Atheist vs. Theist

Faith Fighter

There's no fighter for atheism -- I'm super pissed. I wonder why... that... would be...

Faith Fighter on

networkmaster's picture

What a bunch of Crap {MOVED TO AvT}

You have got to be kidding. This site is such a disservice to real atheists around the world. You think slamming other religions advances the cause of atheism? This site is full of nothing more than hate and fear. You all should be embarrassed to be associated with this group of uninformed children. I thought there was going to be real content here. All I have found is a place full of whining little outcasts that have no clue to what being an atheist really means. Do you denounce the Holy Spirit? You act as though the Holy Spirit has some sort of power that you have to denounce it. That in itself makes me question this site or your true beliefs. Admin if you have any balls at all and are really open to free beliefs then leave this post so all can comment. I want to see if there are any mature atheists here that are not intimidated by other beliefs and can focus on what atheism really is all about. Anyone?

Larty's picture

God lying about hell?

Back in this thread:

wavefreak posted this:

wavefreak wrote:

One of my favorite "thought experiments" for Christians is this:

You die and appear at the gates of heaven. Jesus appears before you, pulls you aside and says quietly, "We made an error in our calculations and there's only

room for one more in heaven. See that man over there - he is a good man, but he didn't live a life of dedicated sevice as you did. The only way he can get

into heaven is if you give up your spot. Of course that means you will spend eternity in hell. The choice is yours. What will you have me do?"

Another good one is "Would you serve god if you found out that satan wins?"

Later Adam TM replied to the second one of these thought-experiments:

AdamTM wrote:

I would always follow satan, no matter who wins, here are some examples why:

Hell is the opposite of heaven, and as mentioned in another post on this forum, you dont have free will in heaven. Meaning, in hell you have free will.

Satan is the oposite of god. Therefore he doesnt care about you, hence he leaves you the fuck alone.

I think hell is atheist heaven, free thinking, warm, the tree of knowledge, great atheist minds to discuss matters with and all that outside the reach of

some shizzo god that wants to control everything.

a thinking Christian-could it be??

Well, I have been trolling this site for a short while. Not to be nosy, but to see what the mind of an atheist is like. What do you believe, not believe etc. I have been given great answers, been cursed at, a pet peeve of mine, called a liar once, but I have learned alot, and thank you for your honesty.

The one thing I learned a great deal by just observing your posts is that Christians, in your opinion are mindless robotic idiots. We have been accused of not researching, accepting our faith blindly, etc. You know what, Ithink you may be on to something. It was hard to admit, but when I saw the wealth of knowledge here, I was blown away. How could I have been so lax in my own pursuit of what I claim to believe? I have had the desire to do so, but life gets in the way, and it keep being put on the back burner. This site has brought to light something I wish to rectify in my own life.


    So i`d like to know your oppinions . What do you think off the x-tian heaven? the muslim heaven? nirvana maybe?

    Or what`s your ideea of heaven , how do you imagine it? how do you want it to be? what does it mean?

    Mainly aimed at theists but i`d love some feedback from atheists aswell


personaly i`d love a party in Valhalla , but i wouldn`t wanna live there forever (i don`t think i`d want to live anywhere forever for that matter) 

albedo_00's picture

Would you still believe WITHOUT the supernatural?

A question mostly (but not exclusively) aimed at theists. Suppose you come across a system of belief in which it is a value to respect one another, not only in their person but their properties and relatives as well, a belief which tells you to "do to others what you would have them do to you" (G.B. Shaw's version of it, anyways), a belief that encourages you to aid the sick, feed the hungry, assist and care for the week and meager, to love your enemy, believe in private and respect other beliefs, and just about everything good old common sense can tell you about being a good person, both to you and yours as well as others, and suppose this belief tells you about a guy, let's call them Susej, who came up with this rules and practiced them and he was happy ever after BUT, it doesn't tell you stories of Susej performing neat tricks like magically producing bread and fish to feed them poors, miracously healing the sick (even the untreatable) by merely touching them, and walking on water (I don't see the value or use in that, but anyways).

The story's not over, suppose this belief tells you about how Susej continued on preaching this teachings until he died of old age, happy and sorrounded by his loved ones, and did not, say, commited suicide by letting himself be beaten, tortured, and crucified in the hopes his gruesome death would somehow cleanse us from, oh I don't know, some inherit crime even the most virtuous is guilty of by merely being born.

"I don't know"


In all of my work, and everything I do I believe that it is important to not only be willing to admit my ignorance but I take pride in my ability to openly accept my ignorance when I face it and educate myself as necessary.  I see this as one of the weakest assets in a lot of people.  An inability to admit ignorance prevents people from learning.  It leads to work not getting done, getting done badly or inefficiently.  People are afraid to admit their own ignorance because they feel that by admitting ignorance that they will be looked down upon or admitting failure.  In the end, some people would prefer failure over admitting ignorance.

To expand ones knowledge and become better at everything they do the most powerful words one can learn is “I don’t know”.  It’s simple to say, and will generally result in the gaining of useful information.

But what if you don’t want to gain the information, what if you just want to not worry about not knowing? That is essentially the roll that faith can fill for a person.  It gives them the comfort of not having to be worried about death.  It gives them a reason to latch on to as to why they shouldn’t do bad things.  It gives them an explanation of human history as well as the future.  Faith can explain essentially everything, but at what cost?

Girl Dancing In Orbit's picture

If humans and humans are related, is pedophilia wrong?

Now, I'm not trying to be unkind, because I love you all, but you theists must believe pedophilia is ok because humans are humans according to you. Human  + human = human, so what about human + kid?

 (Yes mythrys.... This post is only to point my finger at your face and fucking laugh at you)

God Vs. Science

I'm looking forward to the responses on this one.  This was a fwd going around.  It has a good structure to it.  I personally had some critiques for some things mentioned, but I"ll leave those hanging for now.  Looking forward to your comments.  Cap.


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