Atheist vs. Theist

Slayne's picture

Calling ALL youtubers (morality vs Ethics)

 I myself am fairly new to the youtubing but I have been having some decent debates although I feel as if I am respectfully discussing with a guy that seems to be completely missing the point of ethical vs moral. I was hoping I could invite atheist and theist alike to my discussion.

The most decent argument I've come across for the existance of God

Ok, just a bit of background info.


I came across this site through that special that was on TV with Kirk Cameron arguing with the Rational Responders (both argued quite badly, but thats beside the point). Anyway, thought I would post this, see what everyone thinks.


Ok, I am a maths and physics student (currently doing a masters) so that would be my area of expertise. I was raised in a catholic household, but not very stringently. The argument I put forth here is pretty much based on the Big Bang theories.


Brian37's picture

If you were God, what would you do.

Now, before I give you my example. I am not interested in what you claim your God would do. I am interested in YOUR OWN personal opinion as to what YOU would do if you had the powers of God.

I do not want to hear excuses for your God or talk about your God. I don't want to hear about him or his plan. I strictly want your opinion of what you would do IF IT WERE YOU.

A simple yes or no will suffice to the following EXAMPLE.

Would you allow or watch a baby drowned to death in water? YES OR NO.

I know what your answer should be. But I want to hear it from the theists who are willing to respond.


Slayne's picture

A question for the Theists of the site(xposted)

 I just wondered... As theists I wonder why you have signed on to this site. I often wonder if it is because you:


A) Question your faith(agnostic theism)

B) think maybe by some measure you can get us to rationalize god(s)

C)have an inbetween stance on religion

D) feel it as an obligation to understand both sides of the arguement

E) maybe some other reason I am not quite aware of


My reasons for asking are not out of critical or malicious intent but rather a curiousity. I realize having no belief in todays society is veiwed by theists as  highly objectionable and therefore leaves me to question why you are here... I can only assume you are from Theist families or communities, so if you being here is known about by any of them what sort of shadow does it cast on you? or is Rational Response a dirty secret?

on top of that given you have been in the forums for a while what light have you seen in our site?

please give Details.

Slayne's picture

If I believed I'd be in a wheelchair or Dead

Hmm... well I am not sure if this goes here or free thinking but I would love to get some Theist opinions, aswell as my fellow Rationalists...

   So back in the day I was like 10 or 12, I had a severely dehabilitating  Brain anorism leaving me with a left side deficit. But now this really doesnt bother me as I lead a pretty normal life. I have been told it was a miraculous recovery, however this was due to self motivation and giving all the crediy to myself.

     as I was dealing with all these annoying people including my parents saying God is looking out for/gaurdian Angel etc.. Now truthfully I am the kid that told Nuns to Fuck off as they were coming to bless my recovery and I chucked a Bible out the door of my rehab hospital window(it wasn't mine but it was on the nightstand near my bed). but now I am more lax about that shit untill you hand me a Jesus Pamphlet(I lost a girlfriend for that one, oops.LOL).

 Back to my point which is I believe if I agknoleged God back in sunday-school when I was 5 I think I would still be a lump in a wheelchair. yes Even When I was five I was offended by church, I dont know why... I just know the very concept of color a dead guy didnt feel right.


Whitefox's picture

Blind Faith verses Revealed Faith.

The reason why Atheism and Christianity finds it so difficult to find a common ground for discussion is that Atheism is a Blind Faith wheras Christianity is a Revealed Faith. Individually neitehr can be proven. The criteria each uses is so completely different that it is like talking apples and oranges. This conversation was started in a Live Chat so I will clip it here:

bibledoor: I am age challenged. LOL. 48 but somehow the younger dudes are more adept. hherbzilla: haha. ain't that the truth! bibledoor: I attended an Atheist / Christian debate on Saturday. THe guy defending Christianity was in his 80's. This gives me hope. Has anyone heard of "Dave Hunt" * Rook Hawkins joined the room. bibledoor: Rook trying to connect with you. Whitefox is my handle.

HisWillness's picture

The Judeo-Christian God Makes Himself Irrelevant

I didn't get many believers with the last inflammatory remark, so I'll up the ante. Let's say the specific Judeo-Christian capital "G" God exists. Now, let's go with the idea that He's omnipotent. Two premises that are so unlikely that the mind boggles, but stay with me. What does "omnipotent" actually mean? The simple version is "all-powerful" or "able to do anything at all at any time." Want a cheeseburger? It's already in your hand. And therein lies the problem: for an omnipotent creature, there's no time or distance between something you want and something you get. It's simultaneous. In fact, there's no time to "want" at all. You already have everything you want. The god that is omnipotent already has everything it could ever want. God has everything He could ever want. You can't disappoint Him. Sin isn't even an issue. You don't have to go to church, and you don't even have to believe, because He doesn't need you to. If you're not going, that's what He wants. If you're sinning, that's what He wants. Or is God simply not omnipotent?


Rev_Devilin's picture

? why

You should respect and tolerate other people's religious beliefs > ? why


HisWillness's picture

Believers are Morally Lazy

This is purely inflammatory, but I can't resist. Here's what I'm suggesting:

While a person without an absolute set of rules must weigh each moral decision carefully, the One True Text believer merely defers the task to an old book, absolving themselves of responsibility, and escaping the difficult work of thinking through the problem. Furthermore, it is morally lazy to do so.

Have fun.

AtheistAviB's picture

Deductive Argument in Support of Atheism

P1) There are things which are unproven/unable to be proven.
P2) To believe in something that is not proven is illogical.
P3) Illogical beliefs are inconsistent with a valid worldview.
P4) It is best to abstain from belief in that which is unproven/unprovable.
P5) God is unproven/unprovable.
P6) Therfore, it is best to abstain from belief in God as it is illogical


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