiple violations of Geneva IV by all living senior political leaders in Israel. Of course Israel will just day F-off! Why does it matter?

The US will have to back Israel for internal political reasons. Because of that the US will have to take a stand against the jurisdiction of the ICC but only in the matter of Israel.

However the fact will be the ICC is converted to a political organ rather than a matter of justice. This will invalidate all previous convictions. It will invalidate all concepts of universal justice.

Now I am not one to argue it was a good idea in the first place. In fact it was demonstrated to be political when the Israeli Apartheid wall was before it and only the US judge said it was legal on grounds unrelated to the case. Not a judge but a politician subservient to politics.

This will be a significant test of war crimes. The US will have to the entire framework of war crimes which it began at Nuremberg. Palestinian statehood is the end of war crimes as a matter of world juridiction.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:Orwell's

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
Orwell's wartime job was the same as Winston's. What he was describing was not the future but the situation in England during WWII. Big Brother was Churchill. Everything Winston did Orwell did during the war.

The big joke on the rest of us is the history of the war he helped invent is still the official history of the war.


i am curious to know what you have in mind as the war history invented.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:Please

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

Please move quickly to start your thread as a spirited defense of Judaism. I look forward to it. As I said, a very strange thing to find on an atheist website.

It is easier, simpler and almost trivial to take down Judaism in comparison to Christianity and Islam. Or were you hoping I would start it? The ball is in your court. Lets see the best a Muslim hater can do.

What is really strange is a supposed atheist supporting terrorists that indiscriminately kill civilians and also obsesses over the plight of those scum terrorist muslims (actually those three words all pretty much mean the same thing).

I don't care about their religion.  And if you ask me to defend the religion Judaism I will knock it down as quick as any religion.  However, I am under the opinion that the Jewish people are far less religious than my own people here in America.

I'll defend America too.

I wouldn't even bring up the subject at all if you didn't constantly prattle on about it like a whiney 4 year old.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote: That

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:


That kind of demand is what I call praising with faint damns. "They are doing absolutely horrible things but we must remember what forced them to it." Is this demand ever made when the discussion is of other atrocities in the world? Why not? Is there something special that applies here? If so, EXACTLY what is it?

Here we have people who openly say they hate Muslims and others who understand it only in tregard to Muslims not when the terrorist is a Jew. For example the mass murderer Goldstone in Hebron. Does that not justify the same hatred?

That's just it, the jews are not doing anything "horrible".   Palestinian terrorist groups intentionally nestles their operations right in the middle of their civilian population and start firing rockets or sniping at Israelies.  When the Jews defend themselves of course some civilians are going to get killed.

Why?   Because the fucktard Palestinian terrorists are right in the middle of the civilians.  Then when the unavoidable civilian casualties occur those same terrorists scream, "The jews are attacking civilians!"  Then quit hiding behind women and children you pieces of shit.

This is the BIG difference between the "atrocities" the Palestinians are making compared to the Israelites.

The Palestinians engineer the death of their own people to further their goals.  The Jews are just defending themselves by firing back in the area they are being attacked from.  This is how ANY Palestinian deaths occur by the hands of the Jews.

The Palestinians on the other hand target Jewish civilians who are not attacking them.   Firing rockets into their homes or blowing up buses.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:Vastet

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

Vastet wrote:
Pfft. As if a few little "rules" stop lobbyists from being lobbyists. ps, please don't take my condescending manner as an insult to you, as I direct it towards lobbyists and the systems so broken that one who has sufficient $ can lobby for anything without fitting the legal definition of lobbying. Now that we've returned to civility I'd rather not backslide.

I find it odd your "defense" of Jews supporting Israel is to claim they are all federal felons.



I wouldn't call it a defence. Neither would I say the jews are the only ones who have lobbyists that avoid rules whenever possible. But considering that Israel partakes in more illegal operations than any nation outside of the US, is it a wonder that their supporters are also criminals?

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The all in one thread subject be changed from the misleading anti-zionist to anti-dictatorship or anti-tyranny.

I hope this is not a bother.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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What Israel claims is

What Israel claims is irrelevant. Like China & the USSR's claim to be communist, the reality is a different story.
Until the Palestinians accept Israel as their home, which will never happen while Israel indiscriminately murders Palestinian men women & children, it is an occupation.

"Explain why the occupation of the West Bank has to be criminal from the Jewish perspective."

Explain your question and the reason for asking it. I don't understand where you are going with this.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:The all

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

The all in one thread subject be changed from the misleading anti-zionist to anti-dictatorship or anti-tyranny.

I hope this is not a bother.


Keeping you honest is never a bother

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Vastet wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

Vastet wrote:
Pfft. As if a few little "rules" stop lobbyists from being lobbyists. ps, please don't take my condescending manner as an insult to you, as I direct it towards lobbyists and the systems so broken that one who has sufficient $ can lobby for anything without fitting the legal definition of lobbying. Now that we've returned to civility I'd rather not backslide.

I find it odd your "defense" of Jews supporting Israel is to claim they are all federal felons.

I wouldn't call it a defence. Neither would I say the jews are the only ones who have lobbyists that avoid rules whenever possible. But considering that Israel partakes in more illegal operations than any nation outside of the US, is it a wonder that their supporters are also criminals?

You do not appear to be able to follow the issues. This is not avoiding rules. This is criminal activity IF they are as you claim lobbyists for Israel. If in fact you have evidence they are lobbyists for Israel you should do the right thing and contact the US Attorney General. Of course as a Canadian you are not obligated to do so.

The US gov had been trying to make a criminal case against AIPAC for years. They have a good case but not one that can force politicians to stay away from the case, prevent them from intervening as they have in the past. Just a few years ago jewish Americans were able to get Nancy Pelosi (I may have to check my files to very that name) a committee chairmanship in return for pressuring the AG into dropping the case. They need a case as clean as the one against Pollard for espionage so they can warn the izziehuggers to back off or go down with him.

So if these organizations are not engaged in a criminal conspiracy they are acting as Jews is support of Israel's innumerable war crimes.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Pacioli wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
Orwell's wartime job was the same as Winston's. What he was describing was not the future but the situation in England during WWII. Big Brother was Churchill. Everything Winston did Orwell did during the war.

The big joke on the rest of us is the history of the war he helped invent is still the official history of the war.

i am curious to know what you have in mind as the war history invented.

The idea that Germany started the war in Europe when it was Britain and France which declared war on Germany but not on Russia for the same invasion of Poland is a reasonable place to start. No one forced B&F to selectively declare war on Germany. It was their free choice to do so.

And the usual excuse Britain uses is a mutual defense treaty with Poland. No one forced Britain to honor it. And although it was an announced intention to create such a treaty in the spring of 1939 it was not signed until seven days before the war on Poland started.

The entire claim that Germany fabricated the Polish cross border attack on Germany is based solely upon the statement of one German sargeant in 1945 without corroborating evidence. There is no other basis for it NOR was there before his statement in 1945 yet Britain was claiming it was faked from September 1939.

And Poland was a military dictatorship at the time the war started. Some lies are by ommission. So where comes the claim that is was for the freedom of the Polish people?

Both Russia and Germany reclaimed territory taken from them as a consequence of WWI which had been part of their countries for centuries prior. If WWI had given the New England states to Canada, damned right the US would have reclaimed them at the earliest possible moment. Sorry but I don't see the problem. Perhaps you can explain it to me.

It is similar here. No one mentions that Jews went to Palestine with the intention of getting rid of the Palestinians but why would they go to Palestine just have have zionism shit-canned in the first election? They were outnumbered four to one in any election. It would have failed.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Watcher wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
Please move quickly to start your thread as a spirited defense of Judaism. I look forward to it. As I said, a very strange thing to find on an atheist website.

It is easier, simpler and almost trivial to take down Judaism in comparison to Christianity and Islam. Or were you hoping I would start it? The ball is in your court. Lets see the best a Muslim hater can do.

What is really strange

If you are not going to even attempt to defend judaism you comment is worthless. Tutsi lovers are all alike.

is a supposed atheist supporting terrorists that indiscriminately kill civilians and also obsesses over the plight of those scum terrorist muslims (actually those three words all pretty much mean the same thing).

What is there about Israel does the SAME thing that you have failed to grasp? What is there about Israel uses the same excuse you have failed to grasp?

I don't care about their religion.  And if you ask me to defend the religion Judaism I will knock it down as quick as any religion.  However, I am under the opinion that the Jewish people are far less religious than my own people here in America.

Sorry but the only Jews are those who follow the law of Moses. Jews and Judaism are as inseparable as Muslims and Islam, Christians and Christianity.

I'll defend America too.

You are an antisemitic muslim hater. Please do not demean America by pretending to defend it.

I wouldn't even bring up the subject at all if you didn't constantly prattle on about it like a whiney 4 year old.

You clearly stated you defend Jewish tyranny because you hate Muslims. Your participation here adds nothing but hate to the discussion by your own admission. For your own good, try to grow beyond the hatred that consumes you.

Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Watcher wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
That kind of demand is what I call praising with faint damns. "They are doing absolutely horrible things but we must remember what forced them to it." Is this demand ever made when the discussion is of other atrocities in the world? Why not? Is there something special that applies here? If so, EXACTLY what is it?

Here we have people who openly say they hate Muslims and others who understand it only in tregard to Muslims not when the terrorist is a Jew. For example the mass murderer Goldstone in Hebron. Does that not justify the same hatred?

That's just it, the jews are not doing anything "horrible".   Palestinian terrorist groups intentionally nestles their operations right in the middle of their civilian population and start firing rockets or sniping at Israelies.  When the Jews defend themselves of course some civilians are going to get killed.

So do the Jews. They have said so many times. Why do you insist upon ignoring their own admissions of doing the same thing?

Why?   Because the fucktard Palestinian terrorists are right in the middle of the civilians.  Then when the unavoidable civilian casualties occur those same terrorists scream, "The jews are attacking civilians!"  Then quit hiding behind women and children you pieces of shit.

By WWII standards the entire civilian population is a legitimate target even for nuking so please drop that nonsense. WWII is the gold standard.

As you know Israel has its IDF among its civilian population no different from your claim that terrorists are among the civilian population. Why do you pretend not to know this?

This is the BIG difference between the "atrocities" the Palestinians are making compared to the Israelites.

Israelites are a fictional people invented in the Septuagint.

That said, you know there is no difference between the two. The IDF is always among the civilian population without uniforms but at least one in four in any group of civilians is a lawful military target for the same reason Israel gives. You know this. Do you not see how your hatred of 1.2 billion people clouds your mind?

The Palestinians engineer the death of their own people to further their goals.

And the IDF kills its own to prevent them from being taken prisoner. Old news in Israel.

The Jews are just defending themselves by firing back in the area they are being attacked from.  This is how ANY Palestinian deaths occur by the hands of the Jews.

So you say dropping a one ton bomb on an apartment building in the middle of the night is just a random response?

The Palestinians on the other hand target Jewish civilians who are not attacking them.   Firing rockets into their homes or blowing up buses.

As you know buses are a military asset and thus a lawful target. Israelis should stop using buses if they want to be safe from lawful attack.

That one ton bomb in the middle of the night was hardly a response to an active attack. It murdered 18 civilians including 5 children for the stated purpose of murdering one suspect. That is jews for you. They claim the right to kill anyone who might grow up to harm Jews.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Vastet wrote:
What Israel claims is irrelevant. Like China & the USSR's claim to be communist, the reality is a different story. Until the Palestinians accept Israel as their home, which will never happen while Israel indiscriminately murders Palestinian men women & children, it is an occupation. "Explain why the occupation of the West Bank has to be criminal from the Jewish perspective." Explain your question and the reason for asking it. I don't understand where you are going with this.

Excuse me but the US is more Christian than Israel is Jewish. All European nations but the some of the Balkans are more Christian than Israel is Jewish. What is there to recognize but a figment of jewish wishful thinking? The worst thing you can do for delusional people is agree with them. Therefore no one should agree with that nonsense.

The issue is Jewish theft of Palestinian private property under color of law and their lawful claim to recover said property for the same reasons and with the same justification that Jews make such recovery claims from European countries as a consequence of WWII. In fact the most common jewish claim is that they were underpaid. The Palestinian claim is they were paid nothing.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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jcgadfly wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

The all in one thread subject be changed from the misleading anti-zionist to anti-dictatorship or anti-tyranny.

I hope this is not a bother.

Keeping you honest is never a bother

And you equating Israel with tyranny is more than I could have hoped for from the PTB.


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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Watcher wrote:
I don't care about their religion.  And if you ask me to defend the religion Judaism I will knock it down as quick as any religion.  However, I am under the opinion that the Jewish people are far less religious than my own people here in America.

There is no such thing as a Jew separate from Judaism. The Nazis said otherwise. Israel adopted the Nazi definition of who is a Jew. Such collaboration. But there is no such thing as a Jew who does not follow the Law of Moses. It is a ritual/taboo lifestyle, period, nothing else.

"The Invention of the Jewish People" by Sand/Zand has been published in English. You have no excuse not to know of it. It is clearly a zionist invention as the concept does not exist prior to the zionists writing about it. It was invented as a reaction to the 19th c. nationalism as it evolved in Europe. The difference is clearly expressed in the difference between "Jewish American" and "American Jew." The former is correct. The latter is an invention.

Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:jcgadfly

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

The all in one thread subject be changed from the misleading anti-zionist to anti-dictatorship or anti-tyranny.

I hope this is not a bother.

Keeping you honest is never a bother

And you equating Israel with tyranny is more than I could have hoped for from the PTB.


Then you got what you wanted (sorta). I would have left it at "Nony vs. Jews" as you tend to equate all Jews with the government of Israel.  But I'm not one of the powers-that be.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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"Excuse me but the US is

"Excuse me but the US is more Christian than Israel is Jewish."

Relevance? I don't see how it matters just how theistic or theocratic a nation is. What matters is its actions. While religion, the UN, & the Nazi's can all be attributed to starting the mess, none of those can explain why it continues. For 50 years its just gotten worse as technology and information become more available to all. The problems today stem from two issues, and each side is responsible for one. Palestinians refusing to acknowledge the reality of the state of Israel, and Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people.

"The worst thing you can do for delusional people is agree with them. Therefore no one should agree with that nonsense."

What, specifically, are you referring to as "nonsense".

"The issue is Jewish theft of Palestinian private property"

Technically you can accuse them of reception of stolen property, but it was the UN who stole it, not the jews.

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All criminal activity is

All criminal activity is about avoiding rules. The smart ones only get caught when they make a mistake.
I think if the powers that be really wanted to make a case, there is nothing to stop them. The reason they don't is effectively because they would be fighting public support for Israel. It is similar to how Canada, before 9/11, allowed charitable donations to hamas. There was public support for the Palestinians, and it took a brief period of the people being overly concerned about the tactics Palestinians use (and their similarity to al qaidas) for hamas to put on the list of terrorist organisations. Should Israel ever fuck up so bad that the US ends its official support of Israel, you will see a lot more scrutiny of Israeli supporters.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:natural

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

natural wrote:

Serious question: Are you against all tyranny, or just Israeli tyranny? I renamed it to 'Israel' because I looked at your recent posts at the time and you seemed to be focusing on Israel. All the other posts were about Israel too. So, if they are now in one thread, it seemed fair that the subject of the thread reflect the content of it, namely Israel.

Are you in favor of Israeli tyranny?

No. I'm against all tyranny.

Are you going to stop beating your wife? <--- See how that works?

If you start posting about tyranny in general, then maybe it would start to make sense that you're really against tyranny, and not Israel. But as far as I know, you don't post about any tyranny but Israel's/Jews'. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I did not intend to talk about political philosophy. The group is politics.

I'm simply stating that I have not seen you stand up against tyranny in general, and so I don't see how your suggested post title is accurate, since you are only going on about Irael's/Jews' behaviour.

You appear to be implying

Appearances can be deceiving. I do appreciate you stating that this is how it appears to you, but I assure you I was not implying anything.

You are free to correct me if I'm wrong about your posting habits. Do you have any comments/threads that talk about tyranny in general, independent of Israel/Jews? If so, let me know and I'll update my opinion.

there should be fair and balanced but only when the subject is Jews and Israel. That is not reasonable.

I agree. But I was not implying that (or did not intend to, if I inadvertently did).

I am not a fan of Israel. I don't think it should ever have been formed. However, for me it is but one religious concern among many, so I focus my efforts on religion in general. You're free to focus on Israel, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to agree with your opinions or your focus.

That kind of demand is what I call praising with faint damns.

a) It wasn't a demand. b) For me it is simply a matter of choosing one's battles. I only have limited capabilities. I can't focus on everything all at once. I have to pick and choose.

"They are doing absolutely horrible things but we must remember what forced them to it." Is this demand ever made when the discussion is of other atrocities in the world? Why not? Is there something special that applies here? If so, EXACTLY what is it?

Personally, that is not my position, and I don't believe I've ever made any comments in that direction.

Here we have people who openly say they hate Muslims and others who understand it only in tregard to Muslims not when the terrorist is a Jew. For example the mass murderer Goldstone in Hebron. Does that not justify the same hatred?

Why are you asking me? I don't hate Muslims, I hate Islam, the religion/ideology.

I addressed the ONLY unquestioned occupation in the world today and the longest running since Garibaldi ended the Austrian occupation of Italy. (Get out your history books.) This makes the jewish tyranny unique in the modern world. It is also the only tyranny which gets a pass in the West.

Interesting thesis, and I'd be interested to see you develop it, but as it stands it seems like merely an assertion to me. And again, I only have limited abilities and time. I'm not a history guy. I get my history third or fourth hand, from folks like you who have some knowledge/background in it. And I usually try to get different perspectives and weigh them against each other, before forming a solid opinion on a historical idea. For instance, it took me a while to warm to the idea of Jesus mythicism, and I still don't hold to it tenaciously. Instead, I read and watch others who do hold to it tenaciously (as well as those who argue cogently against mythicism), and on the balance of things, I lean toward mythicism. But it's a tentative opinion. Intriguing, but not something I can strongly defend, like biology or physics or something.

As I said, the issue is the semantics. All I have been doing is using the same semantics to describe the same things. The words I have used have dictionary meanings. I have used them correctly.

If it's semantics, then the current thread title should be specific enough to identify the topic, but general enough not to beg the question. Hence: Nony vs. Israel. Consider it like a court case. You are the prosecution, and are making your case. It has yet to be decided (in my opinion, sitting on the sidelines; or in the gallery, to continue the metaphor) if Israel is truly as unique as you say in terms of tyranny. My current stance is against all tyranny, and Israel is just one among many.

You appear to be using the jewish proganda which equates home grown despotism with foreign despotism. Israel has NEVER been unfairly accused in this regard. It is its foreign not domestic despotism which has been so justly condemned.

Okay, that's just getting a little over the top.

These are two entirely different things. A rational person reading the posts of those who cannot tell the difference has limited assumptions to make. One assumption is their mental abilities are not sufficient to understand the distinction between domestic and foreign. Another is they are knowingly lying. The third is they believe the land belongs to members of a religion. If you have a fourth please tell me about it.

Fourth: There exist other people who do not fit into the category of "those who cannot tell the difference", while simultaneously do not fit into the category of "completely agrees with Nony about Israel."


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Pacioli wrote:i am curious

Pacioli wrote:
i am curious to know what you have in mind as the war history invented.

The principal reason for my question above was to see whether you would stick to the subject or turn your answer back to Jews and Palestine. You did the latter. I wonder why no-one is surprised?

Anyway, a few minor comments on the blinkered vision you exposed in your direct answers.

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
The idea that Germany started the war in Europe when it was Britain and France which declared war on Germany but not on Russia for the same invasion of Poland is a reasonable place to start. No one forced B&F to selectively declare war on Germany. It was their free choice to do so.
Oh, wow. This is an impressive reading of history, reducing everything to "he dunnit first", and "they were not forced to declare war on Gernany".

For the record, Germany invaded Poland on 1 September, Britain declared war on Germany on 3 September and Russia declared war on Poland on 17 September, by which time Germany already controlled the country and Russia was entering to pick up its agreed part. By this time Britain understood where lay its primary danger, and it was not Russia. Incidentally on the sources I have checked, Britain also failed to declare war on Czechoslovakia which also formally declared war on Poland.

And the usual excuse Britain uses is a mutual defense treaty with Poland. No one forced Britain to honor it. And although it was an announced intention to create such a treaty in the spring of 1939 it was not signed until seven days before the war on Poland started.
Hell no, who would be forced to honour a treaty? And it was signed only a week before the invasion having been pledged less than a year before? Clearly, anyone can tell from this that it should not have been honoured.

It is interesting to watch how you make it up as you go along to suit your desired results, Nony.

The entire claim that Germany fabricated the Polish cross border attack on Germany is based solely upon the statement of one German sargeant in 1945 without corroborating evidence. There is no other basis for it NOR was there before his statement in 1945 yet Britain was claiming it was faked from September 1939.

And Poland was a military dictatorship at the time the war started. Some lies are by ommission. So where comes the claim that is was for the freedom of the Polish people?

The supporting information for Poland attacking Germany being what, and of what relevance?

Poland was a failed democracy, effectively a one-party State, well before WW2. So what? Do you really think Britain and France had no idea of their legitimate strategic interests by that time?

Both Russia and Germany reclaimed territory taken from them as a consequence of WWI which had been part of their countries for centuries prior. If WWI had given the New England states to Canada, damned right the US would have reclaimed them at the earliest possible moment. Sorry but I don't see the problem. Perhaps you can explain it to me.
Straight after you explain to me why America has not been handed back to the Native Americans, or Australia back to Aboriginals. Attempting to place fixed borders in Europe, given their history, is always matter of agreement, not of right. Look at the Balkan mess as recently as twenty years ago.

A sane person could always hope for agreement rather than strident assertion of rights.

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jcgadfly wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
jcgadfly wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
The all in one thread subject be changed from the misleading anti-zionist to anti-dictatorship or anti-tyranny.

I hope this is not a bother.

Keeping you honest is never a bother

And you equating Israel with tyranny is more than I could have hoped for from the PTB.

Then you got what you wanted (sorta). I would have left it at "Nony vs. Jews" as you tend to equate all Jews with the government of Israel.  But I'm not one of the powers-that be.

Pay ATTENTION! It is the government of ISRAEL which equates itself with all Jews. That was one of my opening statements. And I noted essentially no condemnation of Israel for making that claim. Therefore Jews do not disagree with that characterization. Please read what I post. My position reflects the situation as it is.

If not a PTB then a BoD member?


Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:jcgadfly

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
jcgadfly wrote:
A_Nony_Mouse wrote:
The all in one thread subject be changed from the misleading anti-zionist to anti-dictatorship or anti-tyranny.

I hope this is not a bother.

Keeping you honest is never a bother

And you equating Israel with tyranny is more than I could have hoped for from the PTB.

Then you got what you wanted (sorta). I would have left it at "Nony vs. Jews" as you tend to equate all Jews with the government of Israel.  But I'm not one of the powers-that be.

Pay ATTENTION! It is the government of ISRAEL which equates itself with all Jews. That was one of my opening statements. And I noted essentially no condemnation of Israel for making that claim. Therefore Jews do not disagree with that characterization. Please read what I post. My position reflects the situation as it is.

If not a PTB then a BoD member?


So when people here show you that there are Jews who disagree with the Israeli government and you ignore the fact that these people exist as you have in this post, what else should I think? Are they lying because they disagree with what you think about them?

You'd best not ask me to pay too much attention to what you post because I'll keep pointing out when you drop turds like you have here.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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Vastet wrote:
"Excuse me but the US is more Christian than Israel is Jewish." Relevance?

Jews are a minority in Israel. It is loaded with fake Jews. It is clannish at best. By the Torah, non-observant it non-Jewish. Judaism is only ritual/taboo lifestyle. Yet Israel wants to reignite religious warfare in bibleland with a religious declaration. And the current crackpot PM is so stupid as to quote the Lubbivitcher Rebbe to the UN. That is sort of like quoting Jim Jones or David Koresh.

I don't see how it matters just how theistic or theocratic a nation is. What matters is its actions. While religion, the UN, & the Nazi's can all be attributed to starting the mess, none of those can explain why it continues.

Such incredible ignorance of the history of Israel. Jewish terrorists were active in Palestine before Hitler joined the NSDAP. They were murdering Palestinians, bombing civilian markets to murder women and children for example, and Brits before Hitler became Chancellor. The Brits should be blaming the Nazis for sending tens of thousands of Jews to Palestine before the war. Google Ha' Avara agreement some day and read about it. Matter of fact the first arrivals from Europe were despised for not fighting. That was before they were recognized as a guilt assest.

For 50 years its just gotten worse as technology and information become more available to all. The problems today stem from two issues, and each side is responsible for one. Palestinians refusing to acknowledge the reality of the state of Israel, and Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people.

Rather the fact is, like Jews, they want their property back from the Jews who stole it. They just want to go home.

"The worst thing you can do for delusional people is agree with them. Therefore no one should agree with that nonsense." What, specifically, are you referring to as "nonsense". "The issue is Jewish theft of Palestinian private property" Technically you can accuse them of reception of stolen property, but it was the UN who stole it, not the jews.

One more time although I am certain you will continue to ignore it. The UN only dealt with sovereignty not ownership. They are not the same thing. The UN General Assembly did no more than endorse a plan calling for the formation of two governments. It did not and could not transfer ownership of the land. It was not theirs to give NOR did it claim to do so. The theft began in 1949 with the absentee owners laws. Why can you not keep this straight?

Have you never looked into the subject?

Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.

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A_Nony_Mouse wrote:Vastet

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

Vastet wrote:
"Excuse me but the US is more Christian than Israel is Jewish." Relevance?

Jews are a minority in Israel. It is loaded with fake Jews. It is clannish at best. By the Torah, non-observant it non-Jewish. Judaism is only ritual/taboo lifestyle. Yet Israel wants to reignite religious warfare in bibleland with a religious declaration. And the current crackpot PM is so stupid as to quote the Lubbivitcher Rebbe to the UN. That is sort of like quoting Jim Jones or David Koresh.

I don't see how it matters just how theistic or theocratic a nation is. What matters is its actions. While religion, the UN, & the Nazi's can all be attributed to starting the mess, none of those can explain why it continues.

Such incredible ignorance of the history of Israel. Jewish terrorists were active in Palestine before Hitler joined the NSDAP. They were murdering Palestinians, bombing civilian markets to murder women and children for example, and Brits before Hitler became Chancellor. The Brits should be blaming the Nazis for sending tens of thousands of Jews to Palestine before the war. Google Ha' Avara agreement some day and read about it. Matter of fact the first arrivals from Europe were despised for not fighting. That was before they were recognized as a guilt assest.

For 50 years its just gotten worse as technology and information become more available to all. The problems today stem from two issues, and each side is responsible for one. Palestinians refusing to acknowledge the reality of the state of Israel, and Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people.

Rather the fact is, like Jews, they want their property back from the Jews who stole it. They just want to go home.

"The worst thing you can do for delusional people is agree with them. Therefore no one should agree with that nonsense." What, specifically, are you referring to as "nonsense". "The issue is Jewish theft of Palestinian private property" Technically you can accuse them of reception of stolen property, but it was the UN who stole it, not the jews.

One more time although I am certain you will continue to ignore it. The UN only dealt with sovereignty not ownership. They are not the same thing. The UN General Assembly did no more than endorse a plan calling for the formation of two governments. It did not and could not transfer ownership of the land. It was not theirs to give NOR did it claim to do so. The theft began in 1949 with the absentee owners laws. Why can you not keep this straight?

Have you never looked into the subject?

I see now - the Jews that stand against their government (and contradict your assertions) are the "fake Jews" so they don't really exist...

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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jcgadfly wrote:A_Nony_Mouse

jcgadfly wrote:

A_Nony_Mouse wrote:

Vastet wrote:
"Excuse me but the US is more Christian than Israel is Jewish." Relevance?

Jews are a minority in Israel. It is loaded with fake Jews. It is clannish at best. By the Torah, non-observant it non-Jewish. Judaism is only ritual/taboo lifestyle. Yet Israel wants to reignite religious warfare in bibleland with a religious declaration. And the current crackpot PM is so stupid as to quote the Lubbivitcher Rebbe to the UN. That is sort of like quoting Jim Jones or David Koresh.

I don't see how it matters just how theistic or theocratic a nation is. What matters is its actions. While religion, the UN, & the Nazi's can all be attributed to starting the mess, none of those can explain why it continues.

Such incredible ignorance of the history of Israel. Jewish terrorists were active in Palestine before Hitler joined the NSDAP. They were murdering Palestinians, bombing civilian markets to murder women and children for example, and Brits before Hitler became Chancellor. The Brits should be blaming the Nazis for sending tens of thousands of Jews to Palestine before the war. Google Ha' Avara agreement some day and read about it. Matter of fact the first arrivals from Europe were despised for not fighting. That was before they were recognized as a guilt assest.

For 50 years its just gotten worse as technology and information become more available to all. The problems today stem from two issues, and each side is responsible for one. Palestinians refusing to acknowledge the reality of the state of Israel, and Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people.

Rather the fact is, like Jews, they want their property back from the Jews who stole it. They just want to go home.

"The worst thing you can do for delusional people is agree with them. Therefore no one should agree with that nonsense." What, specifically, are you referring to as "nonsense". "The issue is Jewish theft of Palestinian private property" Technically you can accuse them of reception of stolen property, but it was the UN who stole it, not the jews.

One more time although I am certain you will continue to ignore it. The UN only dealt with sovereignty not ownership. They are not the same thing. The UN General Assembly did no more than endorse a plan calling for the formation of two governments. It did not and could not transfer ownership of the land. It was not theirs to give NOR did it claim to do so. The theft began in 1949 with the absentee owners laws. Why can you not keep this straight?

Have you never looked into the subject?

I see now - the Jews that stand against their government (and contradict your assertions) are the "fake Jews" so they don't really exist...

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