Atheist vs. Theist

A true Godly annointing

MOD Please Read

He is the contact information for Dr. Caner
For more information go to or call ************ or email ***********.

Prophecy is Testimony to God's actions...

...provided it has a good chronological backbone to it.

 Biblical Chronology shows today that God exists, that He has been at work in the affairs of mankind especially in relationship to governments and His people Israel.  Athiests will commonly challenge Theists to produce "a reason" to believe that God exists, and I believe I can provide this "reason."  The only thing left is for athiests to leave open the possibility that there exists a reason that would convince them.

 Anyway, prophecy, which is God telling us things before they happen is a reason to believe that God is outside of time ordering the events of mankind.  The Jews have provided us with ancient texts that make outstanding claims of the future, and of God.  Let us examine them with candid minds.

we accept your challenge

hey everyone.....i go to liberty university. this past wednesday night one of our campus pastors, Ergun Caner, had a message where he talked about and directly to the RRS about the blasphemy challenge. everyone needs to see this video. here is the link......



Our challenge is to speak with us on our show, we can give you the same fairness decried to us in your video.

laguna117's picture

The arguments from analogy and their ridiculous (ab)use

We see a lot of arguments from analogy in atheist vs theist discussion. I saw the "trouble with atheism" video on youtube (a british report) which abused it ridiculously by comparing science to religion, darwin being the prophet and "the origin" being the bible.

 Analogy arguments are often sophistic. This is much more a "metaphor" but not a real analogy. The characteristics of religion is that the sacred text, by definition, is sacred, whereas Darwin's work is considered a major advance in biology, but not unquestionnable at all. If you read evolution theory papers of the last 80 years, most papers published and acclaimed are the one which contradicts the details of the basic theory. Scientists are more than happy to be able to question this so-called "sacred book" (see the Neutral theory of evolution e.g.) and thus the analogy stops here. The only thing which is really unchanged since the book was published is the fact that life DOES evolves, but merely because it's such an obvious and observable fact (and it was actually hypothesized before darwin).

Pathofreason's picture, Insane Propaganda

I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this but I was wondering if anyone has seen this Christian site, People wonder why there is so much intolerance in this world. I think some of us need to post some things on this site and educate these ignorant fools.

This is their motto:"Energizing and Equipping Teenagers to Know, Live, Share and Own their Faith in Jesus."

This is an example of what you should say to an Atheist, Andy the Atheist to be more specific! haha. they have a stupid name and description for every set of beliefs

"The first thing you need to ask an atheist is "do you really seek to discover the truth - even if it costs you your reputation, and even your friends?" If the answer is no, then realize that he/she is not willing to go where the evidence leads; you won't be having an honest intellectual dialogue, but your conversation may still have a spiritual impact.

todangst's picture

Endless false assertions about the "God the iron worker' argument

St. Michael's endless rants about everything my arguemnt is not..

ChosenByPasta's picture

Request for links

Hey, I only have the chance to post on this forum every now and then, but I was wondering if there are any users in here that have been posting in this forum for a long time that would be willing to dig up some old debates and share them. I'm looking for some really good ones. 

I'm just looking for the usual "why believe in a god?" or "theism vs atheism" type of debates. 

Rational Debate

To whom it may concern:
            The reason I am coming on this is not to debate online. I ask that you would come to Liberty University to debate some of the greatest thinkers in Christianity that are alive. I know that you feel that you have proven that there is no god and to believe in such is irrational. However, I ask that you would come with only two rules: the rules of logic apply and that no one would make any profit out of it. The CDs or DVDs would be sold and the cost would be the making of the disc. You can bring who ever you would like: including Dawkins, Carrier, Harris, or Price. This is the chance that both sides have been waiting for. This would not be a trap and there is no hidden agenda. Respect will be shown to both sides (no booing or clapping). The only clapping should be when people are introduced and after the debate. For more information go to or call 434.592.3338 or email [email protected].

A Liberty University Student

todangst's picture

St. Michael, Why Won't You Respond to This?

I've been posting and reposting these points for weeks, but St. Michael refuses to respond.

Now, some might ask why I don't just let it pass.


Because St. Michael is currently emailing me on a daily basis, demanding that I debate him on these issues.


Yet, the reality is that the debate has been here for weeks, and Mike refuses to even acknowledge it, let alone respond.

I maintain the obvious here: that the reason Michael doesn't respond is because he can't respond - he's already refuted himself here. There's nothing he can do but fall to more bizarre rationalizations (and have the board point this out to him yet again), or concede that he's conceded that faith is ungrounded assumption.


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