Atheist vs. Theist

Luck and Superstition

Hi everybody, atheists and theists alike!
I'm quite new to this site, so please forgive me if this has been subject to a previous discussion. I'm still working myself through all the content on the site, which I found, clicking on a banner on some other site.

Anyway... I was going to ask you all this: Do you believe in luck?

I know, I do. On some rare occasions I'm very superstitious, for example, when I play Poker (I never pick up single cards, before all of them have been dealed) and also I regularly knock on wood. I have certain rituals that I always follow through, even though the rarely lead to better luck. I do it anyway. I think of myself as a strong atheist, but still I find myself silently "begging" (NOT praying) for better luck. Example: When I watch a match of my favorite sports team or when I gamble I go "Come on! Let this happen! Just this once!". I do however not address HIM, the Almighty, for i absolutely deny his existence. It's something different, I just wish for good luck and try to enforce it by using said rituals. I know its not rational but I probably will never stop it, neither do I feel the need to.

NickB's picture

Prove to me the world is 6000 years old

Science has proven through many different forms of radiocarbon dating that the world is 4.5 billion years old. In the face of all this evidence creationist persist that our earth is 6000 years old. To this day I have not seen a shred of evidence to support the assertion that the earth is 6000 years old. I do not want to sit here and argue some irrational theist about the Earths age all I want is proof that the Earth is 6000 years old. So to anybody that can prove to me that the Earth is 6000 years old I will give $6,000. When I say proof I mean irrefutable evidence that is based on logic not faith so in other words no bible quotes.

P.S. I am completely serious about this.


SteveTheMonkey's picture

Calling all skeptical theists and atheists to please take the stand.

I have formed my own conclusion to religion that I want you to scrutinize. I want you to rip it apart piece by piece and smudge the rotten illogical pieces in my face. You have to understand, this is my own personal opinion and I am asking you to critically analyze it and formulate a conclusion as to why I am wrong. Prove to me, why I am wrong.




I've suggested before to myspace forums that we have been asking the wrong question in regards to divine nature but recieved no responses for no one seemed to understand. I've left there with a brutal personal attack that changed the outlook of a 45 year old self-ish man and I never came back. What always seemed to be asked is if a higher being exists? And that basis serves to constitute the difference between theists and atheists.

Response Squad VS. AL MOHLER

I think the Rational Response Squad should offer Al Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Society in Louisvile, KY, a debate on atheism. He recently gave four seminars on atheism at Dallas Theological Seminary.



Here are the seminars


Loc's picture

Free will doesn't exist

(Apologies if this has already been done)

Free will  is a integral part of the christian faith. Christians often cite it to demonstrate the great love of their god. "God could have made you love him, but he doesn't want mindless robots,so you have free will.'' or "It hurts god when you don't serve hime,but he gave you free will because he loves you." Now that is all well and fine. Such god might deserve some respect right?  The problem is, the christian god doesn't actually give free will. An example of free will would be:

"If you serve me,thats good.If you don't,that's ok too."

But what we get is:

"If you serve me,thats good.If you don't, you'll suffer eternally."

Now, how is that in any way free will? Where is the choice? "Love me or I'll punish you eternally."  The  christian god would be no better than King Nebuchadrezzar when he demanded everyone bow to the statue of him or be thrown into the fiery furnace.

daedalus's picture

My simple argument against Theism.

Of all the arguments against god (and I really love them all, especially when you are stumped by one and have to re-read it to find the fallacy - for example, WL Craig has challenged my understanding, but eventually I have seen where his arguments fail).


Anyhow, I thought I'd share my basic problem with theism, and while this is quite basic, I find that returning to the original problem helpful in resetting oneself in light of all the arguments that follow.

Basically, it is a Noncognitivist position.


To anyone, I pose the scenario:

It is blue, triangular, wavy, pumpkin-like and causes the leaves on the trees to move.  I call it "flurb".


It is maximally good, it is maximally powerful, and maximally knowing and causes the universe to exist. I call it "god".


They are both equal propositions. The issue would be "do you believe that flurb exists? Yes or no? (The answer "it could exist" isn't a position, since it is also the mirror statement "it also might not exist". And this is simply not a position at all.)


No?: Why not? What evidence do you have?

Yes?: Why? What evidence do you have?


I can point out that blue, triangles, wavy-ness and pumpkin-like things exist, and point to the trees moving. But the clever people out there might notice the problem:



Sometime in 2006 , in  remote vilage in romania , a 26yo young woman, mentally ill (schizo i think) was taken to a monastery to be healed . They deemed her posessed , tied her up to a cross , chanted shit for several days untill she eventually went into a coma , died hours later on an ambulance cause of starvation/thirst and abuse







Finaly the verdict : The priest gets 7 years in jail , the nuns 5 .

                           A friend of mine does 9 years for beeing caught with a rather large bag of marihuana



I`ll get back with details later on , but just google " tanacu " or " tanacu case "  

Magus's picture

Some Youtube videos I currently commented on. Looking for some info

 This one is just crazy to me what the hell is this person talking about?


 This person seems to be attacking me in their comments, just wanted to know if I had said something wrong that deserved to be attacked 

Proof that God exists

While debating on YouTube a guy told me he had proof that God exists. I was intrigued and he seemed like a decent fellow so I asked for his proof. This is what I was sent. I’d be interested in hearing everyone’s views.

Jesus was an ancient Atheist friend


.... jesus still on trial ? come on .... just look at the religious loons. Hey atheists, "jesus" was one of ours. The ressurection has barely begun !  Smile   Don't throw away jesus nor his "god" . I AM GOD he said. YEAH dude !

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