Atheist vs. Theist

Being closed-minded

Yay for being called closed-minded for being an Atheist! 

That's such a joke!

My mother, my grandmother, and sister are all calling me closed-minded... How the hell am I closed minded? The simple fact is that believing in a "higher power" of any sort is just plain ridiculous! That's not being closed-minded, that's called being a skeptic, asking questions... being rational

The Godless Equation

I've been developing a theory for quite some time, and now I'm going to share it.

What made me decide to do it right now is that I just saw the video in which two fundamentalists formally debated two atheists on the existence of God. When I learned about the video, the Fundy's claimed they would provide scientific proof of the existence of God.
I found the video and was expecting to see some some really interesting theories played against eachother, with the atheists using the traditional scientific "disproofs" of God (which they did), and the Fundy's proving some new insights and a new, logical theory.

Dave_G's picture

Do people still think Hitler was an atheist?

“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago — a civilization which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people.

skeptic griggsy's picture

the ignostic and Occam arguments

Ignosticism[ aka non-cognitivismCool] is the challenge that God-talke is just mumbo-jumbo backed up by double talk and obscurantism backed up by obfuscation.The agnostic Rabbi Sherwin Wine made up the name and AAJAyers used it to disparage both atheism and theism, but I use it as part of strong atheism. As Keith Parsons notes:'[God' hides our ignorance behind a theological fig leaf. Occult power wielded by a transcendent being in an inscrutable way for unfathomable purposes does not seem to be any sort of a good explanation." Indeed not, as God is just the tautology that God wills what He wills.God did it is a peudo-explanation and is the magic of let there be.

Concerns for atheists

 Sorry for being away for so long, wish i could be on alot more.

Well, i am a rather young Atheist. Only 17. I take great pride in my neutral state or absence of theism. I have many concerns or questions though.


What happens if your whole family celebrates all the fake christian holidays?, what should i do ? (xmas, easter, ect..) 

What happens if/when  i want to get married, by a priest? ewwwww

What happens when one day, i will die. I'm not getting put under by a preist talking in gods words.


just some questions i would like to bounce around. Thanks!

asufi's picture

ASUFI thoughts in the wrong thread (not one of the religions are completely correct)

Truth comes from everywhere. All religions and non-religions. Not a single one got it just right. Therefore, I choose to take pieces from all of them, if the pieces fit with me, the times and the place. It is all relevent. I am not extreme, I try not to push my beliefs onto others and I so believe in natural remedies. Am I headed down the wrong path?Embarassed

When did Adam get a penis?

In the second Genesis story, was Adam created with a penis? If so, why? It wasn't until God brought every single animal on earth before Adam to name that the topic of Adam's loneliness in the garden came up. Strange segue, I thought. Then God performs psychic surgery on Adam, and makes Eve out of a rib. But, if the idea of sexual reproduction followed making making a counterpart for Adam, and making that counterpart seemed an afterthought, why would Adam have any genitals at all?
If Adam was created in God's image, does God have a penis? If so, why?

JCE's picture

New thread concerning reformed serial killers. (From "How do atheists propose filling in the gap")

sugarfree wrote:
magilum wrote:

Incidentally, David Berkowitz ultimately admitted his original story (about his neighbor's dog being a demon that issued him orders) was complete and utter bullshit he made up. He said he killed because it excited him sexually. Like many serial killers, he would return to the scenes of his crimes, and in his case he would jerk off at them and relive the memory.

What's your point, this would have been before he became a Christian. He was obviously a severely messed up man.

Maragon's picture

Dear Theists, Your Real Problem is You Own Lack of Faith.

Creationists(IDers) have no faith in their god.

Your religion teaches you that faith is a virtue, and we should not question, nor ask for proof from the almighty because we should just believe what the bible tells us on faith alone. If this principle is true, then it doesn't matter what any kind of scientists, textbook, television documentary, atheist tells you; you have FAITH in your god.

The definition of faith is a 'belief that is not based on proof'. This very definition asserts that you shouldn't need to go looking anywhere beyond the bible for your god. You should be CONFIDENT in your lord, you should feel CONFIDENT in your faith.

JCE's picture

What is the purpose of heaven?

This is something in all religions that I do not understand and did not understand as a believer.  You die.  You go to….heaven? hell? other?  What exactly is the purpose of an eternal afterlife?  I am hoping some theists respond to this with whatever explanation they have been told or interpreted.

I was taught that you go to heaven when you die as a reward for believing.  The end.  No explanation as to why you would want to go there in the first place.  No real explanation regarding what happens when you get there.  (I have heard some allusions to it being a happy place but no concrete descriptions.)  I have also heard explanations involving believers being turned into angels, but again the purpose of this was never made clear.

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