Atheist vs. Theist

DrStrangelove's picture

Another thought: Christmas PRESENTS

 How many of you atheist give/receive Christmas presents?  Or-- do you do some sort of Festivus for the Rest of Us thing?  I'm not asking if you BELIEVE in the claimed events that prescribe what Christmas is to be-- only if you're into the gift-giving thing.


For what it's worth, I don't know many Christians that ACTUALLY have a full understanding of the Christian holiday besides "Jesus' Birth."  And even then it's an afterthough.  Corporate America, supreme marketing and a PC wolrd have done very well at removing most ties to the religiousness of the holiday.  I, personally, find all the "over the top" gifts (both given and received) to be consumer-gluttony and I try not to participate.  I give and receive gifts-- but I don't go crazy.  And I try my best not to spoil my kids-- but, lets face it, when my daughter gives me those eyes, she's hard to resist.

Abandonment of Morality

No offense, but I only know of a few athiests that do not accept "morality" Why isn't that morality is abandoned by the rest? I honestly think that other athiests are pansies and give into a form of 'ad populum'. I know it is scary to abandon "morality" but the result is an 'intellectually' (intellect is subjective) coherant/consistent belief system; lets just say  consistent to make it simple. inconsistent beliefs border on irrationality (i know people, myself included are not 100% 'rational&#39Eye-wink Drop your morality since it doesn't fit. Join the real world and end  crutches  and opium of life.

Twenty Questions for Jewish Atheists

Hello, my name is Leor. I am new to these forums, and I am still finding my way around, so if this is the wrong forum I apologize. I have a few questions to ask the atheists who post here who are of Jewish descent. I am not trying to be mekarev anyone, merely asking polite (if pointed) questions about your backgrounds. To make it fair, I will answer as many of the questions as I can as well. (Some of them apply to anyone of Jewish background, others are tailored for atheists.) There will also be a bonus question at the end for non-Jewish atheists.

1) What is your name? (First only, Hebrew if you know it.)

Why we need faith...


I'm going to address faith here, as opposed to one particular interpretation of a higher power. The premise of this website, and this board is not to “respond rationally” but to completely denounce any and all metaphysical positions that do not subscribe to a material reductionist approach. This position leaves no room for “faith” of any kind and alienates over ninety percent of the people on earth. I've heard people call believers of any kind “delusional” “stupid” “irrational” etc. These assertions not only insult the vast majority of human beings inhabiting the planet, they disparage and minimize the contributions of history's greatest leaders. If you can't respect someone who believes in God or Gods then how can you respect Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Avicenna, and most of earth's greatest heroes?

DrStrangelove's picture

Afterlife Poll

First... this site is really interesting.  It has me thinking a lot about a lot of things that I haven't thought a lot about in the past. Eye-wink  I think critically frequently-- it's just that, as I've shared elsewhere, I believe I come from and surround myself with mostly spiritually ambivalent people.  And although we have mixed feelings we tend to spend our thinking energy on other things.  But I digress.
So... just a kind of quick survey (trying to get to know the peeps here):  How many of you (atheists) believe that there's something else AFTER this life.  It seems to me that you can have a non-belief in a diety and still feel that, perhaps say, there is some sort of "greater energy" from which we all come from and to which we will all return after we shuffle off this mortal coil.  That's just one example-- hopefully you get the point.

Hi, Warrick here!

Hi guys,

I'm Warrick - I love Jesus because He first loved me.

I'm visiting this forum for several reasons. Most importantly I pray that Jesus use these forums and discussions to reveal the truth to all those who doubt and bring them to a place where they know without a doubt that the God of Israel, the creator of the universe, loves them and nothing can separate them from that love.

Another reason I'm here is because I find discussions with free thinkers revitalising. I'm intent on learning the Word of God and understanding it as best I possibly can and I find discussions with atheists a very challenging and effective way to learn. Mostly because really zealous atheists know more of the Word and seem to spend more time in it than your average Christian. Interesting.

BenfromCanada's picture

I disprove christianity in 3 words

Christians: Argue against this. Atheists: Tell me where I went right and where I went wrong.

DrStrangelove's picture

10 Commandments Question

Aside from the fact that these are found/prescribed in the Bible (OT) and therefore are inherently part of religious collateral, is there anyone here that doesn't feel that they're not a bad set of guidelines to live by?
I'm not asking whether or not you need the bible (or the listed commandments) to determine what's right or wrong (correct or incorrect)... I'm simply asking, you know, on face value-- any problem with them aside from their connection to eternal salvation/staying in God's good graces?

Dave_G's picture

Argue for the Christian (if your a Christian argue for athesits)

Opening argument:


I don't believe in God because there is no proof for him. And the Gospels were written to late for them to be eyewitnesses and the belief in God is a mind disorder.And if you die believing in God you wasted your life believing a myth.

Kirk and Ray Debate

Hello and peace to you from me. I hope my post comes across as gentle and respectful as it is sometimes hard to convey gentleness and respect and a soft sad heart online. My heart is sad and I would like to have a peaceful and loving conversation with you.

I watched the online debate. I see that you both are passionate about what you believe. I admire passion, I admire your passion, but I disagree with all your views respectfully.

The emphasis of your view, or the point that stood out to me the most seems to be on "the fear of punishment"
Brian said that both him and Kelly were raised Christian. I have to question in what church? I suspect a Church with "false teaching"

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