Atheist vs. Theist

Other type of atheism?

 Hi all,

I just came across this forum after watching "The God Who Wasn't There" movie. I'm not a theist, nor agnostic. Atheist is my closest position. But IMO I found atheist definition in this website not quite precise or clear. From the thread:  I found the founding members aren't seemed to be really atheist. Because they still believe in god (or God, whatever) who is the Creator, the Supreme Being. Positive atheist definition doesn't mention anything about what 'god' means, to be more specific. My understanding of atheism, to be more precise (so that the term won't confuse anyone,) deny or reject any claim of:

- Supreme Being, Creator, who is responsible for everything (universe creation, decide afterlife, etc)

- The Supreme Being as salvation

I'm that kind of atheist, and not agnostic. I don't think positive atheism has the same criteria. CMIIW.



Any other Agnostics out there?

This is my first post in the "Atheism vs Theism" category, so i I have posted in the wrong place, please let me know/move the thread.  I am new to posting on RRS, although I have lurked for some time.

Recently I have come across a few threads making a distinction between Agnosticism and Atheism/Theism.  The primary thread I am referring to is this one.   The message I seem to be getting from these threads is that one cannot simply be "Agnostic", rather they must either be an "Agnostic Atheist" or an "Agnostic Theist".  I don't fall into either one of these categories.

Philosophically, like many of you I'd imagine, I consider myself an avowed Agnostic. I don't believe that humans have the knowledge or ability to determine whether or not "God" (or "Gods" ) exists.  Moreover, I am unsure whether I believe in a god or not. I may believe, I may not believe - I simply "don't know" at this point.   So to classify me as "without belief in God" is incorrect, as is to classify me "with a belief in God".  My position is "I don't know if I have a belief or not". 

atheism sucks

Just stumbled across this thread and wow, just wow.

Please tell me, why are all atheists so irrational?

Your hatred is disturbing and highly revealing of your psychological illnesses; but your irrational and illogical beliefs and ideas are just so incredibly bad.

The very name of this site is an insult to intelligence. Rational response? You're kidding right?  Since when does atheism support rationality?

Given that under atheism rationality is nothing but electrochemical movement in a couple of pounds of meat.

Yet none of you ever sees how self-evident this is.  Why?

please explain why atheism is better than theism

I would like to hear your points and your supports of why you believe them

I wonder how many theists are on this site

I would like to hear what points do you believe theism is wrong. please be respectful rather than shoving it down my throat i will offer the same.



roseweeed's picture

Can God exist, if the supernatural doesn't?

Throughout history the great majority of the planet's human population has believed and continues to believe that reality is organized into two realms: one natural and the other supernatural. But what if the supernatural doesn't exist? Could the concept of God survive in a solely natural reality? 

Mintyfell's picture

God and the Everything. Universe included. +Alaska state taxes +$19.99 shipping and handling

 I've been asked a couple of times why I prefer to call the universe God. Here you go: The God of my misunderstanding would have to include Everything and Everything else. So the universe would be still inadequate. So when I talk about God I'm not just referring to the universe, but the Everything.

I do pray and meditate. I would consider myself a very spiritual person. It serves a purpose in my life that I choose not to do without.

As to the Theist/Atheist debate.... I think that when a person believes something, or has faith, it naturally becomes their reality. And their truth. So if you were to tell me that there is no God, I could not possibly argue with you, because that IS your truth. I think that following ones own path and developing opinions and beliefs is very important. It can be a very interesting journey. And a journey is all that we have. I've found that doing the "right" thing or the "good" thing just because I want to has led me to the greatest freedom I've ever experienced. Almost a sense of knowing, which (in my humble opinion) is the ultimate form of faith. 

GodsUseForAMosquito's picture

Debating Christians

 If the mohammed won't come to the mountain...

I know several members here are also active on some Christian forums, busy refuting false claims and attempting to drive home some facts about evolution and science generally. How have you found these? The few Christian forums I've looked over have generally dissuaded me from joining them because most members have quotes like "The bible says it. end of story" or similar, and I haven't found anything really worthy of debate - this being the finer details of intelligent design and its 'proofs', or other at least considered rebuttals of established science.

Do any of you have experience with constructive debating on christian forums or do you find you generally end up being beaten down by idiocy and scripture? Which forums (if any) have the more educated members who at least know what 'burden of proof' means?






blacklight915's picture

My Conversation with TWD39

My first message:

TWD39, you don't seem like the kind of person who normally insults others. If this is true, why do you make an exception for atheists? And why do you so often apply these insults to atheists in general, as if we're all somehow identical?


TWD39's response:

No, I'm actually a really nice guy. I go off on atheists because I have a low tolerance for rude and disrespectful people. I can't stand people that take pleasure in mocking and belittling others. I was treated as such from the very beginning. Sure, I could respond in a less snarky fashion, but it wouldn't make a difference. I want to reflect back to the atheist the exact tactics and behavior they use on me. The arrogance and refusal to examine or accept evidence for example.


My reply:

So, you mimic behaviors you detest to show others how irritating such behaviors are? An interesting approach, I must say. However, it will only work if you (eventually) stop mimicking those behaviors, as well as explain why you started.

Thank you for answering my first question, I think I understand now. What I really don't understand, however, is why you continue to make statements assuming all atheists behave in an identical manner. I can assure you that they don't, and I can provide examples if you'd like.


light of truth

My heart pains for each and every one of you.  You think that love is nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain, rather than the brain's chemical reaction is a response to what we call love.  You harden your hearts, and truely don't understand faith, nor belief.  If you would only truely open your hearts up to our Savior Jesus He will open Himself up to you.  The hatred in this world has blinded you from what is right and true.  Goodbye friends, I hope you see the light of truth someday.



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