Atheist vs. Theist

An Honest question on the creation on the earth

I have been wondering this for awhile.

 The earth is very rare to have all the things going for it, that it really needs to have human life. For instance...

 The sun is just the right size unlike 90% of other stars it is not to big not to small. If it were bigger human life would be limited if not impossible. If smaller the same applies. 

The sun is just the right distance away from us, same applies.

The right amount of oxygen is present in our air, if there was just 1% more oxygen fires would burn to strong for us to handle as easy. Or %1 less it would be a ton harder to breath.

Brian and Kelly asked...Does God forgive any sin?

This is in response to a Question Brian and Kelly asked Krik and Ray?


Their question was Doesn't Bible say that God will forgive you for any sin except Blashpemy? 

the Answer is defintely YES!!!


But the Bible doesn't say you can live sinful and still be His child.

 God will forgive you for anything, 

if you believe confess and repent  you shall be forgiven 

But you can't take advantage of the Grace of God and still claim to be a child of God

Yes He will forgive you for anything but that doesn't give you a licesnse to Sin as you guys were incinuating  

Why the Universe cannot be infinite.

Hello, everyone.  This is my first time posting a forum and I am very new to the website.  Below I will be posting my opinion as to why the universe cannot be infinite.  I'm not a scientist , nor philosopher, so if there are holes in the arguement please express them.  I can be reached easier at my e-mail [email protected].


The universe that we can observe, the universe we know, is a real physical universe.  If we possesed the means we could travel throughout it's space.  We could visit various stars, see the planets, and build sandcastles on some far away moon.  The universe we live in exists in our dimensions of experience.  This physical universe, therefore must be governed by the laws we also observe, physics namely.  Some of these (like gravity) are fairly easily observed.  Planets and stars would not be able to form if matter had no gravitational force.  However, time also is effectual in the universe.  The same planets and stars that formed due to gravity did so according to the governing rule of time.  It is my belief that if time exists anywhere in the universe than the universe cannot be infinite, as the two are contradictory.  Infinty is only a conceptual idea, nothing that can be proven in this world.  We have no basis of observation.  Nothing in nature has "always been."  If the universe is eternal (defined as always existing, never having a begining) there would spring a mathematical impossibilty, due to time.  An infinite past would resulty in having an infinite number of events (creation of stars, etc.)  and this would not be possible as each new event would add to the infinite.  I hope I am being clear.  Mathematicians can only work with infinite numbers in the conceptual realm, because it absolutley fails to work when applied to the logic of our universe.  I will try to simplfy my statement above:  How can someone add something new to something infinite?  Doing so would show that the subject is not really eternal, due to the fact it has increased.  The only answer we have is since time exists in the universe is that the universe must have a begining.  Some scientists and philosophers have theorized that our universe was created by another larger "mass-producing" universe.  This only makes my point larger in scope.  And there are other evidences pointing towards the begining of the universe that helps to verify the claim, such as an expanding universe resulting from the Big Bang.

tmajor's picture

Tom from RepentanceChallenge

Hi, my name is Tom, and I am the admin at I am a born-again, bible-believing, Jesus-worshipping, blood-bought, sanctified, seed-sowing, saved by grace not by works, child of God. Say that five times fast Eye-wink.

My purpose in coming here is not to start arguments, although because of the nature of this discussion it may be hard to avoid. I am primarily here to uphold the truthfulness of God and His written word, the Bible. Also, not only will I argue for the existence of God, but I will argue that all religions are false (tom, you said what?!?). I will openly say that religion has caused much trouble throughout history, and the only hope for mankind is not religion, but relationship!

Christian seeking truth

I am a Christian and I think an open analysis of different systems of thought is very important.  When I look at the atheist world view, I end up puzzled.  If atheism is true, then what are our thoughts?


This has me puzzled.Undecided

Science needs God

Proof of God: A Short Essay

1) Science itself proves the existence of God. Every time a claim is made through experimentation, science is proving the existence of God. However, where debate arises is in the definition of God, and this is where science struggles. Science cannot develop a definitive hypothesis for God, as God is not natural or testable. This, however, does not mean science cannot develop a hypothesis for the existence of God.

2) Humanity does not control the universe or make it what it is. No matter what we think, say, or believe; facts will still be facts, laws will still be laws, and the universe will still exist as it is. A person could command gravity to “stop”, however, despite what is said gravity will still continue to function regardless. We are not the cause of the universe.

wavefreak's picture

Infallability of the written Word (i.e. Bible)

I have been working on a 'proof' that the Bible cannot be the perfect expression of God's Word. Seeing as I am a theist, I suspect this will become known as the Bob Heresy and I'm going to hell, but oh well. I would also be surprised that this argument has not been offerd up previously.

1) God is infinite

2) Written languages are composed of a finite set of symbols combined to represent various concepts

3) Any finite set of symbols for any written language  can only represent a finite set of concepts

4) You  cannot fully describe something infinite being with a finite set of concepts

The right to believe

I'm new here so I don't know what you guys might think about this, but as an atheist, do you believe in a person's right to be a Christian?  I personally believe that people should always have the right to believe in what they want to believe in. I'm coming at this as a Christian but I just wanted to know what you guys think.

Reverend Greed's picture

Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda

This new quack has become a media circus. This man is claiming to be the “Man” Jesus Christ. Dr. Miranda also believes he’s the antichrist.

Here’s a link to his website: Growing In Grace.

What’s ironic here is that in the Bible - an individual does NOT proclaim to be the antichrist. In fact, in the book of Revelations this person will state he is Jesus Christ. Dr. Miranda obviously doesn’t get that notion. I mean, how will Armageddon take place when this individual is claiming to be both. Although, this fairy tale of the second coming is what these nuts base it on - it goes without saying that I am siding with the Christians who think this guy was a botched abortion on this one.

Stophe's picture

Comfort and crew offer $10K for a transitional species?

Is this offer real?

If it is, does anyone know what the details are? Can I simply submist a list like the one below and collect my $10k?

Is there something legally binding in the website that offers the money? Or is the offer

"I will give $10,000 to the first person who can prove to me that they have found a genuine living transitional form (a lizard that produced a bird, or a dog that produced kittens, or a sheep that produced a chicken, or even as Archaeopteryx—a dinosaur that produced a bird). Species do not cross, no matter how long you leave them. " Ray Comfort (from the website above)

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