Atheist vs. Theist

Brian37's picture

Adam And Eve, incestuous?

IF Eve came from Adam's rib, wouldn't that mean they shared the same DNA?(Of course I don't buy this crap story) but knowing what we know about DNA wouldn't that make Adam and Eve incestuous?

If this is not the case, wouldn't it be better if God made Eve from dirt independently, without Adam's rib? (Not speaking as if I believe this crap, just merely arguing that the logic of the story makes no sense)

What DOES make sense is that women were, back in ancient times, were subordinates to men. So the Eve character had to be dependent on the male "IE" need HIS resources "rib" to survive "life".

The Adam and Eve story is not a page out of history, it is a myth reflecting the culture of the people who wrote it.

BTW FOLKS, your OT is based on Hebrew scripture and most Jews do NOT claim that EVE was the first woman.


Dutch raise terror alert over anti-Islam film

Associated Free Press wrote:
THE HAGUE (AFP) — The international uproar about the planned release of an anti-Islam film by a Dutch far-right MP prompted the Netherlands to raise its terrorism alert level on Thursday.

"While there are no concrete indications of impending attacks in the Netherlands, the increased international terrorism threat has prompted to raise the threat level for the Netherlands from 'limited' to 'substantial'," the justice ministry said.

One of the main reasons for the raising of the alert level is the plan by far right deputy Geert Wilders to air his short movie -- which he says attacks the Koran as a "fascist book" -- in March.

"Compounding the threat is the fact that the Netherlands has been cast in a negative light in the Islamic world due to the tone of the debate on Islam in this country, especially since the announcement of a controversial film on the Koran," the ministry explained.

The international media attention for Wilders movie "has led to the posting of death threats against the Freedom Party leader on one of the leading international jihadist web forums", according to the national anti-terrorism coordinator NCTb.

The Wilders film has caused uproar in Muslim countries, some of whom have called for an economic boycott of the Netherlands if the film is shown. Iran, Egypt and Pakistan all voiced criticism about the film.

kryters's picture

Richard Dawkins comes to Inverness

Hello there,


I've just got some very exciting news: Richard Dawkins will be visiting my home town of Inverness in April. He'll be having on on-stage conversation with Paula Kirby for one hour followed by a questions and answers section also lasting an hour - the usual fayre.,216,Eden-Court-Theatre-Inverness

I'd say we have a high number of churches for our relatively low population, but I really don't see any cause for concern.

I just have a few questions for those of you fortunate enough to have attended one of his lectures in the past:


  • Are there usually many Christian leaflet distributors outside the venue? I have a Christian friend who will be among the ranks. I assume most of the people going will be strong in their opinions of religion already - I don't see a few leaflets converting anybody.
  • Does he tend to stick around at the end and speak to individuals? It's unlikely that I'd have the courage to talk to him though - after all, he is my god! =P =D
  • When asking a question, is it advisable to mention how enlightened you feel as a Christian turned atheist? I certainly wouldn't pass up the opportunity - it might surprise the cross-clutchers who believe atheists are satan-spawn.

I look forward to the event and I do hope I get tickets. Apparently they're going fast.


Is being a "materialist" an atheist requirement?

I assume this is correct, but is it fair to assume that to be an atheist, you must be a materialist?? That follows correct?? Atheism requires that all things are the result of a "natural material process"? Anything else could be construed as non-natural or rather "super natural".







One for the Good Guys


Ontario court rejects religious exemption to helmet law

A Sihk man's challenge to Ontario's mandatory helmet law has failed.  His beliefs forbid him from wearing anything over his turban, which earned him a ticket a few years ago while riding his motorcycle.  He tried to have the law overturned on religious grounds, claiming that it was discriminatory against devout Sikhs.

The lawyer for his side said:


"Observant Sikhs are put in the impossible position of choosing between ordinary, everyday activities and observing their faith," said lawyer Scott Hutchison, who is representing the OHRC. "That is religious discrimination."

I call bullshit.  It would be religious discrimination if you said that Sikhs were banned from driving at all, or that Buddhists couldn't be doctors.  Whatever happened to everyone being treated equally under the law?  Why does choosing to believe something mean you get to be exempt from the hardships you take on from holding that belief?  What's next, kosher pork?

Rev_Devilin's picture

The Dawkins Delusion



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A statement about my faith.

 I am a Christian.

(born again, protestant.. etc. if you must be picky)

When I saw this website I had some strong feelings....much in the same way many of you would to see a religious one.

I just felt like writing this.... 

a few statements.

My wish is simply that you will understand it.


I will have my Faith no matter what I hear or see, and would not be "deconverted" upon pain of death.

Why you ask?

It's something you would quite surely call "Irrational"......

My Faith is a love for Jesus Christ.

I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??

It is quite like that.

This faith is more than 20 dollar words explaining a deep theological argument....

It is more than convincing someone of creationism or even the existence of God....

It's more even than debating the truth of the word of God....

It is truly a loving relationship. Something words can hardly describe - another place where a metaphor of love for a person comes through.

Why are christians so set on "forcing their beliefs" (as you would put it) on others?

This is also based on love.

I'm sure you will say "so are our arguments - we want to lovingly free you from your beliefs"

Free us to what end??

Ask any true believer and they will tell you they are completely, and fully happy with their religious standing.

What Satan Doesn't Want You To Know

The hourglass is nearly empty. The Great Tribulation has begun and Armageddon looms in the very near future. There are a total of TWO things that you need in order to obtain Eternal Life and Man-Made Religion is not one of them. (1) An Acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior. (2) A Good Heart Condition.

We urge those who wish to obtain Eternal Life in Christ's Kingdom to read the following very important message. We don’t aim to twist arms or convince anyone of anything they aren’t ready or willing to believe as their hearts will ultimately dictate what they perceive to be truth. However, it is also our responsibility to warn those who do not accept this Truth, will face Judgment at Armageddon. For this reason we pray that the eyes and hearts of all who read our message are opened to the Truth whether that is now, or in the near future when our words come to pass.

carx's picture

Attention republican America Jesus is a communist !

Attention republican America Jesus is a communist !
OK if the main republican American geniuses ;P from America didn't get it while reading the bible. Jesus hates privet property and is a communist and before you mocking me for typical Atheist/communist/Stalinist propaganda check this out :

Surprise XD ! Let the drama start.

The big double edged sword

Hello, I'm new to your board and have been reading some of the fascinating posts on here.  I simply cannot wrap my head around a few things that have been bothering me though.

Although I am no stranger to christianity or athiesm, I find both terms rather redundant.

See for me, there is no proof for the existence of God and there is no proof that there is no existence of God.  This is where we have the double edged sword.

I'm not one for faith, I'm one that allows himself to evolve as he learns.  One thing that fascinates me the most about Science and Religion is that they are complete opposites.  One requires faith and the other requires facts.  This would lead us to ask, what facts do we know about our universe?

Really, we have a lot of theories that somewhat show us what it is that we are looking at.  We have the wonderful law of thermodynamics that is near to become extinct with new possibilities of PPM's on the horizon.  Quite frankly, everything we know about the universe is based on theory other than mathematics.

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