Atheist vs. Theist

The Israel challenge

Okay, so these atheists believe themselves to be so much more rational and logical than people of other faiths. Fair enough. I think that's human nature. Jews, Christians, Sikhs and everyone else assumes the same.


IMO, one of the greatest proofs, of not just A G-d, but the G-d of the Bible, is Israel. They have done some things that have never been done, before or after, by any other people.

What makes this significant, is that these things were predicted (for you antitheists) or prophesied thousands of years in advance.


The prophet Isaiah records that Israel will be chased to all ends of the earth, but that she WOULD be regathered.


Well, she WAS scattered. for two THOUSAND years, the Jewish people maintained a national identity, a culture, a language, and a religion, in spite of not JUST the tendency of assimilation, but also pogroms, persecution, and violence against them in virtually every corner of the globe.


That such a nation could maintain adherence is remarkable, in itself. But what seals the deal is that in 1948, just as the Bible predicted, Israel WAS regathered back to her promised land, the land of her inheritence.


NOW, my challenge is this-


Since there seems to be no other way to control my rage

I'm just going to embrace it. I am tired of trying to tolerate Christianity and fight off my urges to tell them how full of shit they are, I am God damn sick of seeing their bullshit propaganda on public television, Good Morning America, etc. I am fucking sick of our children being raised to believe in this horse shit. I am fucking sick of Christians and their cowardly assed crusade tactics, and yes for Christians who are reading this. YOU ARE COWARDS, You run every fucking time. You dogs fail your god.

I have been called "Troll, Nerd, No life, whatever by christians" I will admit, I do indeed WANT a fight. I might aswell come out, Yes I am out to start trouble with Christianity. I will keep assaulting thiesm via myspace, and I will come back over and over no matter how many times myspace deletes me as they have in the past.

As for my blogspot goes, I did not make it for attention, I did not make it for popularity, I did not make it for views, I simply made it as a trophy room. Its where I make Christians famous! It is where I post the logs of their failure, of their delusion, and make a total example out of them. The numbers and names I take and put on my blog our my badges of honor. Back in the roman days, When they persecuted Christians, they would crusify them and put their heads on poles. This Blog is what I do to emulate the romans. I will display your rational and philosophical beheading for all to see!

Skeptical of my Skepticism

Hey guys! So I'm new here, dig your site, interested in you message and stuff. I like to give you a bit of background on myself before I ask my question, seeing as this is my first post and all, but if you're not interested, please feel free to skip this next paragraph. Here goes:

Syllogisms for review (Title corrected)

A couple of weeks back I was asked to verse myself in base logic. I'm just getting started so I'm hoping some logic fundies can help me out with a coupel of syllogisms. I'm hoping in particular that magilum and deludedgod will participate in this discussion.


Syllogism 1:

All natural processes act on existing matter

All natural things are created through natural processes

All natural things are created from existing matter


Syllogism 2:

All things subject to time have a beginning

All natural things are subject to time

All natural things have a beginning


Logic fundis please advise corrections to these.


In essence I believe these are sound. They are loosely based in fundamental laws of physics. Those of conservation and entropy. Even without the syllogisms I draw the following conclusions from the fundamental laws of physics:

1. Entropy shows that the Universe had a beginning (I believe this is more or less generally accepted)

2. Conservation shows that energy can neither be created not destroyed.

3. If natural processes cannot account for the beginning of the universe then super natural processesmust be responsible.


carx's picture

God can’t exist out side of time !

 Warning I’m not a native English speaker.



Well I’d like to explain to the Christians the concept of existing out side of time , you see if something exists out side of time then it doesn’t exist at all.



Well something can’t exist OUT side of time ! Something can exist in a different time or a different timeline however it can’t exist out side of time (any type of time ).



Lets make a analogy every human , atom , existing thing interacts the BIG question is what is interaction ? Interaction is the ability (or the forced mechanism on us) to change in time if something exists out side of time then it can’t change in any aspect.


A ball can role just because before that a force hit it and the movement is only a interactive change in time. If a being exists out side of time it can as well  exist out side of existence (Don’t exist at all).



Why do you attack Christianity? [moved from FA]

Why do you attack Christianitiy when it is a religion based on truth?  Have you actually READ the Bible? and I mean read by digging into it, not just looking at the words from front to back.  If you just look at the words from front to back you just skim the surface and come to the wrong conclusions about Christianity.  Why do you not attack religions such as Hip-Hop, or 5% nation of gods and earths (part of hip-hop) which are soley based around making the white man inferior and deifying the black man. THATS what you should be attacking!!! Why don't you attack Islam, the religion based upon hate, death, and destruction? 

wavefreak's picture

Regarding evidence

How do we know quarks exist? There is no direct observations of quarks. But there is indirect evidence that is expected to be there based on theoris of physics. Becuase these theories are remarkably consistent, we safely conclude that quarks are real.


Does evil exist? Is there any evidence that evil is real? I can give a definition of evil - pleasure derived from intentional harm to an innocent. And I don't have to look too hard to find examples of this. And yet there is great argument over whether or not evil is objectively real. Which seems odd. Not only can I give a defintion of evil, and find examples of evil, I can also give examples of the effects of evil (PTSD in a sexually abused child). So why is a quark considered objectively real, but evill is still argued over?

Eastern Religions

Hi, I am new to this siteSmile.  After being on the fence for many years, I have come to conclusion that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are false.  I remain undecided on the plausibility of religions, such as Hinduism and BuddhismUndecided.  Faith in the big three simply cannot coexist with my scientific understandings, but the

which came first, the brick or the $125 million mega mansion?

A complex being like god would be the mega mansion. Things start simple.

Does Jesus or the Cross offend you?

Many people when talking to Christians or confronting Christian topics try to pull the "offended" card in hopes to make everything all better.  I don't believe there are many of those people on here, but I came across an article that I feel makes good points on the topic just the same;

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